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※ 引述《ZIDENS (問這麼多幹麻)》之銘言: : 我突然想到 : 球員通常這種簽賭防範條款都是幾等親以內不能簽賭 : 幹你娘 : 我金藥丸 Reddit 評論: https://redd.it/1c6dz5u "FOR LIFE" 「永久」 "Cannot believe he thought he could get away with this. All time bag fumble" 「沒想到他自以為能逃過一劫。運鈔車翻了」 "Jontay Porter has been eliminated from Championship contention" 「Jontay Porter 已被宣告無緣冠軍賽」 "f***ing idiot" 「真他X的蠢」 "Next Inside the NBA, Ernie going to treat this seriously, Kenny is gonna say something serious, Shaq is going to add on to whatever Kenny says, and then Chuck is gonna come off the top rope with a solid joke and they’re all gonna crack up and start ragging on this dude" 「在下一集的「NBA 內幕」中,Ernie 將認真看待此事、Kenny 將說一些正經話、歐肥將 再補充Kenny 的談話,最後老巴會從頂繩上講出一個可靠的笑話,他們都會大笑並開始 對這個傢夥搞惡作劇。」 "honestly getting banned from the nba for betting on yourself is peak dudes rocking this guy is so f***in stupid" 「說真的,因為在自家人身上下注而被NBA 禁賽,真的好震撼 這傢夥真他X的笨」 "Cool now do Scott Foster" 「佛斯特心中暗爽」 "I just want to know who was bankrolling him with the millions he bet He don’t have that type of bread And it was in Colorado" 「我只是想知道,到底誰給他提供賭注的贊助?他根本沒那個本錢,而且還是在科羅拉多 州」 "Gambling needs to gtfo of the NBA. Leagues gonna have a much bigger problem in a few years." 「賭博應該要滾出 NBA,不然聯盟未來數年將遇到更大的問題。」 "The textbook example of “Get ready to learn Chinese, buddy.”" 「真的是教科書上的『夥計,準備好學中文吧』」 https://redd.it/1c5fqrb "Literally a gambling ad below this post for me right now." 「剛剛在這帖子下面又冒出一個簽賭廣告了」 "Light work compared to what Ippei was doing." 「相較於一平搞的,程度還算少得很多」 "There goes his HOF chances; I hope it was worth it." 「他沒機會入選名人堂了,希望這是值得的」 "Are we sure it wasn’t his interpreter...?" 「確定不是翻譯做的嗎...?」 "Oh man, hope MPJ doesn’t get sullied by this " 「天啊,希望MPJ 不會被捲入其中」 https://redd.it/1c6f475 "This lifetime ban was brought to you by Draft Kings" 「這則永久禁賽的消息,由 Draft Kings 為您提供」 "Hilarious that NBC.com showed me a bunch of gambling ads at the bottom of the article." 「好笑的是,國家廣播公司新聞網在該文章下方顯示一堆賭博廣告」 "With his stats, how could you tell if he was underperforming, lol." 「看了他的數據,應該不能說他表現是否不如預期吧,笑死」 https://redd.it/1c6ep38 (這是記者挖出他在因傷缺賽前的發言) "He was referring to the incredible position of getting to bet on NBA games as an NBA player" 「他說的是作為一位NBA球員,能針對比賽下注是多麼的棒」 -- 緊握的拳頭捏碎了願望 令鮮血流滿了掌心 無盡的翅膀猶如鎖鏈一般 沉重得令人無法動彈 只懂得失去的稚幼眼眸中 人們懷念永不復返的星光 每一盞點起的燈火 都綻放著生命的光芒 載著前行乃是命運 銘刻光輝 對誰都溫柔 歲月的痕跡    ——西川貴教《ヴェスティージ》(『機動戰士鋼彈SEED DESTINY』第四片頭曲) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (馬來西亞) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBAEasyChat/M.1713395727.A.0CD.html
LukaDoncic77: 這真的蠢,不如學小賭一平大賭翔平 04/18 07:39
Childishan : Denver 484在科羅拉多 那則推文是在影射哥哥? 04/18 09:32