看板 NTUDFLL-VBT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
2017年的第一個月 105學年上學期最後兩週 大家好好把握吧! 以下是一月份場單: 日期 前半 後半 1/2(一) 開國紀念日 遇例假日補假 1/5(四) X X 1/9(一) 場六 場五 場六 1/12(四) X 場四 寒訓部分 日期 前半8-10 後半10-12 1/14(六) 場七 X 1/15(日) 場四 場七 X 1/16(一) X X 1/17(二) X 場七 1/18(三) 場七 X 1/19(四) X 場七 1/20(五) 身障生考試不得借場 祝大家期末順利 然後提前祝大家Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :) ----------- “No matter how small and unimportant what we are doing may seem, if we do it well, it may soon become the step that will lead us to better things.” — Channing Pollock, Writer 然後除了這句話,還有另外一個小小分享 美國滑冰國手Ashley Wagner是索契冬奧的女子花式滑冰銅牌得主,是非常非常厲害而且極被看好並很多年都有耀眼成績的選手。每次比賽基本都能拿牌站上獎臺,然而就在不久前的中國盃Wagner只拿下了第六名。積分累計賽的第六名大概是很多選手求之不得的夢想,但是是Wagner滑冰生涯算是最失常的一次。當天比完賽Wagner就在Instagram分享一篇cheesy motivational pics,在這裡和大家分享一個奧運銅牌得主的感言:Everyone has bad days, everyone has terrible days, mine happened to be the latter. I've been at this for so long that, while I'm super dissatisfied with myself and my performance, I can recognize it as part of the journey. Every time I get out onto the ice it's helping me to become the athlete I want to be for the future. There is no "coming back" from this, because I didn't go anywhere. I owe it to myself, and the little girl in that picture to skate like the athlete and performer I'm capable of being. So lesson to all, love what you do, because it makes the bad days so much easier. https://www.instagram.com/p/BNAy_YKjpoj/?taken-by=ashwagner2010&hl=en -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NTUDFLL-VBT/M.1482246951.A.B6A.html ※ 編輯: savieckclwtw (, 12/21/2016 00:29:19
KaryChang: 感謝瀞文。love what we do :) 12/21 01:18
cwanwany: 推 journey 12/21 08:56
djok: 推推 12/21 14:37
akitalover: 推推 <3 <3 12/21 15:11
SConnor: 場單棒 12/21 22:58
tzuanlin: 推~~~!!!! 12/21 23:29
missh: 推終於有場嗚嗚。 12/22 01:13
Patrickball: 推推:) 12/22 01:56
corgi1117: 推推~ 12/23 12:51
Snorlax: 推 12/23 20:44