看板 NFL 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Rotoworld Teddy Bridgewater suffered a potentially serious non-contact left knee injury in Tuesday's practice. Bridgewater went down in a heap, and his teammates immediately called for the trainer. According to the St. Paul Pioneer Press, players were cursing and thr owing their helmets. They gathered around Bridgewater in prayer. The scene was described as "complete shock." The Vikings canceled practice. Obviously, it h as the looks of a potentially season-ending injury, which would be a devastati ng blow even considering Bridgewater's game-managing ways. Journeyman veteran Shaun Hill is the next man up on the depth chart. 星期二的練習中,Bridgewater的左膝中了一箭非接觸傷害 遞補的大概會是浪人Shaun Hill -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NFL/M.1472586573.A.E9B.html
edgelee: bless him.... 08/31 04:01
redplum: 好慘 08/31 06:24
oplz: says it's a "Kevin Ware/Paul George-type" situation. 08/31 08:19
oplz: dislocated knee, complete tear to his ACL, and other 08/31 08:21
oplz: structural damage...... 很嚴重 08/31 08:22
edgelee: Kevin Ware/Paul George-type是在木板發生的 08/31 08:26
edgelee: Bridgewater 不是在草皮上嗎.. 08/31 08:26
krajicek: 其實我覺得K7去MIN或許有搞頭,但不知道MIN願不願意淌 08/31 08:31
krajicek: 渾水? 08/31 08:31
krajicek: MIN就是防守加跑陣AP,然後短傳堆積,很適合K7的體系 08/31 08:32
krajicek: 換個新環境總比待在SF板凳胡思亂想要來得好多了 08/31 08:33
wuwinkan: 今年正式報銷.... 08/31 08:36
gaowolf: 國北又要GB獨大了...... 08/31 08:56
gaowolf: 一旦失去移動能力 橋水實力不知還剩多少......MIN好不容 08/31 08:57
edgelee: 沒有神經損傷 應該能完全恢復吧 08/31 08:58
gaowolf: 易建立的基礎就這樣泡湯了...... 08/31 08:58
gaowolf: 這傷勢感覺跟Shaun Livingston 當年的同等級 08/31 08:59
gaowolf: 得往最壞的情況想 08/31 09:00
LimpBizKids: 請給我踢波謝謝 08/31 09:15
broken543: 小道消息說嚴重到叫救護車來載.... 08/31 09:33
oplz: favre 表示: 我準備好了!! 08/31 09:54
oplz: to edgelee:Paul George type 是指傷勢看起來很噁心那種情況 08/31 09:58
redplum: 是說2020年不遠了 08/31 09:58
favre: 叫我嗎(熱身中) 08/31 10:20
redplum: Vikings announced Teddy Bridgewater tore his ACL and 08/31 10:29
redplum: suffered other structural damage 08/31 10:29
Ginola: 也許難以重振雄風 or 重返威一年、聽掌聲,下次受傷就全損 08/31 12:23
KillerBs: rumors are saying' Kap7 or Vick2 may be options.. 08/31 17:35
oplz: Johnny Football: and here! and here! 08/31 17:50
krajicek: 我就說K7很適合MIN,今天就真的有消息在討論了XD 08/31 18:52
krajicek: 關鍵還是卡在要怎麼拿,以及願不願意承接他場外的瑣事? 08/31 18:53
krajicek: 假設這些場外的糾紛能擺平,拿K7真的是最快解決問題手段 08/31 18:55
Zuleta: GG 08/31 19:58
broken543: K7這兩年看下來,休息室領導力問題比較大 09/01 04:55
chadtracy: Johnny Football先把習慣戒一戒再看教練們賞不賞光吧 09/01 10:29
oberonz: 911錄音直接說是knee dislocation 09/01 15:31
OpelNE: 我是希望能看到Mark Sanchez上場打球,這可能是一次機會 09/01 22:45
redplum: 聽起來超恐怖的 09/01 22:54
broken543: 明年都不一定能打.....好慘 09/02 20:10