看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源: https://reurl.cc/L0Mega If you’re still confused about Kevin Durant’s weird Friday night, the NBA has released a statement on the matter in an attempt to provide some clarity: “Kevin Durant has tested negative three times in the last 24 hours, including two negative PCR tests today. However, someone he interacted with this afternoon subsequently had an inconclusive test result return shortly before the game. Durant was initially held out of the game while that result was being reviewed. Under the league’s health and safety protocols, we do not require a player to be quarantined until a close contact has a confirmed positive test. “During the game, a positive result was returned for the person Durant interacted with this afternoon. Once that test was confirmed positive, out of an abundance of caution, Durant was removed from the game , and contact tracing is underway to determine if he was in fact a close contact of the positive individual.” Steve Nash said on a Zoom call with reporters after Friday’s loss that he doesn’t expect Durant will travel to Philly, but that has not been decided. 簡單結論: 雖然 KD 檢驗結果都是陰性, 但他有接觸到檢驗結果不明的人士, 並後續確認該人士確診. 所以今天中場被叫出去了. Nash 表示: KD 目前看來可能不會前往費城打下一場對七六人的比賽 (還不確定) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1612585438.A.503.html
pagenotfound: 可愛跟PG之前也這樣缺席一週 02/06 12:25
takechance : 沒差 順便輪休啊 02/06 12:25
ben870616 : 幫q 02/06 12:25
shasen1235 : 愛亂跑齁 02/06 12:27
sosoyo : 籃網太強,聯盟要求輪休 02/06 12:28
warm0808 : 籃網整隊不用塞檢? 02/06 12:29
sezna : #Free KD 02/06 12:30
brian455461 : KD本季第二次隔離了阿 02/06 12:35
arrowsean : 不是檢驗結果不明,跟KD接觸的那個人是陽性確診。 02/06 12:36
arrowsean : 檢驗結果在比賽打到一半出來,所以KD才被請出去。 02/06 12:37
※ 編輯: josherion ( 臺灣), 02/06/2021 12:39:40
kevin789 : Bruce brown繼續扛4號QQ 02/06 12:39
josherion : 感謝指正 02/06 12:39
dragon49er : 戰績表真的是防疫排行榜 02/06 12:50
cmy512 : 害我高興一下因為腿又~ 02/06 12:54
justgetup : 讓KD休一下也好 02/06 12:56
chauncey817 : KD休一下 可愛表示羨慕 02/06 13:07
freijaking : 籃網穩了,七六打殘破的拓荒二軍都能被慘電 02/06 13:07
supercam1 : 羨慕啥 我納德早就因爲相同原因休過了 02/06 13:20
zaza1128 : KD休養一下,太操了 02/06 13:32
Verlander35 : 休息也好,也祈禱他沒中吧 02/06 13:33
Evonn : #free me 02/06 13:33
taikonkimo : 真的讓kd休息吧 反正籃網沒第一進季後也沒差 02/06 13:42
DoubleA5566 : 話說KD不是中招康復了,聯盟還是不放行喔? 02/06 13:52
skixhbyu : 這又不會免疫,抗體只會持續幾個月而已 02/06 13:53
olin7745 : 可愛要打電話請教KD了 02/06 14:19
Liszt1025 : 為什麼一堆人覺得中過就不會中第二次?這又不是水痘 02/06 14:27
Luvsic : 得過不會免疫的新聞不是最開始就有了 02/06 16:08
Luvsic : 更別說現在還有一堆變種 02/06 16:09
O10lOl01O : 別鬧了~沒KD看個屁 02/06 20:15