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Scottie Pippen's Best Dunk On Every Team https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9x-1RYcCCc
Check out the best dunk of Scottie Pippen from all 28 teams in the NBA not including his team and pelicans, the pelicans have not yet founded during his era. Sorry for the other dunk that is not so good, the reason is it is difficult to find a best one and bad quality. 天下第二人 每隊一灌 盡顯身體素質 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA_Film/M.1498977721.A.D2E.html
wei2mos: 國王那球還真普通... 07/02 16:48
cejb2003: 第二次三連霸時期的對抗性真好 07/02 21:18
rxvt: 超音速寫成雷霆 西雅圖球迷會氣炸 07/04 07:34
trainstation: Pippen在空中的延展性和對抗性真的很恐怖! 07/05 07:32
trainstation: 好幾球都是自己成功防守後自己coast-to-coast快攻, 07/05 07:40
trainstation: 說明他攻守俱佳的特質。 07/05 07:40
glyandwwc: 推 07/07 00:05