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課程名稱︰代數一 課程性質︰數學系選修 可抵必修代數導論一 課程教師︰林惠雯教授 開課學院:理學院 開課系所︰數學系 考試日期(年月日)︰105.11.14 考試時限(分鐘):3 hours 試題 : 1. (25%) (a) State and show the Chinese Remainder theorem. (b) State and show the Sylow(II) theorem. 2. (20%) (a) Show that no group of order 56 is simple. (b) Show that if |G| = 225, then there is a normal subgroup having prime index. 3. (25%) (a) Classify groups of order 8. (b) Classify groups of order 27 having a subgroup isomorphic to C . 9 4. (20%) Classify group of order 4p where p is an odd prime. 5. (10%) State the fundamental theorem of the finite abelian groups in the form of elementary divisor decomposition and show the uniqueness. 6. (25%) Let F be a finite field of order q > 5 and char(F) ≠ 2. G denotes a normal subgroup of SL(2, F) that is not contained in its center. (a) Compute |PSL(2, F)|. ╭1 λ╮ ╭1 0╮ (b) Show that SL(2, F) = 〈│ │,│ │|λ, λ' are in F〉. ╰0 1╯ ╰λ' 1╯ ╭0 -1╮ (c) Show that we may assume that G contains a matrix A = │ │. ╰1 c╯ ╭x y╮ (d) Show that G contains a matrix C = │ │ for some x ≠ ±1 and some y. ╰0 1/x╯ ╭1 λ╮ (e) Show that G contains all matrices │ │ with λ in F. ╰0 1╯ (f) Show that G = SL(2, F) and PSL(2, F) is a simple group. -- 正妹也不過就是一組物質波方程式的特解罷了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NTU-Exam/M.1484398123.A.802.html