看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
擇要翻 from ESPN http://ppt.cc/ErZs By Kieran Darcy | ESPNewYork.com NEW YORK -- Carlos Beltran has a bone spur in his right elbow, received a cortisone shot in the elbow, and his status is day-to-day as he waits to see if the shot alleviates the pain. If not, surgery is a possibility. Beltran右手肘有骨刺, 在打類固醇, 目前是day-to-day, 如果沒改善要考慮手術 ............................. Reliever Shawn Kelley has been placed on the disabled list with a strained lumbar spine, and outfielder Zoilo Almonte has been recalled from Triple-A Scranton/Wilkes-Barre. Kelly因為腰椎拉傷也進去DL ......................... Almonte從3A叫上來了 That's just the latest bad news from the suddenly injury-besieged New York Yankees. Beltran left Monday night's Subway Series opener against the New York Mets after experiencing what he called "sharp pain" in his elbow while taking extra swings in the batting cage in between at-bats, which is his custom. An MRI later Monday night revealed the previously undiscovered bone spur. Beltran said he's never had an issue with his elbow before. MRI顯示了新發現的骨刺 .......................... "We're hoping that the cortisone shot will take the pain away, and you can continue to go out and play," Beltran said. "If it doesn't get better, they might need to take it out." 希望類固醇有效, 要不然 .................... Yankees manager Joe Girardi is not too concerned about Beltran's injury, yet. "[But] if in a couple days he doesn't feel better, then my level of concern would be pretty high," Girardi said. Girardi目前還不擔心, BUT BUT BUT, 如果幾天後沒有比較好, 他會很很很很很擔心 Beltran, 37, one of the Yankees' key acquisitions this past offseason, is currently batting .234 with five home runs and 15 RBIs. He said he does not know how much time he would miss if surgery is necessary. "No idea. I haven't asked that question. Right now I'm not considering that," Beltran said. "I'm just gonna give myself a little bit of time to get better, and hopefully the cortisone [shot] will take the pain away. If that happens, then I'll be happy." Beltran目前不清楚萬一要手術的話他會離開多久, 他希望過一段時間會感覺好些 Kelley had emerged as the Yankees' primary eighth-inning setup man this season, replacing David Robertson, who is now the closer following the retirement of Mariano Rivera. The 30-year-old is 1-2 with a 3.52 ERA and four saves in 16 appearances, but has not pitched since May 6 in Anaheim. The Yankees thought Kelley would be available Monday night against the Mets, but he felt discomfort in his back again just prior to the game. "It's not getting to where it needs to get," Girardi said. "So we figured with the health of our outfielders, the way they are, it's probably a good idea to call up Zoilo, and then we'll go from there." In addition to Beltran, outfielder Ichiro Suzuki also probably won't play Tuesday because of back pain. Almonte, 24, hit .236 with one homer and nine RBIs in 34 games for the Yankees last season. He was batting .273 with six homers and 24 RBIs in 33 games at Triple-A this season. Ichiro也背痛 ... Yankees first baseman Mark Teixeira, who got a day off Monday (except for pinch-hitting duties) because of fatigue and a tight groin, is back in the lineup Tuesday, but only as the designated hitter. Teixeira星期二會回來當DH CC Sabathia, one of three members of the Yankees' starting rotation currently on the disabled list, was getting a second opinion on his inflamed right knee by Dr. James Andrews on Tuesday, according to Girardi -- who also said he still does not know who will start in Sabathia's spot against the Mets on Thursday. CC在諮詢他右膝的狀況, Girardi表示星期四還不知道要派誰先發 ...... The Yankees (19-18) have lost three in a row and would fall back to .500 with another loss to the Mets on Tuesday. "You gotta fight through it, that's what you gotta do," Girardi said. "No one's gonna feel sorry for you, I don't feel sorry for us. We gotta fight thought it, find a way to get it done." -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1400028030.A.144.html
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