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per CNN & multiple sources Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen have hired divorce attorneys, source says 湯姆布雷迪和吉賽爾邦臣已經聘僱離婚律師 原文 https://cnn.it/3Cun6Z3 By Chloe Melas, CNN Updated 4:02 PM EDT, Tue October 4, 2022 Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen, who have been living separately from each other in recent weeks, have each hired divorce attorneys and are “exploring their options” regarding their marriage, a source close to the estranged couple told CNN on Tuesday. 週二據美國有線新聞網的消息來源,湯姆。布雷迪和在最近幾星期分居的妻子 吉賽兒。邦辰各自已聘請離婚律師並正在探詢對於他們婚姻的可能選項。 CNN reported last month that Brady, a seven-time Super Bowl champion quarterback who currently plays for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and his wife, Bündchen, a fashion model, have been dealing with “marital issues,” according to a source close to the couple. 上個月 CNN 也報導過,據消息來源, 七次超級杯冠軍的四分衛,目前效力於坦帕灣海盜隊的 布雷迪和時尚名模妻子正在經歷婚姻危機。 The two, who married in 2009, have been “living separately,” a source close to Bündchen told CNN in September. 結婚於2009年的兩位目前正處於分居狀態。 一位不具名接近吉賽兒的消息來源,在今年九月時,告訴美國有線新聞網 Brady, 45, had retired from the NFL in February, only to later reverse that decision. He took an 11-day leave of absence from training camp in August to “deal with personal things,” according to his head coach Todd Bowles. 四十五歲的布雷迪在二月時曾一度宣布從 NFL 退休,但不久後有宣布撤回原有退休聲明。 他在八月底的季前訓練營請假十一天去”處理個人私事“ In an interview with Elle magazine published last month, Bündchen, 42, said she had “concerns” about her husband returning to the field after initially retiring last winter. 42 歲的吉賽兒則是在上個月出版的 Elle 雜誌專訪中宣稱, 她“擔心”丈夫推翻去年冬天的退休決定而回到賽場上。 “This is a very violent sport, and I have my children and I would like him to be more present,” Bündchen told the publication. “I have definitely had those conversations with him over and over again. But ultimately, I feel that everybody has to make a decision that works for [them]. He needs to follow his joy, too.” “這是一個非常暴力的運動,而我的小孩和我都希望他在身邊多一點” 吉賽兒在報導中稱 “我當然已經跟他深談過好幾遍。但最終,所有人都會為自己做決定 他當然也可以跟隨他喜歡的事物” In a recent conversation on his podcast, Brady talked about some of the personal costs of playing in the NFL for two decades. 在他的廣播節目中,布雷迪也提及他的打 NFL 二十年所帶來的個人成本 (損失) “I haven’t had a Christmas in 23 years and I haven’t had a Thanksgiving in 23 years, I haven’t celebrated birthdays with people that I care about that are born from August to late January. And I’m not able to be at funerals and I’m not able to be at weddings,” Brady said. “I think there comes a point in your life where you say: ‘You know what? I’ve had my fill and it’s enough and time to go on, to move into other parts of life.’” " 二十三年來, 我沒有辦法過聖誕節及感恩節。在八月到一月 我無法參加我親密的人的生日派對或出席葬禮及婚禮。” 布雷迪說 “我覺得在人生中總有個時點你會說 你知道嗎? 我已經擁有全部而是時候往前看了 是時候追逐其他人生目標了” CNN has reached out to representatives for Brady and Bündchen for comment. 有線新聞網已經向布雷迪和吉賽兒的經紀人詢問相關評論 隨手翻 已獲得版主同意 歡迎補充討論~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NFL/M.1664934569.A.C64.html
Hibiki30: 復出錯了嗎 10/05 09:51
MerinoSheep: GOAT怎麼退得漂亮是門學問啊 不要到最後弄得很難看 10/05 10:24
sampsonlu919: 至少他不打球後不用擔心下一份薪水的來源了 10/05 10:27
oberonz: 就三年又三年的概念 10/05 11:49
luvuhahasiao: women 10/05 12:02
petecarroll: 唯一不用擔心離婚後財產要分一半的頂級球星 10/05 14:06
redplum: 可以打到50歲沒人管了 10/05 15:51
cena0605: Brady真的有點自私了吧....說要陪孩子又回去打 10/05 16:27
sampsonlu919: 看起來阿湯哥終於遇到他最難以對抗的對手:他即將 10/05 16:37
sampsonlu919: 離婚的老婆 10/05 16:37
AhCheng: 感覺復出後,才會走上離婚!? 10/05 18:29
QoQb: 不自私他就沒辦法是goat 10/05 19:06
ccl007: 他很適合去當球評 是說幾個QB退役後也是去當 分析場上動態 10/05 20:53
ccl007: 又很正能量充滿笑聲 就是明星QB 10/05 20:53
sampsonlu919: 湯哥未來也會轉主持 最快明年會當Fox Sunday的頭號 10/05 21:08
sampsonlu919: 球評 10/05 21:08
Danielhsieh: Federer:其實我退休不是因為膝蓋受傷 10/05 23:20
TrRosenthal: 就在家帶小孩發現小孩番起來比250磅的壯漢衝撞過來 10/06 00:23
TrRosenthal: 更可怕 10/06 00:23
mecheers: Giselle訪問裡有提到她為了讓小孩好好成長的犧牲 10/06 01:36
mecheers: 她不後悔付出,但也有很多自己想做的事,這樣看來TB 10/06 01:37
mecheers: 退休又反悔應該是最後一根稻草了吧 不平衡的付出 10/06 01:37
sampsonlu919: 說到湯哥 本週另一個他的壞消息:Cole Beasley決定 10/06 04:10
sampsonlu919: 要引退了 10/06 04:10
sampsonlu919: 另外雖然腦補:但我合理推測 吉姐很有可能是抓到湯 10/06 04:14
sampsonlu919: 哥頻繁偷吃而對婚姻死心 10/06 04:14
sampsonlu919: Adam Levine跟Udoka近期都因為偷吃被抓而自爆 很難 10/06 04:18
sampsonlu919: 不讓我這樣想 10/06 04:18
ism: S版友的腦補請適可而止吧。「合理推測」? 10/06 05:41
edgelee: 乾脆說媒體放出Brady婚變 好把Favre的醜聞蓋掉 10/06 05:56
sampsonlu919: 感謝提醒 抱歉剛剛推文的確有點異想天開 10/06 06:31
redplum: https://i.imgur.com/2KzIdZL.jpg 10/06 07:11
redplum: 老婆覺得湯到佛羅里達後變了一個人 10/06 07:12
RBaldelli: 這描述也太驚悚了 10/06 07:15
mecheers: XD 原來是變成了Florida Man 10/06 07:17
otaku690: 樓上那確定不是onion news般的玩笑? 10/06 07:54
gso1987: 佛州男被當真了哈哈哈 10/06 09:06
redplum: 在我一般人眼光看Brady本來就是個怪人,搬家之後就是帶點 10/06 10:15
redplum: 佛州色彩的怪人 10/06 10:15
noftej: Brady的外遇對象就是他一生摯愛 - football啊! 10/06 10:52
fedjam: 要是我去年傳了五千碼又差點幹掉現任超級杯冠軍我也不想退 10/06 11:06
yushes920179: 因NFL而發光的人 不願退出很合理 家人應理解 10/06 15:48
※ 編輯: icecreamdog ( 美國), 10/06/2022 22:32:47
duo131: 說頻繁偷吃是有證據嗎= =這哪裡合理推測了 10/07 06:59
seto: Sampson你真的腦補的很誇張,能不能控制一下,看久了真的煩 10/07 08:47
Mcnair: 連任何媒體傳聞都沒有就可以腦補推測偷吃? 10/07 09:13
robinkidd: 難得看到比省長評Brady更誇張的言論… 10/07 10:09
Giovinazzi99: 腦補哥 看太多次了 超喜歡延伸各種場外政治 10/07 10:12
sampsonlu919: 我是說我都為推論太誇張道歉了.. 10/07 10:13
CallMeDavid: 我記得Sampson最討厭的球員應該是AR12 a.k.a 綠灣龍 10/07 12:19
CallMeDavid: 龍 怎麼這次輪到我們湯姆大帝中槍了 10/07 12:19
smallmac: 腦補哥又頑皮了 10/07 12:24
Dayton: 18樓正解xD 10/07 18:41
sampsonlu919: 確實相比綠灣龍爺 我是比較喜歡TB的 10/07 19:18
sampsonlu919: 不過湯哥也有不少我還蠻在意的缺陷 所以他可以是我 10/07 19:19
sampsonlu919: 喜歡球員的前十名 但不會是第一 10/07 19:19
seto: 我覺得你少說點這些沒營養的,專心看球比較好,也比較不會 10/08 04:26
seto: 被版友討厭,你這樣已經不是第一次了 10/08 04:27
seto: 之前就有講過你,還在一直腦補,從大學足球腦補到NFL,到底 10/08 04:28
seto: 是夠了沒 10/08 04:28