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課程名稱:個體經濟學 課程性質:必修 課程範圍:ch3ch4(含附錄) 開課教師:鄭鴻章 開課學院:商學院 開課系級:國貿系 考試日期(年月日):20190110 考試時限(Mins):120min 附註:試題本文: 每題佔20% 一、Suppose you are in charge of a toll bridge that costs essentially nothing to operate. The demand for bridge crossings Q is given by P=15-1/2Q. a. Draw the demand curve for bridge crossings. b. How many people would cross the bridge if there were no toll? c. What is the loss of consumer surplus associated with a bridge toll of $5? d. The toll-bridge operator is considering an increase in the toll to $7. At this higher price, how many people would cross the bridge? Would the toll-bridge revenue increase or decrease? What does your answer tell you about the elasticity of demand? e. Find the lost consumer surplus associated with the increase in the price of the toll from $5 to $7. 二、Sharon has the following utility function: U(X,Y)=√X + √Y , where X is her cinsumption of candy bars, with the price Px=$1, and Y is her consumption of espressos, with Py=$3. a. Derive Sharon's demand for cnady bars and expressos. b. Assume that her income I=$100. How many candy bars and how many expressos will Sharon consume? c. What is the marginal utility of income? 三、請以數學推導「邊際效用遞減」與「邊際替代率遞減」兩者之因果關係;並以之求出 消費組合(X,Y),兩財當其為完全替代與完全互補時之效用無差異曲線。 四、假定X財價格不變,消費者所得不變,當Y財的價格下降時,請利用圖形分析說明 a. Y財為正常財 b. Y財為劣等財但非季芬財 c. Y財為季芬財 等三種情況。 五、請建立「所得-休閒模型」,分別以數學及圖形分析說明何以勞動供給曲線會呈現後 彎的形狀? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NCCU_Exam/M.1548922977.A.90F.html