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課程名稱︰小說選讀一 課程性質︰外文系小說戲劇四選三必修 課程教師︰朱偉誠 開課學院:文學院 開課系所︰外國語文學系 考試日期(年月日)︰2015.01.12 考試時限(分鐘):150分鐘(實際可寫170分鐘) 試題 : National Taiwan University Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures Fiction 1 Final Exam 1. Rewrite in Chinese the following passage from Mrs. Dallway into movie scenes (i.e. describe what the audience would see if the passage is adapted into a movie): (5%) Clarissa guessed; Clarissa knew of course; she had seen something white, magical, circular, in the footman's hand, a disc inscribed with a name,--the Queen's, the Prince of Wales's, the Prime Minister's?--which, by force of its own lustre, burnt its way through (Clarissa saw the car diminishing, disappearing), to blaze among candelabras, glittering stars, breasts stiff with oak leaves, Hugh Whitbread and all his colleagues, the gentlemen of England, that night in Buckingham Palace. And Clarissa, too, gave a party. She stiffened a little; so she would stand at the top of her stairs. 2. Explain the following passage from Virgina Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway: (5%) There was nobody. Her words faded. So a rocket fades. Its sparks, having grazed their way into the night, surrender to it, dark descends, pours over the outlines of houses and towers; bleak hillsides soften and fall in. But though they are gone, the night is full of them; robbed of colour, blank of windows, they exist more ponderously, give out what the frank daylight fails to transmit--the trouble and suspense of things conglomerated there in the darkness; huddled together in the darkness; reft of the relief which dawn brings when, washing the walls white and grey, spotting each window-pane, lifting the mist from the fields, showing the red-brown cows peacefully grazing, all is once more decked out to the eye; exists again. 3. There is more action happening in the part of Mrs. Dalloway covered in the second half of our class. Give a summary of it. (5%) 4. The psychological action happening in the part of Mrs. Dalloway covered in the second half of our class shifts its focus from Clarissa to other characters. Summarize it according to repective characters. (10%) 5. Summarize the banana company episode in One Hundred Years of Solitude as completely as possible (e.g. including the settlement because of it as well as its positive side) and discuss its significance in the novel. (15%) 6. As woman characters dominate the second half of the novel, summarize their individual stories. (20%) 7. Europe finally makes its more direct appearances in the novel. Summarize them and analyze their meaning(s). (10%) 8. As "solitude" is no doubt the keyword of the novel, discuss how it is represented in the novel and how these representations are related to the central theme of the novel (i.e. what the novel is trying to tell us as a whole). (15%) 9. According [to] James Higgins's article on the novel, it "offer[s] an alternative history" of Latin America. Summarize the version with particular attention to where it is considered "alternative." (15%) 10. In what sense could people "here" (not everywhere but where you are) relate to the story of One Hundred Years of Solitude? Be specific with your answer by discussing particular aspect(s)/episode(s) of the novel. (10%) 題目後面附百年孤寂家族世系表 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NTU-Exam/M.1421420112.A.B0D.html
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