看板 NBA_Fantasy 關於我們 聯絡資訊
傷兵名單 Jonas Valanciunas / DeMarre Carroll 傷病概況/預估歸期 Could play Saturday against the Bucks (Valanciunas) Probable (Carroll) 球隊/球員變動消息 JV opted not to have surgery on the broken bone in his hand and he looks like he'll beat his prognosis. If Valanciunas can't play Saturday, he seems like a good bet for Monday. If he's floating on any waiver wires, go rectify that right now. His knee contusion has kept him out since Dec 5. Carroll has not played well and is only putting up mid-round value on the year due to his poor shooting. Expect him to pick it up as a buy-low target. Terrence Ross and Cory Joseph lose some value. 可能影響/發展 Biyombo/T.Ross/C.Joseph鑑賞期即將結束QQ... Carroll今年真的好難用,轉隊換體系差超多~ 好險手中唯一一支拿去交易半獸人XD --
valater:曖昧讓人變得更北七01/14 13:24
iammatrix:臣又來了01/14 13:24
apa9394:找不到嘿咻的證據01/14 13:25
wjuiahb:推一三樓....XDDDDDDDDDDD01/14 13:25
Naomm:何時該脫衣 何時該放進 ~~~~~~~~~~~01/14 13:26
gg123sf:連口爆都沒有勇氣~~~01/14 13:27
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA_Fantasy/M.1451132110.A.753.html
stmtake5566: Biiiiiyomm 12/26 20:27
demon77885: biyombo該丟了嗎QQ 12/26 20:52
NinePi: 接收的就是我r 12/26 20:54
stmtake5566: 再放一週再丟好了 qqq我的板~~~~ 12/26 21:07
KKyosuke: 先看個一兩場… 12/26 21:13
stussypoison: Carroll 已丟棄 12/27 00:04
KKyosuke: Biyombo今天14分12板4鍋0to 真不錯 12/27 08:11
yosi730807: 似乎該丟Biyombo撿Taj了,不捨Biyombo啊 12/27 14:15
KKyosuke: Taj還有的撿喔 12/27 14:16