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210508 NCT 127 Twitter (1) https://twitter.com/NCTsmtown_127/status/1391015035745431553 https://i.imgur.com/abSPV2O.jpg
We’re joining @glblctzn and @YouTube for #VaxLive: The Concert to Reunite the World! Come join us for an amazing night of inspirational reunions and never-before-seen performances. Tune in May 8th 8PM ET (May 9th 9AM KST) on YouTube: https://yt.be/vaxlive (2) https://twitter.com/NCTsmtown_127/status/1391018949593075712 The stage with Global Citizen was a meaningful moment to us last time. Can't wait to meet you all once again on Global Citizen VAX LIVE!! Stay tuned #JAEHYUN #NCT127 #NCT #VaxLive -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NCT/M.1620484062.A.B47.html