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來源: 官網 (轉美聯社): https://on.nba.com/3dtBfJv 作者:Tim Reynolds 原文: The Houston Rockets say that guard Sterling Brown was assaulted by unknown individuals after the team arrived in Miami late Sunday night, suffering cuts to his face. Brown was not playing Monday against the Heat, though the team said that was because of a recent knee injury that has kept him out for a total of five games and not the altercation. “Last night, Sterling Brown was the victim of an assault,” the Rockets announced in a statement issued Monday evening. “He had no prior knowledge of or interaction with the assailants. He suffered facial lacerations but will make a full recovery.” The team did not divulge any other details. It was not immediately known if any incident reports were filed with police. (中略,都是過去的事情) Rockets coach Stephen Silas said he spoke with Brown on Monday and was relieved that he would be fine. “Heart-wrenching. Rips your heart out,” Silas said. “It’s one of your guys, someone on your team that you care about, someone that you’re with every day. As far as how I’m feeling and how the team is feeling, we’re all just thankful, No. 1, that he’s going to be OK — and also down about what happened.” 大意: 根據火箭發佈的一份聲明稿,在火箭隊於星期天(當地時間)晚間抵達邁阿密、備戰客場 賽事時,後衛 Sterling Brown 在某間夜店外遇到襲擊(頭部被酒瓶打砸),導致臉部受 刮傷。截至星期一為止,還在醫院治療中。 據聲明,他本人不曉得襲擊者的身份,但預計不會受到太大的影響。除了前述內容,該球 隊並未透露進一步的詳情,因此外界也未能即時確認,當事人是否已經報警處理。 *該球員因日前膝部受傷,沒有出戰對熱火隊的比賽 事後,總教練 Stephen Silas 向福斯體育新聞的記者表示: 「我已經和他談過了,他的情況已經好轉了……希望他會沒事。真讓人心痛,撕心裂肺…  …他還是你關心的一個人……幸虧他沒事,但也為早前發生的事感到難過。至於我感受  到的和團隊感受到的,我們都第一時間覺得慶幸,他將會沒事——但也對發生的事情感  到失望。」 短評: 出外真的要時時保持警惕啊…… -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (馬來西亞) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1618880977.A.888.html
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