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https://redd.it/1cq8c79 "Ready for Piston fans to be outraged when we get the 5th pick again when that's the most likely scenario" 「如果活塞真的再次拿到第五順位(而且還是高機率的情況下),該隊球迷可能會開始暴 動起來了」 - "I'm thinking the exact opposite. Detroit getting the #1 pick in what might be the worst draft of this century would be the most Pistons thing ever" 「我的感覺恰恰相反。活塞可能會在本世紀最爛的選秀中拿到第一順位,這將是該隊 有史以來最偉大的事情。」 "We won 14 games for the 5th pick" 「贏了十四場比賽,只為第五順位」 "Pistons went 2-29 to get the 5 pick" 「為了拿到第五順位,活塞二勝二十九敗」 "Wemby rebuild getting light speed boosted by Toronto and the NBA" 「斑馬重建在多倫多和 NBA 的推動下得到光速提速」 "The most Atlanta sports thing of all time to get the #1 pick in THIS draft." 「亞特蘭大有史以來最具運動精神的人在這次選秀中獲得了第一順位。」 "Just got forwarded a copy of the script. Looks like Detroit is picking at 5 again, top three is gonna be Portland, Atlanta and then Memphis" 「剛拿到劇本複印件。看來活塞將再次拿到第五順位,前三位則交付給拓荒者、老鷹和灰 熊。」 https://redd.it/1cqfs4e "Houston finishing .500 and landing #3 is crazy. Ngl I had a heart attack until I realized this is the Brooklyn pick." 「火箭贏了一半場次,然後拿到第三順位,這很瘋狂。 說真的,在得知這是籃網的籤前,差點心臟病發了。」 - "Brooklyn loves to give away all their picks." 「籃網很愛送走他們手上的籤。」 "They gave Atlanta that “well damn here you go” number one pick" 「他們給了老鷹那隻『該死的給你吧』狀元籤」 "Play in and number one pick is crazy." 「擠進附加賽後,還能拿到狀元籤真是瘋狂」 "20 wins here we come." 「二十勝,我們來了」 - "Capture the Flagg" 「拿下 (Cooper) Flagg」 "Oh my god Pistons fans I’m so sorry" 「天啊,真是對不起你們,活塞隊迷」 "No way Hawks got the 1st pick lmao" 「老鷹拿到狀元籤真是出乎意料,笑死」 "WE HAVE WEMBY AT HOME NOW" 「我們家已經有斑馬了」 "If I was a Pistons fan I’d walk into the ocean like Godzilla" 「如果我是活塞球迷,我想像哥斯拉一樣走進海洋中」 -- 真的沒人猜得到這結局... -- 常羨人間琢玉郎,天教分付點酥娘。 盡道清歌傳皓齒、風起,雪飛炎海變清涼。 萬里歸來顏愈少、微笑,笑時猶帶嶺梅香。 試問嶺南應不好,卻道:此心安處是吾鄉。               ——【北宋】蘇軾《定風波・南海歸贈王定國侍人寓娘》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (馬來西亞) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBAEasyChat/M.1715556474.A.565.html ※ 編輯: laptic ( 馬來西亞), 05/13/2024 07:28:15