看板 NTU 關於我們 聯絡資訊
計中電腦教室下週開放囉! 公告如下~ https://www.cc.ntu.edu.tw/english/ntunews/ntunewscontent.asp?s=82583 計資中心因應防疫降級之服務調整 NTU C&INC Services Adjustments to Epidemic Level 2 Alert Control Measures 公告單位:計算機及資訊網路中心--作業管理組 配合指揮中心宣佈防疫警戒降為二級,計資中心將於8/2(一)上午9時起恢復開館服務,調整各項防疫措施如下: 1. 8月2日(一)起恢復電腦教室服務,開放時間調整為週一至週五9.00a.m.~17.00p.m.。 2. 諮詢服務時間與電腦教室服務一致。 3. 進入本中心須於櫃檯刷卡並量測體溫,且全程配戴口罩。 4. 電腦教室一律採梅花座,保持安全距離。 5. 醫學院及公衛學院快速列印區開放時間依該學院公告為準。 若有任何問題歡迎來電詢問:33665022-23。 不便之處,敬請見諒! Conforming to the Central Epidemic Command Center(CECC) announcement that it will lower the epidemic alert to Level 2, NTU C&INC will also resume services starting Aug 2nd(Mon)9AM, under the following protection and control measures: 1.Effective Aug 2nd(Mon), printing rooms services will resume, opening hours will be adjusted to Mon-Fri 9AM -5PM. 2.Information desk working hours simultaneous with printing room services:Mon-Fri 9AM -5PM. 3.Please scan your ID card and measure temperature upon entry. Masks must be worn at all times. 4.Please follow the alternate seating arrangements in computer rooms, please leave an empty seat beside you and maintain social distance. 5.Fast printing area opening hours at College of Medicine and College of Public Health shall follow the respective College’s announcement. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 33665022-23. Sorry for all the inconveniences caused. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NTU/M.1627540859.A.E7C.html
PCSH120: 讚啦! 07/29 15:08
wcnoname5: 讚讚讚 07/29 15:09
Hsinxyzzyx: 大學部剩一堆可以轉到研究所用ㄇQAQ 07/30 00:00
AprilMight: 印爆 07/30 02:49
maozz: 太久沒去計中 久到我都忘記還有影印額度ㄌ 07/30 04:48
cwh0105: 岩壁所可以用 研究所不行 GG 07/30 07:28