看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
EARLY IN HIS tenure as owner, Sarver once tried to impress upon employees how big of a Suns fan he was and how excited he was to lead the organization. After all, he had been attending games since he was 8 years old. 在沙佛入主太陽的早期時代,他試圖像員工們宣揚他對太陽的熱愛,還有對領導整個太陽的熱情,隊畢竟他8歲開始就關注球賽 。 In one meeting, to drive home his point, Sarver passed around a picture of his wife in a Suns bikini, multiple former longtime employees told ESPN. 一次會議中,為了表示他(沙佛)的觀點,他向眾人傳閱他老婆的比基尼辣照。幾位長期任職於太陽的成員像ESPN透露 One former executive who was in the meeting said, "We're passing it around like a hot potato. Like, what in the hell are we supposed to do with this? That was just, you know, one early glimpse at the man." 一位參與其中的管理者說,我們視之為燙手山芋,並迅速的傳遞,或者說我們到底該怎麼做?你知道的,這只是冰山一角 Sarver responded through his legal team: "This is a perfect example of how things get twisted," he said. "In the first year of my ownership, a local apparel retailer had recently been awarded the license to sell official NBA branded swimwear. The retailer sent my wife and me a sample along with a brochure, and I took a picture of her in the sample. I took the brochure and picture of her and gave it to the people at the Suns in charge of overseeing merchandise with the message: 'Here's the catalog, this is what the swimsuit looks like, and if you have any interest in carrying this line in the team shop, then here's the number to call.'" 沙佛通過法律顧問回應,這件事情就是如何利用部分事實扭曲全像的真實展現。「這是我擁有球隊的第一年,當地一家泳裝場獲得生產NBA logo泳裝的資格,我收到了樣品與目錄。我的太太試穿並拍了張照。」 「我把照片與樣冊交給我們的商品部,並告訴他這就是實拍&資料·如果他們對這個產品有興趣可以打電話給他們」 (這邊還有額外的意思,大概是樣品被他老婆穿過,所以他只能提供照片而不是原味樣品。其實我真的不知道哪種比較變態) More than a dozen employees recalled Sarver making lewd comments in all-staff meetings, including discussing times when his wife would perform oral sex on him. Four former employees said that in several all-staff meetings Sarver claimed he needed to wear Magnum or extra-large condoms. Former employees said he asked players about their sex lives and the sexual prowess of their significant others. 十多位員工回憶,沙佛在全體員工會議發表他的太太替他口交了幾次;四位員工說沙佛曾跟他們說「world 很大,需要XL套子」也有人說,沙佛詢問了球員的性能力。 "Women have very little value," one female former staffer said she felt. 「女人的產值很低」一位女性說沙佛想表達 "Women are possessions. And I think we're nowhere close to where he thinks men are." 「女人只是一種所有物,她們想取代我們(男人)的位置還早的很」 Through his legal team, Sarver denied talking about his sex life with employees and said he had "absolutely not" talked about condoms. 通過法律顧問,沙佛否認與員工討論性生活、更沒有提過保險套。 Before the 2008-09 season, a pregnant Suns employee who was helping coordinate the 2009 NBA All-Star Game in Phoenix was told by Sarver that she wouldn't be able to continue in that role, two employees with knowledge of his remarks said. The two employees said Sarver explained that the woman would be breastfeeding and would need to be home with her newborn. 一位09年原負責在太陽舉辦的全明星賽事的懷孕女員工,在08-09賽前被沙佛告知,她將離開這個職位。沙佛告訴其他員工,她需要哺育並返家照顧新生兒。 "It was so out of line and so inappropriate," one of the employees familiar with the remark said. Some employees believed that such a move would have violated discrimination and employment laws, and the two employees said other members of Suns management quickly rebuked Sarver and told the female employee she would remain in her role. 「這已經越線了,而且非常不恰當」一位員工說 一些員工覺得這已經涉及歧視並違反雇用法。太陽的其他管理人員喝斥了沙佛,並讓那位女員工回到原崗位。 Sarver, through his legal team, denied ever saying such a thing: "In the context of potential accommodations, I told her, in no uncertain terms, that the Suns were 100% behind her, and that we were prepared to provide support for her, whatever that meant. I remember discussing potential temporary adjustments to her schedule and the best way to tackle the All-Star weekend with these considerations in mind. She worked during the All-Star game." 沙佛通過法律顧問否認了 在方便的情況下,我告訴那位員工,太陽隊將百分之百支持她,我們將提供支援,不管她需要什麼。我記得我們討論過她(生產)時程可能造成的臨時調度,以及這些問題可能對全明星賽造成的影響。而她也在全明星賽週完成了她的工作。 “If the commissioner comes in and investigates to see what the f--- is going on in Phoenix, [he] would be appalled." 如果NBA派專人來調查,他將會大吃一驚 One current Suns business operations employee In March 2011, Sarver berated that same female former employee over a tribute video to honor then-Suns executive Rick Welts, according to two employees with knowledge of the interaction. Sarver's issue was that he wasn't featured more prominently in the video and that, instead, it featured more of former Suns owner Jerry Colangelo, who hired Welts. At one point, the woman broke down in tears, to which Sarver said, "Why do all you women around here cry so much?" 據兩位了解真相的員工說 2011年,在一個致敬太陽前高管Rick Welts的影片中,沙佛斥責了一位前女員工 因為沙佛並不是影片的主角,而太陽的前老闆在影片一直出現。 一時之間,女員工淚流不止,而沙佛卻問其他人,你們周圍的女人也這麼愛哭嗎? Sarver, through his attorneys, said that the incident did not happen and that he doesn't "remember a single instance that an employee ever cried in front of me." As for the video, he said he "certainly would not have objected to including Mr. Colangelo in a tribute video." 沙佛透過律師說,這件事情不是真的,沒有女員工在我面前哭過。他也不會反對前老闆出現在影片中。 Soon after the incident, multiple female former Suns employees said Sarver asked some of them to have lunch with women who worked at a bank he oversaw as CEO. The perception among some female employees was that he believed some women with the Suns weren't as tough as the women who worked at the bank. 事情發生不久,沙佛要求太陽女性員工應該要與他擔任執行長的銀行內的女性員工一起吃午餐,他覺得銀行的女員工遠比她們堅強。 "So humiliating," one female former employee said she felt about the arranged lunch. 太令人困窘,一位女員工覺得被安排的午餐讓人不舒服。 Sarver, through his attorneys, said, "Networking relationships between the Suns and the bank have been encouraged for men and women. I think it's really productive for everyone when there's collaboration among stakeholders and the opportunity to share best practices with folks that you wouldn't necessarily talk to in the normal course of business." 沙佛認為,太陽隊與銀行之間應該要有更多連結。正常的情況你們不會互相交談,但我認為她們應該好好互相交流並學習。這是一個最好的實踐機會。 A female former marketing employee said Sarver would frequently use language such as, "Do I own you? Are you one of mine?" "He makes you feel like you belong to him," the employee said. 一位女性員工說,沙佛一直用「你屬於我嗎?」 「你是擁有妳嗎?」等言語 「他想讓妳覺得妳是他的所有物」 Several employees recalled separate instances in which Sarver referred to staffers and players as "inventory." Sarver, through his legal team, denied using such language. Said one former executive, "[His mentality is], 'If you don't like it, there's the door, you can get the f--- out of here." 在一些其他員工的回憶中,還有一些例子。 其中一個例子是沙佛將員工與球員視為庫存 。 沙佛否認了這個用語 一位高管說,他的態度就是「如果你不喜歡,腳在你腿上,你可以他X的離開這裡」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1636965324.A.709.html
GoodGoodEat : 沙佛一直透過法律顧問回應 也是很聰明 11/15 16:41
azlbf : 其實就是ESPN先給他文件,然後沙佛透過法務逐條回覆 11/15 16:44
hanslins : 這才算真的有料,但要幹掉殺佛順序反了,應該先爆 11/15 16:47
hanslins : 這個就好,其他由小道消息傳出,這樣才能真的讓他 11/15 16:47
hanslins : 無法解釋,那裡有先放根本是笑話的指控再放猛料, 11/15 16:47
hanslins : 真實性打五折,重點是根本沒有證據,end 11/15 16:47
Landius : 所以前面屈臣氏是來鬧的? 11/15 16:49
hanslins : 事實上我遇過朋友拿他拍的女友裸照要給我看,我根 11/15 16:50
hanslins : 本不敢看,她女朋友很漂亮但認識的人超尷尬,到底 11/15 16:50
hanslins : 要我做啥反應?看迷片比較輕鬆 11/15 16:50
Landius : 這個還比較算是打政治正確,叫屈臣氏先發真的是浪費 11/15 16:50
Landius : 時間… 11/15 16:50
cidcheng : 這個還比較像是有問題 11/15 16:52
hanslins : 其他指控我現實上真的遇到有老闆這樣幹,但是把前 11/15 16:52
hanslins : 老闆的事跡拿到現在老闆前放也蠻白目的,重點是有 11/15 16:52
hanslins : 證據嗎?有才能幹掉殺佛 11/15 16:52
GoodGoodEat : 覺得不假 因為細節滿具體 但感覺不是很有殺傷力 11/15 16:53
bestteam : 我是覺得有點矛盾一方面說他是暴君但屬下也都很敢嗆 11/15 16:54
hanslins : 事實上屈臣氏是殺佛恩人,果然錢沒白給,完全轉移 11/15 16:54
hanslins : 焦點,殺佛只要接受前面就好 11/15 16:54
bestteam : 嗆完沙佛還會乖乖聽話改正 這形象真夠怪 11/15 16:55
Aggro : 這感覺真實性不低 但嚴重性好像也不到一刀斃命 11/15 16:55
hanslins : 這種事情很像真的但是沒證據就是屁,我前老闆這種 11/15 16:56
hanslins : 事沒少幹,難道我指控他他就會認? 11/15 16:56
ken720331 : 沒有什麼大把柄只是真的是盪森老闆...而且錢應該都 11/15 16:57
ken720331 : 花在法務上面XD 11/15 16:57
jzsc5566 : 好爛的指控 難得有一件事讓人想支持大老闆 11/15 16:58
Aggro : 看起來比較像北爛又小氣 還有一堆艘主意… 11/15 16:59
hanslins : 尤其前面真的解僱女員工才能真的拿來指控,他都收 11/15 17:00
hanslins : 回成命了你要控告他啥?部門間互相交流也是常態, 11/15 17:00
hanslins : 尤其是女性對女性,你要是女性對男性傷害才大,我 11/15 17:00
hanslins : 被老闆罵多學學A難道也是歧視?能力被懷疑而已 11/15 17:00
hanslins : 而且他被嗆還會收回命比很多老闆好了 11/15 17:01
hanslins : 白爛餿主意小氣不早就知道的? 11/15 17:02
choonst : 太陽隊的補強大概要失敗告終了 11/15 17:07
luck945 : 終於稍微有些料了,但目前看起來沒足夠證據 11/15 17:07
ken720331 : 大家期待的可以下台應該是沒戲 11/15 17:09
Aggro : 目前看來還沒踩到天條阿 11/15 17:10
vgil : 10幾年前的事現在才拿來爆 實在沒什麼力道 11/15 17:13
hanslins : 唯一一個可以殺殺佛的被避掉了,就是解僱懷孕女員 11/15 17:16
hanslins : 工 11/15 17:16
sezna : 殺佛全交給律師回 很聰明 11/15 17:18
Luvsic : 也沒什麼先發,這就同一篇超長文 11/15 17:29
Landius : 我知道是超長文,但你前面就浪費一堆篇幅在屈臣氏這 11/15 17:32
Landius : 邊,後面的殺傷力全數會減半啊. _A_|| 11/15 17:32
Landius : 面對屈臣氏這種對手,殺佛看起來就像黃金佛殺,然後這 11/15 17:33
Landius : 邊看起來頂多從黃金佛殺變成原來的佛殺最終型態. 11/15 17:33
Landius : 搞不好超長文下來直接變成連變身都不用的佛殺一指幹 11/15 17:34
Landius : 掉巴達克+貝基塔行星. 11/15 17:34
JusufNurkic : 就一個一個反駁而已 11/15 17:45
JusufNurkic : 而且正常人都挑對自己有利先回應 11/15 17:45
fande : 整篇就沒證據;而且真的,前面那些硬要跟種族歧視 11/15 17:51
fande : 扯上關係的發言只會讓後面這段像是硬掰的一樣,誒 11/15 17:51
fande : 要幹掉殺佛你也認真點 11/15 17:51
SCLPAL : 我老闆也愛搞午餐會.... 11/15 18:05
yellowocean : 看起來就是一個不好的老闆,但是要一刀斃命?科科 11/15 18:11
nuturewind : 看完只會對偽女權偽黑人權,自助餐SJW更討厭了 11/15 18:22
s90188 : 開黃腔的有影片啦,但是很難嚴重到會讓人下台 11/15 18:26
firemm666 : 他老婆說不定就喜歡他這樣 只是員工根本不想知道他 11/15 18:42
firemm666 : 們怎麼打砲 11/15 18:42
nnkj : 我看成大腸老闆 11/15 18:51
AgentZero : 不要放那個黑覺教練的指控說不定還有機會 11/15 19:10
chen5575 : 沙佛:我的戰鬥力是53萬 11/15 19:42
justaID : 跟上篇比這篇比較有料,但覺得離一槍斃命很遠耶, 11/15 20:27
justaID : 重點是沒關鍵證據 11/15 20:27
asidy : 黑人女權聯合出手欸,哈哈哈 11/15 20:45
xo1100 : 猶太人果然不是吃素的 11/15 21:42
lkk88 : 自曝性事很爽嗎? 難以理解... = = 11/15 22:00
humbler : 覺得太蝦了 11/15 22:59
geass88097 : 這翻譯是…?? 11/16 00:59
gowaa : 這篇比較有料一點 不過... 嗯= = 11/16 08:10