看板 NFL 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Jameis Winston's one-year contract with the Saints is worth just $1.1 million. The deal contains another $4.7 million in incentives that Winston can earn with playing time in the regular season or playoffs or by making the Pro Bowl. All of that seems unlikely. Winston will collect a $952,000 base salary along with a $148,000 signing bonus to back up Drew Brees. //// Winston 的一年新約只有 $1.1m. 除非他能在季賽或季後賽上場 或選上 Pro Bowl 才有可能獲得更多錢 但就算這樣 總額最高也只到 $4.7m 真是便宜..Winston 去年球季一個禮拜薪水就有 $1.23m 了. -- Sometimes I Go Commando -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NFL/M.1588179668.A.675.html
edgelee: 生涯傳球給NO 球員的次數 還比 Hill 多... 04/30 02:10
certifi: 所以他很熟習NO球員阿..... 05/02 01:04
Ginola: 不止INT,他身上轉移球權次數太誇張,人家得打15年才有 05/03 10:14
hcju: 海鮮吃到飽!!! 05/23 03:34