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課程名稱︰世界史一 課程性質︰必修 課程教師︰張瑞林 開課學院:文學院 開課系所︰歷史系 考試日期(年月日)︰2020.01.08 考試時限(分鐘):170 試題 : STANDARD QUESTIONS: You must answer all of the following 60 questions. A.Greece 1. Who were the parents of Heracles? (A) Alcmene (B) Amphitryon (C) Atreus (D) Zeus (E) Amphitheatre 2. Which ones of the following authors belonged to the classical period in Athens? (A) Aristophanes (B) Demosthenes (C) Homer (D) Epicurus (E) Euripides 3. Which ones of the following were not geopolitically connected with the Aegean Sea? (A) Minoan civilization (B) Nabataean civilization (C) Mycenaean civilization (D) Delian League (E) Celtic civilization 4. In which one of the following cities influence of the Minoan civilization has been found? (A) Sidon (B) Rome (C) Avaris (D) Thebes (E) Bostra 5. Which ones of the following statements about the Graeco-Persian Wars are false? (A) The westward expansion of the Persian Empire was first challenged by the Aeolic revolts by the beginning of the 5th cent. BC. (B) Under the Miltiades' generalship, the Athenians defeated Darius I's Persian army in 490 BC at Marathon and ended the first Persian War. (C) According to Thucydides, during the interlude between the two Persian Wars, Miltiades persuaded the Athenians to use the extra income brought along by newly-found silver ores to build a fleet of triremes and thus assured Athen's naval defense. (D) In 480 BC, while the Spartans wwere crushed at Thermopylae by the Persians, the Athenians won the decisive naval battle against the Persian fleet at Salamis. (E) After the end of the Second Persian War in 478, the Athenians founded the Delian League which marked the beginning of the Athenian domination in the Aegean Sea. 6. Pericles died in 429 BC, soon after the plague broke out in Athens. During this war did this event take place? (A) Pyrrhic War (B) Peloponnesian War (C) Lamian War (D) Corinthian War (E) Social War 7. In which year did Alexander the Great die? (A) 321 (B) 322 (C) 333 (D) 324 (E) 325 B.Rome 8. On which hill of Rome was the arx(citadel) located? (A) Capitoline Hill (B) Caelian Hill (C) Aventine Hill (D) Palatine Hill (E) Esquiline Hill 9. Which ones of the following were among the Etruscan kings of Rome? (A) Tarquinius Priscus (B) Tullus Hosttilius (C) Tarquinius Superbus (D) Servius Tullius (E) Numa Pompilius 10. Carthage was doomed after the famous sentence of Cato the Elder: " censeo Carthaginem esse delendam " (I think Carthage must be destroyed). Which Roman general actually carried out the mission of destruction in 146 BC? (A) Aemilius Paullus (B) Scipio Africanos (C) Pompeius Magnus (D) Scipio Aemilianus (E) Sulla 11. Which one(s) of the following did not take part in any triumvirate? (A) Pompeius Magnus (B) Crassus (C) Marius (D) Polybius (E) Cicero 12. Which one of the following authors belonged to the Augustan period? (A) Virgil (B) Horace (C) Tacitus (D) Livy (E) Ovidius 13. Who was considered by Livy as the second founding father of Rome? (A) Furius Camillus (B) Paulus Camillus (C) Scipio Africanus (D) Numa POmpilius (E) Marcus Antonius 14. Which ones of the following terms are equivalent to Roman Republic? (A) Senatu populique romano (B) Res republica (C) Res republicus (D) Senata populaque romana (E) Senatus populusque romanus 15. Which ones of the following statements about the diarchic character of the Roman political insitutions are false? (A) The dictator and the king assumed together the unity of the sovereignty. (B) The consuls were mutually independent and could veto each other's decisions. (C) The balance of power between the patricians and the plebeians was established under the Etruscan kings. (D) The essence of the Republic is epitomized in the expression SPQR, meaning " Senate and the Roman people". (E) The Roman kings only possessed military power, while the religious authorities were distributed among the patricians and plebeians. 16. The armed Romen citizens were called milites. How were the mobilizable Roman civilians designated? (A) Quietes (B) Quetsches (C) Quellen (D) Quivires (E) Quirites 17. To which Roman family did Titus belong? (A) Julio-Claudian Dynasty (B) the Antonini (C) Severan Dynasty (D) Flavian Dynasty (E) Palaeologus Dynasty 18. Cumae, situated to the north-west of Naples, is considered as the first Greek colony on mainland Italy. In which region is it located? (A) Calabria (B) Apulia (C) Lombardy (D) Tuscany (E) Campania 19. Which Roman emperor established the regime of tetrarchy and ended the political chaos generated by the issue of succession in the 3rd century AD? (A) Diocletian (B) Constantine the Great (C) Theodosius I (D) Julianus (E) Honorius 20. Which Roman king is traditionally considered as the first one to give Rome a political consitution? (A) Romulus (B) Numa Pompilius (C) Tarquinnius Priscus (D) Servius Tullius (E) Tullus Hostilius 21. Which Roman king is considered as the builder of Forum Romanum and Circus Maximus? (A) Tarquinius Superbus (B) Numa Pompilius (C) Tarquinius Priscus (D) Servius Tullius (E) Tullus Hosttilius 22. According to the tradition, what is the name of the lady whose sufferings caused the revolution which led to the establishment of the Roman Republic in 509 BC? (A) Julia (B) Popaea (C) Valeria (D) Lucretia (E) Gaga C. Late Antiquity and Byzantine 23. When did Theodosius I the Great granted the eastern and western parts of the Roman Empire to his two sons, which marked the beginning of two empires? (A) 391 (B) 392 (C) 393 (D) 394 (E) 395 24. Which event marked the end of the Middle Byzantine period? (A) Capture of Zara (B) Saladin's capture of Jerusalem (C) Latin capture of Constantinopole (D) Ottoman capture of Constantinopole (E) Latin capture of Tyre 25. During which Crusade did the Sack of Constantinople take place? (A) 1st Crusade (B) 2nd Crusade (C) 3re Crusade (D) 4th Crusade (E) 5th Crusade 26. Give the name of the Byzantine prince who collaborated with the Venetians to lead the Crusaders to Constantinople instead of Jerusalem. (A) Alexius III (B) Alexius IV (C) Alexius V (D) Isaac II (E) Isaac III 27. Where were Saint Paul relics originally kept? (A) Jerusalem (B) Rome (C) Damascus (D) Alexendria (E) Antioch D. Islam 28. What does the word Islam mean literally? (A) Submission (B) Faith (C) Love and Tolerance (D) Respect and Fear (E) Prayer 29. Which year is the starting of the Islamic calendar? (A) AD 620 (B) AD 621 (C) AD 622 (D) AD 623 (E) AD 624 30. To which tribe did the Prophet Muhhammad belong? (A) Ansar (B) Qurayshi (C) Muhajirun (D) Yemeni (E) Maghazi 31. Which ones of the following dod not count among the four rashidun caliphs? (A) Amr ibn al-as (B) Abu Bakr (C) Umar ibn al-Khattab (D) Abu Badr (E) Ali abu Talib 32. The verses of the Holy Quran are grouped into 114 chapters. How is one of these chapters called in Arabic? (A) dora (B) shora (C) bura (D) sura (E) sawra 33. Which caloh conducted the recension of the texts of Quran and established the Vulgate of this Holy Script? (A) Uthman (B) Umma (C) Umar (D) Ulli (E) Ur E.Middle Ages 34. In the medieval cartograghy og the world, what does the abbreviation OT stand for? (A) Over the Top (B) Over Table (C) Orbis Terrarum (D) Oberflachlicher Tanz (E) Orbis Terrarum 35. Who was the instigator of the urbanization of Paris? (A) Philippe Auguste (B) Francois I (C) Charles V (D) Charles VI (E) Louis XIV 36. Among the three sons of Louis the Pious, who controlled the West Francia? (A) Louis the German (B) Charles the Bald (C) Philip the Fair (D) Lothair (E) Charles the Good 37. In which two languages were the famous Oaths of Strasbourg written? (A) Latin and Italian (B) Latin and Greek (C) Latin and French (D) French and German (E) German and Italian 38. In 1275, the Polo family arrived in the new capital that Qubilai had built in China. What was the name of this city? (A) Peking (B) Qaraqorum (C) Khanbaliq (D) Khitan (E) Qulan-Bator 39. Where was the famous Catalan Atlas fabricated? (A) Mallorca (B) Malta (C) Sicily (D) Paris (E) Florence F.Egypt 40. Which dynasty inaugurated the New Kingdom of the Ancient Egypt? (A) 16th Dynasty (B) 17th Dynasty (C) 18th Dynasty (D) 19th Dynasty (E) 20th Dynasty 41. Which ones of the following towns are located in Upper Egypt? (A) Luxor (B) Memphis (C) Abydos (D) Alexendria (E) Thebes 42. The Asiatic Hyksos dominated Lower Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period. Whan was this period situated? (A) Middle of the 1st millennium BC (B) Biginning of the 1st millennium BC (C) End of the 2nd millennium Bc (D) Middle of the 2nd millennium BC (E) Bignning of the 2nd millennium BC 43. Which one of the following is not a historical version of the ancient Egyptian language? (A) Hieroglyphic (B) Hieratic (C) Demotic (D) Coptic (E) Canopic 44. Where is the royal necropolis of the Egyptian Old Kingdom located, where the great pyramids can still be admired? (A) Griza Plateau (B) Giza Plateau (C) Libyan Plateau (D) Cataracts (E) Abu Simbel 45. Which period does the Egyptian classical literature date from? (A) Old Kingdon (B) First Intermediate Period (C) Middle Kingdom (D) Second Intermediate Period (E) New Kingdom 46. Who first set the framework of the periodization of the Pharaonic Egypt? (A) Manetho (B) Ptolemy (C) Herodotus (D) Imhotep (E) Ramses G.Mesopotamia and Levant 47. Who was the founder of the Akkadian Empire which first ended the Sumerian institution of city-state? (A) Naram-Sin (B) Assurbanipal (C) Sargon II (D) Sargon the Great (E) Gilgamesh 48. Which ones of the following statements about the Old Babylonian Empire are false? (A) The Old Babylonian Empire was founded by Hammurabi who was also the most illustrious ruler of this period. (B) It was during this period that the Palaeo-Babylonian version of the Akkadian language developed. (C) Previously, Babylon was alredy an important city, situated at the shortest crossing between the Tigris and the Euphrates. (D) The Amorites constitutedthe dominant ethnic group, but they soon adhered to the Akkadian culture to the detriment of their own origins. (E) The Old Babylonian Emoire was ended in the Hittites'hands, when Babylon was sacked in 1595. 49.Which dynasty ruled the Neo-Babylonian Empire? (A) Cassite Dynasty (B) Chaldean Dynasty (C) Achaemenid Dynasty (D) Alcmeonid Dynasty (E) Pisistratid Dynasty 50. Which ruler of the Neo-Babylonian Empire captured Jerusalem and later deported the Hebrews to Babylon? (A) Assurbanipal (B) Tiglath-Pileser (C) Nebuchadnezzar II (D) Sargon II (E) Nabonidus 51. Who was the Persian King who allowed the deported Hebrews in Babylon to return to Jerusalem? (A) Darius I (B) Xerxes I (C) Artaxerxes II (D) Artaxerxes III (E) Cyrus the Great 52. How many times did the Persian Empire annexed the pharaonic Egypt? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 0 (E) 4 H.Periphery 53. The famous Pyrgi tablets were found at the port of Caere. They attest to the cultural interpenetration in Italy of the 6th and 5th centuries. What were the cultures in question? (A) Greek (B) Roman (C) Hebraic (D) Etruscan (E) Phoenician 54. To what goddesses can the Phoenician Astarte be considered as equivalent? (A) Akkadian Ishtar (B) Egyptian Hathor (C) Roman Venus (D) Greek Aphrodite (E) Sumerian Nanna 55. What is the principal attribute of the Phoenician god Melquart? (A) A mace is his right hand. (B) A knife in his right hand. (C) A fork in his left hand. (D) A pen in his right hand. (E) A crown in his left hand. 56. Which city is the metropolis of Carthage? (A) Sidon (B) Tyre (C) Byblos (D) Ugarit (E) Tripoli 57.What is the Greek name of Etruria? (A) Ionia (B) Tyrrhenia (C) Siberia (D) Elyseum (E) Atlantis I. Antiquity and Modernity 58. During the 19th century AD, who was the first historian to apply the term Hellenismus to the period spanning from the death of Alexander the Great to the establishment of the Roman Empire? (A) Hegel (B) Mommsen (C) Vogt (D) Droysen (E) Burkhardt 59. Who was the author of On the Dignity if Man, considered as the manifesto of the Renaissance? (A) Machiavelli (D) Pico della Mirandela (C) Petrarch (D) La Rochefoucauld (E) Michel de Montaigne 60. Who first proposed the regressive method for the historical investigation? (A) Marc Bloch (B) Edward Gibbon (C) Fernand Braudel (D) Lusien Febvre (E) Geroges Duby SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTIONS You may choose to answer these 12 questions. Correct answers will be rewarded and the wrong ones ignored. 61. The Fourth and Fifth Dynasties of the Egyptian Old Kingdom are celebrated for having built grand pyramids. Which centuries did these dynasties occupy? (A) c. 27th-26th cent. BC (B) c. 26th-25th cent. BC (C) c. 25th-24th cent. BC (D) c. 24th-23rd cent. BC (E) c. 23rd-22nd cent. BC 62. On the famous bust of Nefertiti, which two of the following statements are false? (A) It was discovered at the site of el-Amarna by Ludwig Borchardt in 1912 and is now housed in Berlin. (B) It set the aesthetic standards for the Egyptian sculpture of busts of the Late Period. (C) Nafertiti was the second reigning Egyptian queen after Hatchepsut who, married to Tutmose II, acted as regent to Tutmose III. (D) Nefertiti has been regarded as one of the greatest beauties fro the Antiquity. (E) Nefertiti was also a central figure besides her husband Akhnanten in the iconography of the monotheistic cult of Aton, the sun-disc god. 63. In the Wizarding World of harry Potter, which one of the following is the correct Patronus Charm, of which the incantation means "I am waiting for my protector?" (A) exspectas patronos (B) exspecto patronum (C) expectant patronorum (D) exspectat patroni (E) exspectatis patronis 64. When Octavian was adopted by Julius Caesar, his name was changed from G. Octavius into G. Julius Caesar Octavianus. To which part of the tria nomina does Julius correspond? (A) nomen gentilicium (B) praenomen (C) pseudonomen (D) cognomen (E) nomen servilis 65. Which one of the following was not one of the capitals of the Persian Empire? (A) Susa (B) Babylon (C) Uruk (D) Ecbatana (E) Persepolis 66. Traditionally, a Roman gens was controlled by the chief of the oldest of the families which composed the gens. How was this chief named? (A) magister familiae (B) princeps familiae (C) pater familias (D) pater familiae (E) primus familiae 67. The abbreviation "AD" means "in the year of Lord". How should you write it in full? (A) annus Domini (B) anno Domino (C) anno Dominius (D) anno Domini (E) annum Domino 68. What is the origin of the word "bus", meaning "vehicle for all"? (A) regibus (B) legibus (C) omnibus (D) nominibus (E) principibus 69. Marcus Aurelius' son Commodus' full name was L. Aelius Aurelius Commodus. What does the praenomen L. stand for? (A) Lupus (B) Lucius (C) Lucifer (D) Luca (E) Laurentius 70. How can you translate into Latin "History teaches life"? (A) Historia sunt magistra vita. (B) Historiae est magistra vitae. (C) Historiam est magistrae vitam. (D) Historia est magistrae vitas. (E) Historia esr magistra vitae. 71. Whay is the original title in Latin of the manifesto of the Renaissance On the Dignity of Man? (A) Ab dignitatis hominibus (B) Ab dignitate hominem (C) De dignitas hominis (D) De dignitate hominis (E) Ad dignitatem homo 72. In English, "e.g." means "for example". What is the original Latin form of this abbreviation, maening "thanks to the example"? (A) exemplum gratias (B) exempli gratias (C) exemplo gratiam (D) exempli gratia (E) exemplis gratiarum -- style3528: 報告長官!伙食好,住得好 12/17 16:58 cccwit: 各個學習情緒高 12/17 17:01 catbeer2000: 來人給他一張志願留營表,讓他馬上填 12/17 17:02 dan1196: 報告長官 我不要 12/17 17:04 dirubest: 欺騙長官是要判軍法的 12/17 17:16 jasonmcsh: 你是要留營呢?還是判軍法? 12/17 17:49 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NTU-Exam/M.1581243088.A.C23.html ※ 編輯: doraemon8709 ( 臺灣), 02/09/2020 18:12:51
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