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主要說的是尼克教練的發言: https://twitter.com/IanBegley/status/1783173391748354065 他對記者表示,相較「最後兩分鐘報告」,他更關切的在於「46分鐘報告」。並且表示他 知道裁判因為在第二場時對布倫森執法的表現而判不了犯規。 鄉民反應: https://redd.it/1cc3ej7 "NBA should make a 48 minute report fully available to the public. Really deliver betters and fans a comprehensive amount of stats and information to evaluate the impact of the refs on a particular game." 「聯盟應該要公開讓公眾檢視(完整的)48分鐘報告,這樣更能讓球迷們理解更多場上數 據、資料,並評估裁判(的執法表現)對某場比賽的影響。」 - "The only problem with this is the L2M is often unreliable and garbage. There should be a 3rd party who does full 48 minute reviews. I’d guess they’d be super ugly. Every NBA game has so many bad calls, missed calls, soft calls, etc. It would go a long way towards improving the game. The way the game is reffed is by far the worst part of watching an NBA game. " 「唯一的問題是最後兩分鐘報告通常不值得信賴、和垃圾沒兩樣。應該要有獨立第三 方作完整的48分鐘評估。我覺得他們做得非常爛。每場比賽都會有誤判、錯判等。 要改進比賽還有一段很長的路要走。裁判在場上執法的方式是觀看一場NBA 比賽中 最爛的部分。」 - "i dont even think they have 48 minute reports in private" 「我不認為他們私下有48分鐘報告」 "Basketball is just really hard to officiate, there will be dozens of missed calls every single game until the NBA empowers the replay center to take a much bigger role in officiating. Just as an example, it's insane that we have to deal with incorrect out of bounds calls when someone in a replay center can correct it in literally 5 seconds." 「籃球真的很難吹判,畢竟在重播中心於執法中扛起更重大的責任前,每場比賽一直都會 有漏判的情況。打個比方,在場上仍在嘗試解決錯判界外球響哨的時候,重播中心的人 卻能在五秒內處理問題,這很瘋狂。」 "Some teams have decided to foul like hell and call it defense. They know refs can’t/wont call all. Unfortunately players need to be aggressive on offense to counter this." 「有些球隊決定要瘋狂犯規,並稱之『防守』。他們知道裁判不會響哨。很不幸的,球員 們需要在進攻上更積極,以做出反攻。」 "In the 4th quarter Batum was literally hugging Brunson while guarding him off ball. If your gonna let them play then let them play" 「第四節的時候,Batum 看來在對布倫森進行無球防守時抱著他。如果要讓他們這樣做, 就任由他們吧」 "76ers fans going to continue to blame the refs instead of maxey for just rolling the ball out there for hart to snatch and then not boxing out because the Knicks freaking missed. It’s really embarrassing" 「76人球迷將會繼續責怪裁判,而不是梅西,因為他們只是將球滾到那裡讓 Hart 搶走, 然後因為尼克隊錯失機會而不在內線卡位搶籃板。實在太尷尬了。」 "Let's also talk about how everyone suddenly takes the l2m as gospel as if it hasn't been bullshitting for over a year now" 「也說說大家怎麼突然把最後兩分鐘報告當成佳音了,講得好像之前已經一年多沒有出現 一堆廢話的樣子」 -- 所以整場都檢查一遍,能解決問題嗎? -- 緊握的拳頭捏碎了願望 令鮮血流滿了掌心 無盡的翅膀猶如鎖鏈一般 沉重得令人無法動彈 只懂得失去的稚幼眼眸中 人們懷念永不復返的星光 每一盞點起的燈火 都綻放著生命的光芒 載著前行乃是命運 銘刻光輝 對誰都溫柔 歲月的痕跡    ——西川貴教《ヴェスティージ》(『機動戰士鋼彈SEED DESTINY』第四片頭曲) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (馬來西亞) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBAEasyChat/M.1713997488.A.178.html