看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源: hotnewhiphop 網址: https://tinyurl.com/2cvnkabx Kevin Durant Challenges Fan After They Show Off Vintage KD Kicks 有球迷穿復古KD鞋點名KD KD回應 In the eyes of most NBA fans, Kevin Durant is the best player in the league right now. Some will say it is Giannis while others might say it is actually Steph Curry, however, that would be recency bias. Either way, there is no denying that Durant is one of the best talents the NBA has ever seen. He has always had immense prowess on the court, and you can't help but admire his work ethic given the fact that he faced an Achilles injury just a few seasons ago. 在大部分NBA粉絲眼中,KD是現役最佳。有些人會說是字母哥,有些人可能會說是咖哩。 不管如何,都會各自的看法。總之,不可否認KD有著史上最佳天賦之一。他在場上有著 明顯的實力,而幾年前他因為阿基里斯腱受傷,但是他的工作態度讓人不得不愛他。 In addition to his play, KD is also known for having a phenomenal sneaker line with Nike. The Nike KD line has led to some amazing shoes, including the Nike KD Elite 8 which has some clean colorways that cost a lot of mine on the resale market. 除了打球外,KD也在Nike有專屬鞋,這系列出了一些很棒的鞋子,其中包括了KD Elite 8,有著乾淨的顏色配置,在轉售市場上也很搶手。 Recently, a fan took to Twitter where he showed off his white and navy blue KD Elite 8s. He mentioned KD in the tweet saying "here's something you don't see every day." Of course, KD is an avid Twitter user and he eventually saw the fan's tweet. This made him issue a challenge to the fan saying "If u don’ t go get a bucket in those today then I don’t respect this post lol." 最近有個推特球迷在他的推特上展現了他穿著藍白色的KD Elite 8的鞋子,他在推特上 tag了KD,並且說,「這可不是每天都可以看得到的喔~~」而KD,這位活躍的推特使用 者,最後當然是看到了這則推特。這讓KD對這位球迷發出了挑戰,他寫道: 「若是你今天穿了這雙鞋然後沒有去打個籃球,對這則推特文我是不給尊重的~~笑死~」 球迷推特影片: https://twitter.com/i/status/1539567645170843652 KD推特: https://twitter.com/KDTrey5/status/1539606224403976192 截圖https://imgur.com/NJO50db.jpg
-- KD: KD是史上最強籃球鄉民 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1655969038.A.D1A.html
zero9613719 : 7777 06/23 15:25
Ikaruwill : KD:這小貓識貨喔 06/23 15:27
faithful : 比較想問他穿這雙要花多久時間 https://i.imgur.com 06/23 15:30
Demia : 不愧是推特界的GOAT 06/23 15:32
faithful : https://i.imgur.com/65A0Tr0.jpg 06/23 15:32
pppbruce : 同一雙不同顏色 06/23 15:34
st890284 : 勾勾在那有點醜== 06/23 15:35
Ayanami5566 : 雨鞋笑死 06/23 15:39
Bakushinchi : KD:識貨哦 06/23 15:43
steven183 : KD8 讚讚 06/23 15:44
newtypeL9 : 那是什麼雨鞋XDDD 06/23 15:45
AmigoSin : 翻譯:小貓粉舊不穿壞,我新的怎麼賣? 06/23 15:45
fishinthesky: 不愧是籃球宅宅 06/23 15:46
Qorqios : 雨鞋吧xd 06/23 15:56
SeanR : 本來以為AJ28夠奇怪了 沒想到還有KDelite8 06/23 16:06
emptie : 糸柬 王求 女子 口馬 06/23 16:07
kixer2005 : 亂講 哪有大部分 字母屌打 06/23 16:07
crowley : 笑死~ 06/23 16:09
pokiman : 滿喜歡的當初本想買 06/23 16:17
akko76815 : 484在臭 屯鞋不打球 06/23 16:36
metalj : KD還比鄉民打更多字 06/23 16:45
mono1023 : outlet看過超詭異 06/23 17:03
CW4 : KD:KD每天都在推特監督你們這些小貓咪 06/23 17:25
mmk : kd:在你叫我練球前就先叫你去練球 06/23 18:25
uini : 貼腳的雨鞋 06/23 18:49
kattte : 真的要去打個球XD 06/23 18:56
Wall62 : KD: 臭小貓穿了KD鞋還不去打球 06/23 19:07
crusoe : KD: 炒鞋仔笑死 06/23 19:16
Strasburg : 原來穿靴子也能打籃球 06/23 19:56
QVQ9487 : 穿KD9 跟 KD12打起來超爽 不過不怎麼耐磨 06/23 20:20
chenchenje : KD親民 06/23 20:22
whhw : XD 06/23 20:48
EricTao : 5樓的圖 kd隊友盯著看 06/23 21:48
EricTao : 那鞋配kd的腿 好像雞腳 06/23 21:49
dragonjj : ㄥㄞㄝ 06/23 22:24
Wishmaster : 7777777777 06/23 22:39