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八卦繼續看下去: http://goo.gl/d68PeV Report: UCLA coach shamed Diddy’s son over courtside seats 內文有前情提要, 這邊節錄重點部分 & 新發展 簡單來說, 爆料機構 TMZ 指出 Diddy 小弟和他爸跑去看 NBA All-star Game 而翹掉了 training session, 對此 Alosi 非常不爽. 結果 Alosi 就擺了 Diddy 小弟出席 ASG 的照片在練習場館的大螢幕上. 然後 Alosi 還在眾其他球員面前羞辱 Diddy 小弟, 說他是標準的靠爸族 & 紈褲子弟. All of that bring us to a report from TMZ.com, which is claiming there is a previous history between the younger Combs and Alosi that could have played a role in the elder Combs’ alleged actions that day: The coach who fought Diddy this week … brutally shamed Diddy’s son by using a paparazzi pic to drive home a point — that he thinks Justin Combs is a spoiled rich kid. Sources connected to UCLA’s football program tell TMZ Sports … the humiliating incident went down in February. Coach Sal Alosi had several players in the the gym for a training sesh, which Justin missed because he was at the NBA All-Star game. We’re told Alosi openly mocked Justin by putting a pic of him at the game — next to Diddy and Ben Stiller … in all the gym monitors. We’re told Alosi told players … “While you guys are training, this guy is sitting courtside with his dad.” The pic remained up for 24 hours. The gossip website, citing the same sources, went on to claim that Alosi had told the player on various occasions that “You’re only here because of your dad,” and … “You never belonged here,” and … “You should just go work for your dad.” The allegations made in this report shed new light on the football player publicly backing his famous father. Diddy was released from jail the night of the incident after posting a $160,000 bond. His first court appearance is scheduled for July 13. Alosi 中肯無誤. -------------------------------------------------------------- ※ 引述《sampsonlu919 (我台語差 但仍以台客為榮)》之銘言: : http://bit.ly/1K8wsrb : 吹牛老爹與兒子教練衝突 遭校警逮捕 : (中央社記者吳協昌洛杉磯22日專電) : 美國著名饒舌歌手吹牛老爹(Sean "Diddy" Combs)今天為了兒子,與加州大學洛杉磯 : 分校(UCLA)美式足球隊助理教練起了衝突,遭到校警逮捕。 : 吹牛老爹的兒子賈斯汀(Justin Combs)是加州大學洛杉磯分校美式足球隊隊員,根據 : 娛樂網站TMZ報導,吹牛老爹今天到校園探視兒子,卻看到1名教練對賈斯汀不停的吼叫 : ,出言不遜,在一旁的吹牛老爹隨後就衝進這名教練的辦公室,兩人起了衝突。 : 目擊者告訴TMZ,吹牛老爹進到辦公室之後,教練正在講電話,吹牛老爹拿起了水壺狀的 : 啞鈴,一把就向教練丟過去,幸好沒有擊中,如果打中,可能會出人命。 : 根據富比世雜誌公布的年度最富有饒舌歌手排行榜,吹牛老爹在今年以7億3500萬美元高 : 居榜首,壓倒被喻為饒舌教父的Dr. Dre以及Jay Z。 : TMZ指出,與吹牛老爹發生爭執的教練阿羅希(Sal Alosi)原本是職業美式足球聯盟NFL : 紐約噴射機隊的教練,但是在2010年遭到禁賽。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NFL/M.1435701149.A.8F2.html
Phater: 沒錯啊,如果不是Diddy的話誰會浪費名額給一個2星球員 07/01 08:49
oberonz: Snoop Dogg兒子是四星的,而且他爸本來是USC粉。他說要去 07/01 13:53
oberonz: UCLA後他爸還說要把家裡所有的SC球衣紀念品給丟掉 XD 07/01 13:53
JamesSoong: 為了NBA All-star Game翹訓練真的很不智 07/01 17:14
mrkey: 記得當時2月signing,ESPN只專訪Snoop的兒子 07/01 20:41
mrkey: 而輕描淡寫Diddy的兒子XD 07/01 20:41
seto: 兩星的真的何必浪費一個scholarship給他 不如讓他walk-on吧 07/01 21:28