看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
因為按照原本的篇幅,可能會超過10,避免洗版所以我把預計每天的兩篇結合成一篇。 https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/32440987/phoenix-suns-robert-sarver-allega DURING THE 2009-10 season, Sarver entered the Suns' training room and saw reserve forward Taylor Griffin, older brother of NBA forward Blake Griffin, lifting weights. He noticed that the 6-foot-7, nearly 240-pound Griffin, who had been a serious weightlifter dating back to high school, didn't have hair on his legs. 09-10賽季,沙佛進到太陽訓練室看到Taylor 在重訓,他是BG Blake Griffin的哥哥。Taylor從高中開始就是一名認真的重訓員,沙佛注意到他沒有腿毛。 Sarver, according to two people who witnessed the interaction, asked Griffin whether he shaved his legs. Griffin said he did. Sarver then asked, "Do you shave your balls, too?" One basketball operations staffer said Sarver separately asked the question of others in the organization several years later. 沙佛問他,你剃腳毛嗎? Taylor回覆是的。 沙佛問:「你也剃你睪丸上的毛嗎?」 兩位見證者這樣說 而在幾年後,沙佛也單獨向別人問了這個問題。 Sarver, through his legal team, said: "I don't remember using those exact words, but I did make a joking reference to men's grooming habits with Taylor Griffin once in the locker room. I remember that Taylor laughed at my comment." 沙佛透過法務表示,「我已經忘記準確的用詞了,但某次我的確對Taylor的男士理容習慣開了玩笑,我記得Taylor還嘲笑了我的評價。」 When reached for comment, Griffin told ESPN, "At the time, I took it as a joke. Looking back on it in the context of today, for a leader of a company or the owner of a team to say such a thing is inappropriate." ESPN聯繫Taylor,Taylor說當時他當作一個玩笑。但現在回想覺得老闆(沙佛)這樣說話並不適合。 Multiple employees told ESPN about demeaning sexual comments and conduct by Sarver that made them feel uncomfortable, even as attempted humor. 多名員工告訴ESPN 沙佛貶低式的性玩笑令人不適,即使是他想展現他他幽默感。 During the 2012-13 season, two former longtime staffers said, Sarver addressed players before they headed to Los Angeles for a game. The team had performed poorly there, and there were rumblings that players were enjoying the nightlife to the point that it was hindering their play. Sarver, addressing the players, offered to fly women to Los Angeles -- the implication was clearly sexual -- if players promised to be in bed at a reasonable hour before the next day's game. The gesture wasn't taken seriously, a former staffer who was in attendance said, but standing within earshot was a female staffer who was mortified. 12-13賽季,沙佛在前往洛杉磯比賽之前找他們談話。球隊在那表現不好,而傳言是因為夜生活太豐富導致他們沒辦法打好比賽。 沙佛對他們說,乾脆提供女人在飛去LA的途中 (抱歉 我不知道這邊offer to fly women 是指哪些女性 ,球員的家屬? 女員工?或其他?) - 這很明顯是性暗示- - 如果球員承諾可以在賽前好好睡覺。 這沒有被大家認真對待,但旁邊一位女性員工卻因此面紅耳赤。 When the Suns were recruiting free agent LaMarcus Aldridge in the summer of 2015, the team knew that Aldridge had young children in Texas and that playing near them was appealing. During the recruitment, Sarver remarked to two basketball operations staffers that the Suns needed to have local strippers impregnated by NBA players so those players would have children in the Phoenix area and feel obliged to be closer to them, giving the Suns a potential edge in free agency, the now-former staffers said. 在15年太陽想要招募AGG - ALDRIDGE- 阿基師 - 球隊知道因為AGG的在德州有兩位幼童,這讓德州能讓AGG在兒子附近打球而顯得有吸引力。 沙佛跟工作人員說,何不讓NBA球員多讓幾個鳳凰城的脫衣舞孃受孕?這樣他們才會在這有個小孩,這會讓我們招募自由球員更有優勢。 (其實我自己看起來比較想殺佛在嘲諷) "A lot of the stuff he says is to get a big reaction. And who's going to tell him that he can't?" said one of the former staffers. "He speaks in threats. He likes that awkwardness. He likes people to know that he's in charge. He wants control. He wants control of every situation and every person." 「他知道他的話會有多大的反應,但有人敢跟他說嗎?」他用威脅代替對話,他喜歡看到人們尷尬,他喜歡讓每個人知道他負責所有的一切,他正在掌控。他想要掌控所有情況跟每一個人。 Sarver, in a letter from his legal team, denied making either remark. 沙佛在法務的回信中否認 "The answer is a categorical, no. I never said anything like that. Period. Aldridge was debating whether to play for us or San Antonio. I learned that part of his decision to go to San Antonio was because he had family connections there. We were sorry to miss the opportunity to sign LaMarcus, and I lamented that fact." 「答案是肯定的,我絕沒說過這些話,當時AGG還在猶豫我們(太陽)或馬刺,據我了解他在那的家人影響了他的決定,我們遺憾錯過了簽下AGG,我為這個事實感到遺憾。」 *接下來是提到David Bodzin,但不是每個人都知道這些事情,所以我提供ref 給大家參考,因為網站不給複製,原文請直接點進去看* https://celebhook.com/david-bodzin-robert-sarver/ David是一位體育高管,他最近因為指控沙佛而出名。雖然他已經離開太陽,但在這期間他的遭遇讓人震驚 他與其他人一起指控沙佛 「有毒」「種族主義」「沙文」「性騷擾」 目前30來歲的David資歷非凡,但根據ESPN的報導當時25歲的他對於沙佛的羞辱毫無抵抗能力。 當時沙佛在60位員工面前指名他做當時流行的冰桶挑戰並羞辱他,隨即他就離開了太陽 Former Suns account executive David Bodzin said that in August 2014, Sarver pantsed him in front of more than 60 employees at the team's ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. A former senior basketball staffer and a former senior marketing employee confirmed this account to ESPN. In the aftermath, Bodzin said, an HR representative smirked and said, "Please don't sue us for sexual harassment." "I had no idea what to say to that," Bodzin told ESPN. "What does a 25-year-old say in that situation? They say, 'OK.' "I was shellshocked. And as I've thought about it more, every year that it has gone by that I've thought about it, makes me angrier that I didn't come forward about it. ... My power was minimal in that had I said something as just an account executive, I felt that I would have been blacklisted from the industry." Through his attorneys, Sarver said: "I would like to apologize directly to David Bodzin. I remember this incident from seven years ago. I never meant to cause any harm or offense -- and I certainly did not mean to embarrass Mr. Bodzin. At the time, I thought this was taken as a joke by everyone in the room. I understood, a short time later, that this was inappropriate. This was purely on me, and it was a misguided attempt at humor." David表示當時沙佛在眾人面前給他的羞辱讓他喘不過氣,事後人事部門還怪笑著說請別投訴我們性騷擾。 「我不知道該說什麼」David說「我不知道一個25歲的人該表示什麼?他們會說 Ok」 我感到驚嚇,我越想越多,甚至每年都會想起,這讓我憤怒,因為我沒有挺身而出」 最為一位員工,我渺小而無力,我怕成為業內的黑名單 沙佛通過律師表示「我記得七年前的那些事,我必須向David道歉,我沒想過冒犯任何人或帶來傷害,我當然也不是有意讓David難堪,我認為當時的大家在一起玩笑。不久後我了解了這並不恰當,全都怪我,這是一次不合時宜的幽默」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1637045146.A.47B.html
EZ78 : XDD看起來就是個噁男慣老闆 11/16 14:47
Bilison : 越想越不對勁篇 11/16 14:47
sojames : 其實真的蠻噁的 11/16 14:48
jyekid : 為什麼想問蛋毛 11/16 14:49
ARCHER2234 : 不知道為什麼,這篇的我覺得還好,難道我也是噁男, 11/16 14:49
ARCHER2234 : 不要啊 11/16 14:49
Aggro : 噁男無誤 有些玩笑太過頭 11/16 14:50
azlbf : 我可能會這樣跟大學室友講 但不會在職場講 11/16 14:50
EZ78 : 工作場合開這種玩笑怎麼可能還好。 11/16 14:50
EZ78 : 私底下我也覺得問題不大 11/16 14:51
ARCHER2234 : 對吼,想到不是在跟朋友講的,就越想越不對了 11/16 14:51
egghard29 : 看起來就一堆自以為幽默的黃腔 對有些人沒問題但對 11/16 14:52
Mory36 : 你老闆在公司問你蛋蛋毛剃了沒 誰可以接受的... 11/16 14:52
Aggro : 他可能覺得和其它人很熟可以這樣嘴吧 11/16 14:52
egghard29 : 有些人會感到冒犯 但是這樣要讓沙佛賣球隊應該很難 11/16 14:52
azlbf : 如果單獨問其實也滿噁的 11/16 14:52
Aggro : 但實際上人家沒靠北回去只是因為你是老闆不好意思嘴 11/16 14:53
azlbf : 但3-4個好朋友似乎就還好 前提是他們很熟 11/16 14:53
EZ78 : 不過最後那個是全公司集體霸凌了吧= = 11/16 14:54
westley : 這就職場性騷擾無誤啊 你當成玩笑 別人覺得不舒服 11/16 14:55
westley : 就是性騷擾了 11/16 14:55
Aggro : 不過看到現在 我還是不覺得這樣能讓他下台… 11/16 14:56
s925407 : 這比較類似權勢性騷擾,,蠻糟的行為,但要憑這樣 11/16 14:58
s925407 : 就要他下台有點難度 11/16 14:58
cross980115 : 我覺得那個是在嘲諷 不過老闆的身分不太適合講 11/16 15:01
cross980115 : 很熟的話嘴砲一下是還好 不熟就有點噁 11/16 15:01
shau7276 : 殺傷力不足,法務也都回應的很好,尤其幾段指控屬 11/16 15:02
shau7276 : 於越想越不對勁的(當下覺得只是玩笑)……這樣沒 11/16 15:02
shau7276 : 法換掉殺佛啊~我陽迷我失望 11/16 15:02
Aggro : 陽迷超期待一刀斃命的XD 11/16 15:03
Aggro : 我是覺得沙佛應該是有些常識異於常人 就像他會覺得 11/16 15:04
cross980115 : 第一段本人當時還覺得就是個玩笑 11/16 15:04
cross980115 : 殺傷力就很低了 11/16 15:04
Aggro : 牽一頭山羊去總管辦公室叫做打氣ww 11/16 15:04
Mooninbottle: 典型直男癌末期老闆 11/16 15:04
josephh : 感覺就是有錢慣老闆得罪不少員工/高層 然後現在敵 11/16 15:06
josephh : 手要用政治正確弄下他來接手賺錢的太陽隊 11/16 15:06
s925407 : 就是噁男老害,在他手下工作一定很哭爸,但是沒有 11/16 15:06
s925407 : 一刀斃命的證據還是沒辦法讓他下台吧 11/16 15:06
cross980115 : 洛杉磯那段看得出來有想解決問題 可方式真他媽爛 11/16 15:06
josephh : 所以太陽這季打這樣是要坦不坦 11/16 15:06
cross980115 : 但結果球員本身好像不在意 讓旁邊的女性工作人員聽 11/16 15:07
cross980115 : 到不太應該就是了 11/16 15:07
Aggro : 太陽幹嘛坦XDD CP3還在拚他的總冠軍阿 坦啥鬼 11/16 15:07
sasewill : 我不信有誰被老闆問蛋蛋有沒有剃毛會覺得好笑的 11/16 15:07
josephh : 老人有時候說話就沒在顧慮別人自以為幽默啊... 11/16 15:08
cross980115 : 有CP3 坦屁喔XDD 11/16 15:08
Aggro : 對 就像很多老人都會自以為幽默那邊嘴 11/16 15:08
josephh : CP3不在場上 太陽打那個什麼鬼...一起跟瓜哥好好退 11/16 15:08
josephh : 休吧... 11/16 15:08
findwind0826: 機巴有錢人 也沒到多出格 11/16 15:11
alankira : 這些嘴砲黑歷史就要人賣球隊喔 11/16 15:13
alankira : 西區第二哪裡坦= = 11/16 15:16
xkiller1900 : 就是噁心的老白沙文X,但是好像不夠致命,不足以拉 11/16 15:20
xkiller1900 : 他下來 11/16 15:20
llull5566 : 能打的人幹嘛退 什麼白癡邏輯 11/16 15:25
llull5566 : 還是太陽下面的全都去坦 11/16 15:27
shau7276 : 九連勝的球隊叫開坦,那全聯盟都在坦了 11/16 15:29
jzsc5566 : 這種不即時反應 10年後才在咪兔的有用嗎 11/16 15:58
De950805 : 看起來是真的有性騷擾 不過這種程度的指控可能要再 11/16 15:58
De950805 : 來個幾十個才有可能讓沙佛下台吧 11/16 15:58
jzsc5566 : 當事人十年前都覺得是玩笑了 現在越想越不對勁 11/16 15:59
azlbf : 因為ESPN這樣問 如果他回到Ok 沒問題 Taylor也會變 11/16 16:01
azlbf : 噁男同路人 11/16 16:01
azlbf : 最佳解應該是前幾篇的某球員直接說忘記了 11/16 16:02
flicker36 : the 越想越不對 11/16 16:12
hanslins : 嗯!這種好幾年前的很難一擊必殺,哥們間這種玩笑 11/16 16:15
hanslins : 很常,如果對女生就不一樣了 11/16 16:15
hanslins : 重點是男生私下都覺得沒啥,但公開誰敢講沒啥?這 11/16 16:16
hanslins : 也是社會壓力 11/16 16:16
Landius : 算是有刀了,但捅不死 11/16 16:31
qaz19wsx96 : 越想越不對勁==笑死 11/16 16:47
lkk88 : 一路看系列文 薩佛就是個低級沒水準的老闆@@ 11/16 17:18
lyk191947 : 看完這些指控都是隔靴搔癢,完全撼動不了 11/16 17:24
AgentZero : 最大問題就這些指控都沒證據 11/16 18:55
chick1227 : 這些都顯示老闆就是個嘴賤沙豬,但好像都不致命 11/16 19:09
ueiueiuei : 有點無聊,還沒出重拳嗎? 11/16 19:31
choonst : 幹,今年最好的補強機會要失敗了啦 11/16 19:34
urgrandpa : 就是個嘴賤不懂場合的機車人,這種如果是領薪水的 11/17 08:09
urgrandpa : ,多半會被炒魷魚沒問題,不過球隊是他的個人財產 11/17 08:09
urgrandpa : ,因為這樣就要逼人家賣球隊,實在是有點過頭了 11/17 08:09
henry0426 : 看起來就是黃色笑話開過頭 11/17 15:24