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嘻哈圈大戰中! Kendrick Lamar vs Drake 這是Kendrick最新一首diss (meet the grahams) 裡的部分歌詞 Ayy, LeBron, keep the family away, hey, Curry, keep the family away To anybody that embody the love for they kids, keep the family away They lookin' at you too if you standin' by him, keep the family away I'm lookin' to shoot through any pervert that lives, keep the family safe 裡面提到勸Lebron與Curry要與Drake劃清界線 來避免未來可能的風波 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBAEasyChat/M.1714843460.A.A1B.html ※ 編輯: Weasley40 ( 臺灣), 05/05/2024 01:24:43 ※ 編輯: Weasley40 ( 臺灣), 05/05/2024 01:24:56
Weasley40 : 發完文就看到這篇: 05/05 01:36
Weasley40 : https://tinyurl.com/25a2vq5p 05/05 01:36
Weasley40 : 笑死 05/05 01:36
SKTDoinb : 老詹就最喜歡組Big Three的怎麼可能不挺 05/05 09:11
Childishan : 他現在應該忙著看比賽 05/05 09:12
ny53 : 前幾天熱身才在唱like that不是 05/05 14:03
ny53 : 雖然歌詞都唱錯XD 05/05 14:03
kevenchia : JCOLE看戲中 05/05 15:10
Childishan : 靠邀他唱like that的賽前可能是至少一個月前的東西 05/05 17:08
Childishan : 了吧XDDD 05/05 17:08
Weasley40 : Like that 也出一個月了 05/05 17:46