看板 NSwitch 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://www.ign.com/articles/2018/12/07/nintendo-persona-5s-joker-is-emblematic-of-smash-bros-ultimates-dlc-approach “It's emblematic of the approach that Mr. Sakurai and the team are taking with the DLC,” Fils-Aime told IGN. “He wants characters that are unique, different, to bring them into the Smash Bros. environment. So it's going to be tremendously exciting.” Fils-Aime explained that Sakurai and the team working on Ultimate’s DLC don’t necessarily see characters from franchises not typically associated with Nintendo as a limiting factor when it comes to Smash Bros. “Mr. Sakurai, he's not only a student of Nintendo franchises, and obviously he's had his hand in a few, but he's a student of video games from a total perspective,” Fils-Aime said. “And so he's been the driver in really thinking about what type of character coming into Super Smash Bros. Ultimate would bring just a whole different level of fun and enjoyment for the player. That's been the approach. That's the thinking." 大意就是「櫻井和他的團隊加角色不分藍綠紅黨派,只要能娛樂玩家就好,大家說好不好啊!(X)」 其實滿感動的,之前克勞德加進來也是,現在能跨越廠商—甚至平台—的遊戲不多了,謝謝daddy Sakurai == 然後就是P5上NS? “You know, I can't comment on that. Again, from our perspective, we've been clear. We want all the best content on our platform. All the best content, all the best developers. And so our job is to continue growing the install base for Nintendo Switch to drive engagement of our players, to grow the audience. As that happens, then developers see the opportunity,” he said. 基本上也是罐頭回應:「你知道的,我不能回應,我只能說我們想要在我們的平台上有最好的遊戲。我們能做的就是提升裝機率。然後開發者就會注意到了。」 沒有否認~~~~(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NSwitch/M.1544326713.A.C93.html
isaka: 翻譯:多買幾台ns就有機會唷 12/09 11:44
witness0828: 帶著走的P5啊啊啊啊讚 重溫PSV P4G的快樂 12/09 11:48
zerosaviour: 傳聞P5會移植過來,但語言的話..... 12/09 12:02
PDH1010: 這片日文我也吞 12/09 12:22
kamener: 中文化是Sega自己做的啊 12/09 12:22
perist: 否認也輪不到他來否認 就是很中性的回答這樣 12/09 12:23
charmingpink: SEGA不用怕吧 又不是SE 12/09 12:25
louis8852: 如果移植,還是有機會有中文吧,不過我比較想要p5加強 12/09 12:29
louis8852: 版 12/09 12:29
kemao: NS要變成攜帶型加濕器了嗎 12/09 12:30
robo3456: 我psv也是為了p4g買的 毫不後悔 12/09 12:32
isaka: 這片中文化是sega自己做的 12/09 12:41
isaka: 不過反正有英文我也ok 12/09 12:42
chocobell: 其實不是SEGA自己做的 是外包 12/09 12:47
space08ms: Sega是連他廠遊戲都有能力代理的大廠 12/09 12:48
mizuarashi: 所以王國之心的sora有機會嗎? 12/09 12:50
leamaSTC: 畢竟揪卡有PQ2在撐 P5倒是不一定會上 12/09 12:51
leamaSTC: 倒是#FE沒打算順便嗎~ 12/09 12:51
andy3580: p5的畫面 ns OK吧 可以移過來加點銷量 12/09 13:01
system303179: Sora版權是迪士尼的 12/09 13:09
k90145: 外觀釾f,沒有否認的話其實有點危險? 12/09 13:19
k90145: 按照慣例,(修正上面亂碼) 12/09 13:20
GenShoku: 其實他那句話翻譯過來不就是"目前A社沒這打算,只能升裝 12/09 13:41
GenShoku: 機量才有機會讓他們考慮移植" 12/09 13:41
hipposman: 我覺得王子會來打工(誤 12/09 13:48
bestadi: 就PS3都有的遊戲有什麼不能移植? 重點是真女神5吧! 12/09 13:54
Kaken: 頂多就是JOKER出現在大亂鬥可以視為指標 12/09 14:01
Kaken: 多少就可以期待一下P5R(暫稱)出現在NS的機率 12/09 14:02
ji3g4up6m3: 希望SEGA世界樹迷宮骨幹的遊戲可以繼續出在Switch上 12/09 14:06
seaky: 對P5移植沒想法,只想等真女5... 12/09 14:15
e04su3no: P5跨NS真女5跨PS4 世界和平 12/09 14:51
leamaSTC: 拿真女神5換P5其實很虧好嗎 12/09 15:04
leamaSTC: 想玩P5的應該早就買了 12/09 15:04
a1b2a3g4h: 真女神5真的一點消息都沒有... 是說真女神要回PS也不是 12/09 15:21
a1b2a3g4h: 不可能啦 只是到現在過了一年多還是無消無息... 12/09 15:21
egrlanm: 未出先猜王國之心索拉參戰!!! 12/09 15:21
aterui: P5製作人新作reFantasy Project也是一點消息也沒有 12/09 16:16
aterui: 當年還特別搞生放送發表,內容就只是他社製作人的祝福影片 12/09 16:17
aterui: 關於遊戲內容就過了兩年到現在還是只有一張圖而已 12/09 16:17
aterui: 凱薩琳這種完整版也是去年底發表明年冬天發售,還以為是今 12/09 16:18
aterui: 年初會出,結果是明年,跟SE社一樣很喜歡剛開始做就放消息 12/09 16:19
s32244153: #FE沒加強的話還是算了吧= = 12/09 16:19
safy: 真的要宣布大概也是等P5第二季開撥的時候才會宣布 12/09 18:08
gekisen: 買買買買 12/09 18:59
cc5566cc: 跪求坦丁 12/10 00:21
know12345: 我不求多 ns上黃金版就好 12/10 05:00