看板 NFL 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Trevor Lawrence - ‧ 24/32, 404 yards, 5 TDs Amari Rodgers - ‧ 6 receptions, 161 yards, 2 TDs Clemson: 671 total yards, seven passing TDs (school record) Clemson got ahead by so much that they let their punter take a drive at QB (he played QB in high school and threw for a first down on a fake punt a few years back) He went 2-for-3 passing including a completion to Dabo's son 打籃球是不是 -- 作者 gogomaster (板橋何金銀) 看板 Gossiping 標題 [問卦] 如何一秒激怒教授 時間 Fri Feb 13 02:50:15 2015
lkjfds: 系主任說你A錢02/13 02:50
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NFL/M.1602965900.A.7C6.html ※ 編輯: YU0158 ( 臺灣), 10/18/2020 04:19:19
leo07251413: 而且TL還沒打完全場.... 10/18 05:21
leo07251413: GA Tech男籃上賽季好像還沒幾場讓對手得超過73分 10/18 05:22
j54353: Dan Mullen 中獎lol 10/18 07:08
icecreamdog: 下週雪城橘子要去 Death Valley 覺得害怕中 10/18 07:41
seto: Syracuse應該會被宰 Clemson好強啊 10/18 08:23
Phater: New York Jets表示... 10/18 09:00
leo07251413: 雪城少了Andre Cisco QQ 10/18 09:56
noahlin: 看紐約兩隊哪隊會先破功 我猜NYG 10/18 12:08
Organizer: 爽 10/18 21:12
Sulstan: "We cannot let slaves run the plantation!" 10/18 22:45