看板 NTUcourse 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 本文是否可提供臺大同學轉作其他非營利用途?(須保留原作者 ID) (是/否/其他條件):是 哪一學年度修課: 110-2 ψ 授課教師 (若為多人合授請寫開課教師,以方便收錄) 盧信銘 λ 開課系所與授課對象 (是否為必修或通識課 / 內容是否與某些背景相關) 資管系大三必修 δ 課程大概內容 節錄自 syllabus: Course Description Systems analysis and design (SA&D) deal with planning and managing the develop- ment of information systems through understanding and specifying what a system should do and how the components of the systems should be implemented. System analysts solve business problems by analyzing information systems' requ- irements and designing such systems by applying analysis and design techniques. This course deals with system analysts' concepts, skills, methodologies, techn- iques, tools, and perspectives. Course Objective This course covers critical concepts and tools for SA&D, including ‧ Introducing agile and plan-driven approaches for system development. ‧ Understanding key business opportunities via visioning and business-process modeling using UML activity diagrams. ‧ Deriving a domain model using entity-relationship diagrams. ‧ Introducing the creation of user stories and initial user interface modeling using mockups in the context of the stories. ‧ Understanding how to select project approaches. ‧ Exploring the issues of selecting a construction versus configuration approach. ‧ Explaining how to construct, manage, and evaluate construction iterations (springs) via burndown charts, retrospectives, and status reports. Course Requirements This course emphasizes heavily on student participation. About 50% of the week- ly course meeting time will be group-based in-class activities. Students must actively participate in these activities to gain hands-on experiences for esse- ntial concepts and tools. Students must also participate in a term project that includes two presentations and submit selected documents and source code at the end of the semester. Ω 私心推薦指數(以五分計) ★★★★★ 學到東西:★★★☆ 網頁高手:★★★★★ 喜歡很像小學的小組團康:★★★★☆ 私心:★★ η 上課用書(影印講義或是指定教科書) SYSTEMS ANALYSIS & DESIGN in an Age of Options, by Gary Spurrier and Heikki Topi, Prospect Press, 2021 (超新出版但超貴,網路上根本找不到能用的pdf,重點是不買還不行,因為作業會要求你 用課本內的名詞來作答...) μ 上課方式(投影片、團體討論、老師教學風格) 兩節課老師講課,最後一節課會做一些 in-class activity,可能是畫一些流程圖,或是 需求設定等等。這些活動通常都是團隊活動,所以有幾個認識的人在班上會比較好,不然 就得找其他人一起討論,也不是壞事就是了。 看得出來老師很用心在準備這門課,也很有熱忱希望把這門課教好,讓學生學到系統分析 與設計的...知識?觀念?但整體課程內容覺得偏雜,很多很耗時間的小活動,而且什麼都 得碰,從畫 figma, ER diagram, 到寫 selenium,在 minecraft 蓋房子都有,其實滿花 時間的。 σ 評分方式(給分甜嗎?是紮實分?) The course grades will be determined by the following percentages: Homework 12% Attendance, participation & quizzes 35% Term project (Milestone 1: Initial Project Vision) 5% Term project (Milestone 2: Initial Prototype) 20% Term project (Milestone 3: Final Presentation) 20% Term project (Milestone 4: Selective Documentation) 8% Total 100% Note: When deemed necessary by the instructor, the final score may be adjusted using a curve. 主要的分數都來自課堂參與和 Term project。課堂參與的部分不要太常翹課的話應該都可 以拿滿那部份的分數,term project 的各個 milestone 都有不同的配分方式,但 miles- tone 1 and 4 應該都可以拿滿,2 and 3 有組內、組間跟老師的評分,平均應該落在 80 上下,所以拿到 A/A+ 應該不難。 ρ 考題型式、作業方式 作業一二是用課本的名詞跟知識回答一些個案問題、作業三是實作 figma、作業四也是跟 個案有關的東西。In-class activity 就如同上述所提及,很多不同的活動,想認真投入 的人應該會覺得滿有趣的(嗎?) 沒有考試。Term project 就是分組做一個符合商業邏輯,有完整開發跟 test 的專案。 ω 其它(是否注重出席率?如果為外系選修,需先有什麼基礎較好嗎?老師個性? 加簽習慣?嚴禁遲到等…) 基礎:寫網頁或APP,或是隊友很會寫網頁跟APP。 Ψ 總結 之前跟畢業進業界的學長姐聊天,尤其有幾個自行創業,他們都說對系上課程有印象而且 在未來用比較多的都是這門課的內容,所以對於未來想當PM或是軟體工程師的人也許這 門課是很有用的,我也能感受到老師很用心在準備,但就不太合我的口味。另外資管系不 少課都進入大網頁時代,修之前可能得先確定自己會寫網頁或者真的喜歡寫網頁,不然你 或你的某個隊友可能會變成十萬JS十萬肝== -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NTUcourse/M.1655487700.A.ED2.html
hippo130: 推推 06/18 17:13