看板 NFL 關於我們 聯絡資訊
According to Andrew Beaton of the Wall Street Journal, NFL owners have proposed an 18-game regular season with a caveat that no player would be allowed to compete in more than 16 games. The NFLPA has been reluctant to stretch the regular season beyond its current 16-game schedule due to injury concerns, but putting a cap on how many games a player can suit up for would be a fair compromise. Per Beaton, extending the regular season by two games could increase league revenue by $2.5 billion while potentially adding $15 million to each team's salary cap. Choosing when to sit players would also add an interesting layer to coaching decisions. It's unclear how much (if any) traction this idea has, but it's not the worst idea the NFL has ever come up with. 真要實施就有趣多了 每季強制輪休兩場以上 跟玩 fantasy football 一樣! 這樣替補四分衛應該薪水會漲不少. -- Sometimes I Go Commando -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NFL/M.1563008645.A.984.html ※ 編輯: oplz ( 美國), 07/13/2019 17:05:08
bakasensei: 那這樣以後豈不無人全勤 07/13 17:50
krajicek: 現在的賽制明明就是最好的,沒有改的必要 07/13 18:31
JC0605: 這些腦子進水的owners最好的方法是叫他們上去自己打一場 07/13 19:38
JC0605: 場上那53個人是拿命在拚, 上面包廂裡是當作在打電動 -_- 07/13 19:39
sampsonlu919: 大概是因為想賺更多錢吧 不過配套沒搞好真的母湯 07/13 19:40
sibala: 那強制輪休兩場,搞不好就是有沒有季後賽的差別 07/13 21:39
Sulstan: 純推讓老闆自己下去打一場!XDDDDD 07/13 22:05
Sulstan: 欸...Robert McClain說這些球員都是老闆的奴才啊 07/13 22:12
Sulstan: 主子要奴才做什麼,奴才怎麼有反抗的權力 呵呵 07/13 22:13
JamesSoong: 多的兩場由老闆和管理階層組隊親自下場打就好啦~ 07/14 06:32
JamesSoong: 這麼想賺錢的話 07/14 06:32
vigor2149: https://bit.ly/2NVqW6p 以去年紅雀OL的慘狀,再多兩場 07/14 08:06
vigor2149: ,搞不好小弟也可以去報名了。 07/14 08:09
oberonz: 真‧慣老闆們 07/14 17:48
simon978: 順便把gamepass漲價一波 XD 07/15 19:48
mrkey: 看NFL這個勞主關係怎麼像是看到19世紀的美國 07/15 19:48