看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
What that media circus felt like? Spurs it's an organization. That keeps everyth ing very tight, very in house. And you get to La you get TMZ outside restaurant, what sort of that chaos felt like? 主持人:被媒體包圍是什麼感覺,馬刺是一個把一切都保密的密不透風的組織。 而你到了 洛杉磯,就會看到TMZ在餐館外等著。 這種混亂感覺怎麼樣呢? I mean I don't really do much. I'm really home reading my books doing things I try to stay out the way as much as i can. At the Spurs. I haven't really no medi a coverage, coming here, it is way different, you know , because I used to after a loss. I could go on my phone or something or go home. Um and chill, you know, talk to my homies. You lose with the Lakers, you all over you're all over Twitt er, you suck, you're all over. Lonnie : 我並沒有做太多的事情。 我大部分時間都在家裡看書、做事情,盡可能的避免引 起注意。 在馬刺隊時,媒體報導並不多,但來到這裡後,情況完全不同。 你知道,當你輸 了比賽,我以前可以看看手機或回家放鬆一下,和朋友們聊聊天。 但你如果是在湖人隊輸 了比賽,你就會被所有人批評,推特上到處都是你的不好表現。你爛透了、你完了。 To keep it a buck like even when I was growing up and I would watch like one of my favorite players or LeBrons. You know per se player and stuff like that ,and someone and they lose. Oh I'm going crazy, this dude is garbage. I probably don' t really mean it. But at that time since lost and you ain't play up to your capa bilities, I gonna say you suck. Lonnie : 說實話,在我成長的過程中裡,當我看著一些最愛球員,比如說詹姆斯之類的球 員,並且他們輸了比賽。 我也會抓狂的說,這傢伙垃圾。 其實我可能並不是真的這麼認為 。 但是那時候我們輸了比賽,你沒發揮出你的實力,我就會說你很爛。 So you signed the one year deal with the lakers in off season, what was it abou t the purple and gold in this squad in particular that made. You want to come to LA and how motivated are, you knowing, that you just got this one year deal bec ause you've been balling out, you got career-high show, what I'm saying doing yo ur thug dizzle banging on dudes, almost banging on the dudes that, I would give to points still just because it looked beautiful. How much that motivated. You t hough just to just to come out here and do it you know show the world. 主持人:所以你在休賽季和湖人簽了一年約,是什麼讓你想加入這支紫金球隊,你知道自己 只簽了一年合約,但你表現得非常出色,打出了職業生涯最高的表現,猛撞對手,差點就要 灌籃得分了,我還是會因為那個美妙的動作而給你分數。你有多少動力來展示你自己,讓全 世界看到你的實力呢? Motivated me a lot, you know, I think one of the biggest things for me is I want to see how far I can get in with this league, how great of a player that I can be and, you know, with the Spurs, you know, it was a situation of growth, you k now, I injured. My I got injured my injured my rookie year and I was kind of lik e a step back, you know, going to the Lakers and having like a prove to deals pr o it was probably one of moments where I'm like I can finally show what I'm capa ble of doing. You know, rather if it's not even at the highest of schemes, but b eing allowed to just play through my mistakes you know and be myself. So when I got the call that I was going to be a Lakers man I worked out probably an hour a fter I heard about that just ready to go because you know you come in here. It's this is a big franchise. Lonnie : 這讓我非常有動力,你知道,我最大的願望之一是想看看我在這個聯盟中能走多 遠,能成為一名多優秀的球員。在馬刺時,那是一個成長的過程,我在新秀賽季受傷了,這 讓我有點倒退了。去湖人隊,有一份試試水溫的合約,這可能是我可以展示自己能力的時刻 之一。無論是不是最高水準的比賽,我都被允許在犯錯中成長並且做自己。所以當我接到湖 人隊的電話聽到消息後的一個小時就去訓練了,因為你知道你來到了一個大球隊。 I mean, it's felt good, you know, I'm still having my ups and downs and trying t o find my way, but it's been great, you know, being able to have players like Le Bron and Davis. It makes the game, way easier yeah you know, I'm an offensive pl ayer. I'm gonna get bogus regardless. But when you have those two players when t he focus is on them, I mean the shots come easy. Lonnie :我還在經歷起伏,還在努力尋找自己的方式,但這是很不錯的經歷。 能夠擁有像 詹姆斯和戴維斯這樣的球員,讓比賽變得更容易了。 我是一個進攻型球員,無論如何我都 會得分,但當你有這兩個球員時,因為他們是焦點,進攻就更容易了。 Have you learned anything from playing with lebron like other things you'll take with you for the rest of your career ? 主持人:和詹姆斯一起打球,你學到了什麼,有哪些經驗可以帶到你未來的職業生涯中? I think one of the best things that I've really got to watching and is just his consistency, you know, whether it's a back-to-back game, long road trip, you kno w, he's at that facility 8 A.M. and he's getting some work, he's one of the firs t players always to get to the facility and whether it's getting treatment, you know, recovering lifting watching film. He's very adamant on just the amount of time that he has sacrificed on the team for basketball, and I kind of just shows why he's one of the greatest Players all the time which kind of shows why he's been to the finals. So many damn times because he's locked in man. And he knows every other teams plays, he knows how they going to play him. He tells us where to go, where to be listen, if you see me right here , i need you to cut right he re, you'd be wide open. I got you. You just walk to it. Ball just land right in your hands. Okay, everyone's like dang Lonnie you cutting really good. It's Lebr on is telling me to cut. Lonnie :我覺得我最欣賞的事情之一就是他的穩定性,不管是背靠背的比賽或是長途跋涉, 他都在早上八點就會到球場開始訓練。他總是最早到球場的球員之一,不論是接受治療、舉 重還是觀看比賽的錄製影片,他都非常堅定花大量的時間在籃球上。這也解釋了為什麼他是 史上最偉大的球員之一,也解釋了為什麼他多次進入總決賽。因為他一直專注於籃球,他知 道對手的所有戰術,知道他們會如何對付他。他會告訴你如何跑位,應該做什麼,如果你看 到我站在這裡,我需要你從這裡切入,你就會完全空出來。你只需走過去,球就會傳到你手 中。每個人都覺得我切的很好,是詹姆斯告訴我該怎麼切的。 I wanted to ask on the trash-talking. Note is there someone that surprised you w hen you got into the league trash-talking wise be it with when you're playing in San Antonio. Or hear someone's that's trash talk you were like I did not think it would be him. 主持人:我想問一下關於垃圾話的事情。在你進入聯盟時,是否有人在垃圾話方面讓你感到 驚訝,無論是在你在聖安東尼奧打球時還是聽到某個人的垃圾話,你會覺得這不是你會想到 的那個人。 No, not really, i would say. Pat Bev is pretty good at what he does. Yeah, most trash-talking tends to come from the bench. Lonnie : 不,其實沒有。Pat Bev 這是他擅長的技能。大部分的垃圾話都來自板凳球員。 Worst dressed teammate? 主持人:誰穿著最沒有品味? Austin Reaves man No it's not that he don't have drip, he's real life one of those cool. white boy s, that wear the and sweatpants but he just can't come to the game with the same sweatpants in the same hoodie with the same ones and I'll like--yo AR come on. We gotta talk about this but yeah, he's from Arkansas, he don't care. Lonnie : AR,這並不是因為他沒有時尚感,他在現實生活中是那種很酷的白人男孩,穿著 球鞋和運動褲,但他不能每次來比賽都穿著同樣的運動褲和同樣的連身帽T,我會對他說: 嘿,AR,我們得談談這個問題。但他來自阿肯色州,他不在意這些。 Just in the same clothes every time. Like a cartoon character. 主持人:只是每次都穿一樣的衣服。 就像一名卡通人物。 https://youtu.be/uQQaylZbcww
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1676547880.A.07E.html
kevenchia : 小新也總是穿同一套衣服 可愛 02/16 19:45
Wardyal : 不知道還有沒有辦法進入輪替 02/16 19:46
JWrld4L : 抓到了 詹黑 02/16 19:48
jim12441 : 湖人輪替很滿了,乖乖冰箱吧 02/16 19:49
starain : AR真的就老史跟何納賽克那樣 超old school的白人 02/16 19:49
karta1992560: 現在好像沒什麼上場機會 02/16 19:50
madeathmao : 想走monk模式重新打出身價,不太成功 02/16 19:50
gracetrade : 抓到,偷臭ar不注重打扮 02/16 19:50
ooxxman : 新同學一來就被擠到板凳末端,走路草沒發揮空間 02/16 19:50
destinyx2 : 現在可用之兵太多,草沒什麼上場時間了 02/16 19:51
MK47 : AR就跟我同事一樣 可能一樣的衣服有很多套 懶得搭XD 02/16 19:51
PanaS0Nic : 很酷的白人男孩 02/16 19:52
CannedHamEgg: Dlo Beasley Schroder AR 後衛太多Walker掉出輪替 02/16 19:53
stevenlin33 : 前段時間LW其實打得真的算不錯 02/16 19:54
icou : AR那邊很有畫面 02/16 19:56
zego41 : 至少穿運動褲帽T之類的 穿個格紋襯衫不像打NBA的 02/16 20:00
a3221715 : AR真的很單純 02/16 20:01
a3221715 : 草季初扛第三得分點 現在陣容完整 冰人火腿調度比 02/16 20:02
a3221715 : 較簡單 02/16 20:02
yuanmi1283 : AR很帥耶 02/16 20:05
DonDonFans : 小孤獨ar 02/16 20:07
ljk476820 : AR穿搭不錯吧XD 02/16 20:10
ginopun10477: AR每次都差不多 就帽T什麼的 很素 就是簡約乾淨這樣 02/16 20:11
ginopun10477: AR本身也蠻帥 隨便穿都帥 02/16 20:12
ken720331 : Old school很好 02/16 20:12
selamour : 有人發現到他是講He<don't>care嗎XDDDDD 02/16 20:15
zqAI3yGOAT : 要不是硬限制,球員打不好鄉民也一定噴那兩個字 02/16 20:16
selamour : ball don't lie. he don't care.大概黑人英語吧~ 02/16 20:16
TheoEpstein : AR...XDDDDD 02/16 20:18
aa01081008tw: 沒草的位置了..頂多垃圾時間讓他上來 02/16 20:22
a0987761110 : 籃球員的身板基本上隨便穿都好看啊XD 02/16 20:24
gt12345 : 語言就是意思到就好 不用那麼在意文法 02/16 20:24
knn2001 : 敢說遊牧帝皇爛透了 找死? 等著被御用霉體追殺吧~! 02/16 20:24
jyekid : 我都被允許在犯錯中成長並且做自己>>難怪以前在馬刺 02/16 20:25
jyekid : 看他打球老覺得很彆扭猶豫 02/16 20:25
THEGASTBY : https://i.imgur.com/X5Q00TS.jpg 02/16 20:28
lafeelbarth : 鄉村曼巴 02/16 20:31
tgmrvmle : 走路草瞬間變成守開特力的 02/16 20:34
jetloading00: AR確實穿的很素人XD 02/16 20:43
a48956312 : 鄉民糾正美國人英文 02/16 20:44
rolandgjh : 褲子馬: 02/16 20:50
liang850409 : 沒3沒D 如果沒有德軟可能還有你的時間 可惜了 02/16 20:51
Wavecloud : 他敢在媒體批評自己的實際老闆才奇怪吧 02/16 20:54
bbbruce : 我覺得他還不錯 但教練不愛用 02/16 20:55
Windows11 : 黑人講white boy=沒事 02/16 21:30
matsuwu : 他誇獎的人在這裡被噴爛XD 02/16 21:45
tytytyu2 : AR 真的很像只有那幾套衣服 02/16 21:55
virus2007 : WALKER滿好的,不知為何一堆人嘴他 02/16 22:04
hasroten : 龜龜人也很好啊 球場上下要分開看吧 02/16 22:10
xkiller1900 : 阿肯色州躺槍喔XDDDDDDDD 02/16 22:52
sunnydragon7: 每次都穿同樣的衣服,不就是海綿寶寶,上班都穿同 02/17 00:07
sunnydragon7: 一套 02/17 00:08
cktony : 證明酸仔其實是真愛 02/17 10:57
devin0329 : 白人講black boy也沒事啊,純膚色敘述哪來問題? 02/17 11:30
devin0329 : 仇黑仔垃圾真的可以滾去一邊,少在這撕裂族群 02/17 11:30