看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. https://twitter.com/TheSteinLine The Raptors appear poised to become the first NBA team subject to crowd reductions this season for COVID-19 reasons after Ontario announced new capacity limits going into effect for Toronto's home date Saturday with Golden State The Raptors just confirmed they will stage home games at Scotiabank Arena at 50% capacity beginning Saturday against Golden State while also implementing an "enhanced mask protocol" called Operation Mask Up that could result in ejection for those who don't follow the guidelines. 暴龍隊成為第一支球隊 減少50%入場人數的球隊 並加強口罩規範 如違反將會被請出場 以上規範將在週六對金州勇士比賽開始執行 2. https://twitter.com/ShamsCharania In wake of dozens of players entering COVID-19 protocols in recent days, the NBA and NBPA are in talks to increase testing among players — vaccinated or unvaccinated — for all game and practice days, NBPA’s Michele Roberts tells @TheAthletic @Stadium 由於近日球員確診增多 NBA和球員協會商談 在所有比賽和訓練日 增加對已接種或未接種疫苗的球員的檢測 Sources: The NBA’s first known player case of the Omicron variant was discovered in a recent positive COVID-19 test. The CDC estimates the new variant is now three percent of US cases. 近期確診球員中已知有人確診最新變種病毒Omicron 根據CDC預估全美有3%確診者是Omicron 3. https://twitter.com/wojespn The NBA and NBPA had already agreed to start testing vaccinated players without booster shots on Friday, but there are conversations around further testing and protocols with the uptick in positive cases. NBA和球員協會同意對沒施打加強劑的球員進行檢測, (後段同Shams) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1639608577.A.1AB.html
c332008 : 樓下停賽哥 12/16 06:54
Miyanishi25 : 還不棒賽嗎 12/16 06:55
CHU094080 : 還不烙賽嗎 12/16 07:00
NanaoNaru : 泡泡湖雙雄準備好了 12/16 07:03
Wishmaster : Twitter詩人準備出沒 12/16 07:05
godofaluba : 還不甲賽嗎 12/16 07:08
shau7276 : 3打3全場啦 12/16 07:35
formap : 泡泡神獸要來了嗎 12/16 07:37
ramirez : 泡泡神獸準備好了 12/16 07:40
MFultz20 : Ki的案例怎麼算? 12/16 07:41
shfunhuang : 個案啦 哪次不是個案 12/16 07:42
RadioMan : 樓下社會運動家KI本尊 12/16 07:46
tasimichael : 泡酸出籠 12/16 07:49
airandy1102 : 快點泡泡吧 12/16 08:03
gju88888 : 泡泡神獸颯爽登場 12/16 08:11
Notif520 : 泡泡神獸強勢回歸 12/16 08:14
bravo : 好的,武漢肺炎 12/16 08:21
tenka92417 : 有人中OMG哦 12/16 08:25
MaRin0725 : 泡泡神獸已經準備好了 12/16 08:26
AtDe : 還不口賽嗎 12/16 08:43
littlelaibia: 太猛了吧 對勇士搖錢樹人氣場欸 12/16 08:45
kilmmy149 : 該停賽了吧..拜託 12/16 08:56
rothanlin : 姆咪要出籠支持泡泡賽了,真大腿AD在泡泡有神力加持 12/16 09:00
seanmom : 沒打疫苗的球員 該統計了 12/16 09:12
OrniG : 還好紀錄已經破了,不然暴龍超虧 12/16 09:15
ayumi001 : AD摩拳擦掌準備好了 12/16 09:18
jerrylin : 先停賽三個月等疫情過去算了 12/16 09:31
gidens : 疫情不會過了啦 別做夢了 12/16 10:51
liusim : 看疫情統計 一堆國家都放推了;這筆帳真的難算了 12/16 10:58
fxp87117 : 西方左膠加油,亞洲崛起靠這波 12/16 15:35