看板 NFT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://www.paradigm.xyz/2021/10/a-guide-to-designing-effective-nft-launches/ 一篇長文 講解了mint NFT的濫用情形 有些NFT發行喜歡放rare items 包裝得像抽卡遊戲 但是contract導致的偽隨機分布可能造成攻擊者exploit 也就是說 只mint特定rare item 造成其他人的損失 除此之外 也有攻擊者會事先布好bot去mint某些NFT 相信很多人都有過 貨幣IDO瞬間被機器人搶光的經驗 中段則介紹一個NFT launch的技術流程: Every NFT launch consists, at its heart, of four steps: Bidding: The sale goes live, and users submit their bids to the operator (can a smart contract). Clearing: The operator matches the collected bids against remaining supply, determines a clearing price, and selects winning bids. Distribution: Winners can claim their newly-minted NFTs (or receive them from the operator). Metadata reveal: The operator reveals the properties of the NFTs. 每次NFT發行都包含四個步驟: 投標:銷售開始,用戶將投標提交給營運商(可以是智能合約) 清算:營運商將收集的投標與剩餘供應進行匹配,確定清算價格,並選擇中標 分發:獲勝者可以領取他們新鑄造的 NFT(或從營運商處接收) 元數據揭示:營運商揭示了NFT的屬性 (內文還有各步驟詳細介紹,這邊就不引用了,可以點閱原文) 最後則是作者想告訴大家的一些結論: Unexploitable fairness is the most critical property of an NFT launch with random metadata. Use robust randomness and never reveal the metadata of an NFT before it has been bought and settled. 不可濫用的公平性是具有隨機元數據的NFT發行的最關鍵屬性。使用強大的隨機性,在NFT 被購買和結算之前永遠不要透露它的元數據。 Race conditions hurt users, both those who participate in the mint and those who don’t. Use sequential bidding and clearing (e.g., a raffle or a batched auction) to solve this problem. 競爭條件會傷害用戶,包括參與鑄造的用戶和不參與的用戶。使用順序投標和清算(例 如,抽獎或批量拍賣)來解決這個問題。 Consider cost-efficiency from minute one. Ask if any step that currently happens on-chain could also happen off-chain to save money for your users. Off-chain steps can include bidding but also market clearing, assuming users can establish some degree of trust in the operator. Consider batching in the reveal phase. 從第一分鐘開始考慮成本效益。詢問當前發生在鏈上的任何步驟是否也可能發生在鏈下 ,以便為您的用戶省錢。 假設用戶可以對營運商建立一定程度的信任,鏈下步驟可以包 括競標和市場清算。考慮在揭示階段進行分批處理。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NFT/M.1634411143.A.61E.html ※ 編輯: s256988452 ( 臺灣), 10/17/2021 03:25:40 可以考慮看鏈聞的全翻譯中文版 https://www.chainnews.com/zh-hant/articles/263225081809.htm ※ 編輯: s256988452 ( 臺灣), 10/17/2021 04:52:03