看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
消息來源:(網址或出處) https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1383811848110178324 https://es.pn/32rBpe4 內容: 作者:Adrian Wojnarowski The NBA has instructed teams to be vigilant about the impact of a potential verdict this week in the Derek Chauvin trial for the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, including the possibility of game postponements, sources told ESPN. The looming specter of possible protests, civil unrest and team reactions in the aftermath of a verdict has the league office preparing for the prospect that a night or two of league games could be postponed this week, sources said. Closing arguments are expected Monday in the case against Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer who faces charges of second-degree murder, third- degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in Floyd's death after he held his knee on Floyd's neck for more than nine minutes in May 2020. Chauvin has pleaded not guilty to the charges. The Minnesota Timberwolves and Brooklyn Nets postponed a game last week after the police shooting of an unarmed Black man, Daunte Wright, during a traffic stop in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis. The Timberwolves started a four-game, seven-day Western Conference road trip on Sunday in Los Angeles. The NBA and WNBA postponed a full slate of playoff games after another Black man, Jacob Blake, was shot by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during the NBA's restart in Orlando, Florida, in August 2020. The Milwaukee Bucks boycotted a playoff game against the Orlando Magic, triggering a full stoppage of league games for three days. ESPN incorrectly reported that Jacob Blake was unarmed when he was shot seven times by Kenosha, Wisconsin, police. Blake said in an interview with Good Morning America on Jan. 14, 2021 that he was carrying a small pocket knife, which he said he had initially dropped. 重點摘錄: 消息來源告知 ESPN,聯盟已提醒球隊,注意本周在涉及 Derek Chauvin 之審訊中,可能 作出的判決之後續影響,包括但不限於可能出現的比賽延期。(該警員被指涉及於去年五 月在明尼蘇達州掐喉九分鐘、並殺死喬治・佛洛依德 (George Floyd) ,目前面對二級謀 殺、三級謀殺及二級誤殺等指控,但都拒不認罪,預計當地時間星期一將進行結案陳詞) 消息來源也表示,下判後可能出現的示威抗議、内部衝突及球隊反應等因素,使得聯盟辦 公室需要為可能將本周部分比賽延期進行之事作好準備。 短評或心得: 感覺看來,有點心驚膽顫…… -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (馬來西亞) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1618788466.A.B70.html
sathyathen : 人權鬥士們又要罷工了嗎 04/19 07:42
turnpoint : 現在總統是民主黨的,BLM不會搞下去的 04/19 07:45
hunt5566 : [爆掛]拜登根本管不到 04/19 08:00
TimmyJiang : 執政黨是自己人一樣能抗議呀,鬼島不就示範過了,這 04/19 08:01
TimmyJiang : 時候就是叫救援投手上來扛 04/19 08:01
TimmyJiang : 川維拉牛棚熱身中 04/19 08:01
handfoxx : 罷賽嗎? 我要看血流成河 04/19 08:02
ahinetn123 : 謝謝拜登 04/19 08:08
semaj909097 : 4樓觀念正確 誰執政就是拉前朝出來鞭 04/19 08:24
vgil : 川普遺毒啊 叭叭 04/19 08:37
seiya1201 : 籃網教練團表示密切關注KI的情緒變化(?) 04/19 08:38
※ 編輯: laptic ( 馬來西亞), 04/19/2021 08:41:36
vincecarterx: 執政黨的黨主席還會上街頭抗議呢 到底誰是總統== 04/19 08:42
god80309 : 如果抗議的話 川普會笑死 04/19 08:52
aegisWIsL : 四樓合理 04/19 09:15
lpca : 執政黨出來抗議 某島不是常會發生嗎~ 04/19 09:16
lingen : Irving 會又請假嗎(私人因素) 04/19 09:19
madeathmao : 薩滿準備施法啦,大家注意 04/19 09:27
ebv : 執政黨為何不能出來抗議? 推側翼和卵葩組織就行了阿 04/19 09:27
magamanzero : 就算有 規模也很會很控制 責任也都是they的錯 04/19 09:41
alan9064 : 4%滾去數字版好嗎 04/19 09:43
azlbf : 實際上根本不可能判警察有罪 04/19 09:59
kkjjkkjj : KI先知 04/19 10:10
swingingbear: KI:又有理由休假囉~ 04/19 10:28
yun0215 : KI 休假要幹嘛呢 04/19 10:30
devin0329 : NBA板一堆不懂美國種族衝突議題但只看到抗議者中的 04/19 10:50
devin0329 : 老鼠屎就抹黑全體都是暴民 04/19 10:50
devin0329 : 整天在八卦版電影版NBA版仇視黑人、酸BLM、一邊口 04/19 10:50
devin0329 : 嫌體正直看NBA 04/19 10:50
devin0329 : 搞清楚,NBA球員幾乎都支持BLM,不爽不要看 04/19 10:52
c332008 : 推樓上,而且那些都是整天把尼哥掛在嘴邊的人ㄏ 04/19 10:54
a180310444a : ki:又有理由開pa嘍 04/19 11:11
watwmark : 其實 尼哥 和 黑人 是有差異的 04/19 17:28
watwmark : 尼哥通常指的是沒學經歷又不務正業 只能跑去混幫派 04/19 17:29
watwmark : 之類的黑人 04/19 17:30
minoru04 : 是阿 因為不爽不要看所以收視率大跌啊 04/19 18:08