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https://bit.ly/3KqIPTt 原文作者:Adam Schefter (in Twitter) Dwayne Haskins, a standout at Ohio State before becoming Washington’s first-round pick and playing in Pittsburgh, died this morning when he got hit by a car in South Florida, per his agent Cedric Saunders. 曾經在Ohio State打出明星級身手,並以首輪籤被華盛頓隊選進聯盟的現役鋼人隊 四分衛Dwayne Haskins,今天早上在南佛州過世於一場車禍。 此消息已經獲得Cedric Saunders的證實。 Haskins would have turned 25 years old on May 3. 他的年齡要到5/3才會跨入25歲。 https://bit.ly/3rdbPXd Dwayne Haskins was training in South Florida with other Steelers QBs, RBs and WRs. He was killed this morning in South Florida when he got hit by a vehicle. Tragic…. 他這次去南佛州,是為了與隊友(包括RB、WR其他QB)進行自主訓練 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ESPN訃聞詳情︰https://es.pn/3NUnrIp 許多與他有關的單位(如他效力過的職業隊、母校Ohio St.與所屬的Big 10聯盟) 都已經在這一個小時內發了弔唁文 https://bit.ly/3DWPaDy NFL︰ https://i.imgur.com/SVj8yOK.png
Steelers︰ https://i.imgur.com/S35YEyx.jpg
Ohio St.︰ https://i.imgur.com/r3Z6hBE.jpg
Big 10︰ https://bit.ly/3O13DTJ 心得︰Rest In Peace -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NFL/M.1649520761.A.5FC.html
fedjam: RIP 04/10 00:14
※ 編輯: sampsonlu919 ( 臺灣), 04/10/2022 00:30:26
fedjam: 人生無常QQ 04/10 00:15
aaron97: oof rip 04/10 00:28
leo07251413: Schefter真的很沒品 04/10 00:50
leo07251413: https://i.imgur.com/1FilAAs.jpg 04/10 00:51
leo07251413: 最早的推是這一篇 後來被罵翻才刪文重發 04/10 00:51
Sulstan: Tragic....R.I.P. 04/10 01:39
fcstone: R.I.P 04/10 02:22
DavidFoster: R.I.P. 04/10 02:58
taylorsmith: R.I.P. 04/10 03:09
sbflight: rip 04/10 05:22
freesoul: 年紀輕輕的 唉... 不過早上七點不到為什麼會"走"在 04/10 06:39
freesoul: interstate上? 04/10 06:40
mecheers: very shocked. R.I.P. 04/10 06:46
krajicek: 正要發光發熱的年紀說........R.I.P. 04/10 07:53
CallMeDavid: rip 04/10 08:45
ACEric2173: R.I.P. 04/10 09:07
LIGAGA: QQ R.I.P. 04/10 09:17
swaggyyang: 唉 04/10 11:07
Morisound: R.I.P 04/10 17:45
ELF007: 早上出門慢跑之類的? R.I.P. 04/11 12:51
KMTSUCK: R.I.P. 04/11 15:15
godmother: 汽車沒油,徒步跨越車道,遭卡車撞及 04/11 18:44
sleepmajesty: 真敢... 誇張 04/11 22:09
durant1224: R.I.P 05/12 20:31