看板 NBA_Film 關於我們 聯絡資訊
頻道名稱:ESPN 頻道連結:https://youtu.be/YD4JNbA8_OY?t=325
簡短敘述:影片內容不太重要,重點是魔術強生不小心,把酸民用語Westbrick 講出來,還講了兩次。 https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/basketball-words/brick You know," Driscoll explains. "Air balls (shots that don't hit the rim or backboard) and glass balls (shots that bounce off glass backboards like rockets). Around the league they call them 'bricks' because the ball falls like a brick after one of these shots." — Sports Illustrated, 18 January 1971 上面字典解釋,麵包球稱Air ball, 球打到後面的板子稱Glass balls,前兩種情況 都可以稱之為bricks(磚塊),因為麵包球/打板掉下來的樣子,和磚頭掉下來的樣子 很像。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (韓國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA_Film/M.1648012554.A.6A5.html
loki94y : 靠杯 這太尷尬了吧XDDD 不過其他人表情完全沒變XDD 03/26 02:54
Ben54743 : 只要我不尷尬 尷尬的就是別人 03/26 12:02