看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://goo.gl/Z8qzLn BALTIMORE - Yankees fans hoping for change at the top this offseason likely were disappointed Friday afternoon when the club announced a new three-year deal for general manager Brian Cashman. The Yankees missed the playoffs for a second straight season in 2014 but managing general partner Hal Steinbrenner did not hold Cashman, the team's GM since 1998 whose three-year, $9-million deal was set to expire at the end of the month, responsible. The move comes as no surprise. Back in early August when it became apparent the Yankees, on their way to an 84-78 finish, were not of playoff timber, word emerged from team insiders that Cashman's job was safe. The primary culprit in the club missing the postseason was an underperforming offense and holding Cashman solely responsible for that was a difficult sell. A source confirmed both hitting coach Kevin Long and first-base coach Mick Kelleher will not return to the team for the 2015 season. Cashman's moves to sign big-money free agents such as Carlos Beltran and Brian McCann last winter earned almost unanimous praise, but both veterans, for a variety of reasons, had down years. Minor moves such as bringing on Brian Roberts and Kelly Johnson to shore up the infield did not work, but several in-season moves by Cashman, unpopular at the time, ended up helping the club stay in contention. The first of those came on July 6 when Cashman acquired righthander Brandon McCarthy from the Diamondbacks, with whom he was 3-10 with a 5.01 ERA. The righthander, a free agent whom the Yankees have an interest in retaining, went 7-5 with a 2.89 ERA in 14 starts for the Bombers. Chase Headley arrived from the Padres July 22 and helped solidify a struggling infield, contributing at third base and, on occasion, first. The 30-year-old Headley is a free agent and the club has an interest in bringing him back as well. Cashman, who will oversee the Yankees' pro scouting meetings that start Monday, has plenty on his plate this offseason. Chief among them: finding a shortstop to replace Derek Jeter, insurance at third base as there is doubt the 39-year-old Alex Rodriguez will be up for the rigors of being a full-time player as he comes off the suspended list, and deciding if free-agent-to-be closer David Robertson is worth a big-money deal. Cashman拿到三年延長合約 打教Kevin Long、一壘教練Mick Kelleher被開除 -- Cashman剛剛的訪問內容 1.不確定A-Rod是否能天天上場守備,會再謹慎觀察 2.詢問過A-Rod站1B的意願 3.Pirela、Refsnyder有機會成為2015全職2B 兩個人守備都沒有很好,春訓見分曉 4.其他教練團明年全數回歸 5.空出來教練缺的問題他說會global reach,Jack Curry開玩笑舉了松井為例 鐵拳Tino好像也還沒找到工作 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1412969600.A.0EF.html
lovewhite : 今年的打擊真的超級悲劇的 開除的好啊~~~ 10/11 03:38
※ 編輯: Tukiyomi (, 10/11/2014 04:26:35
nickyang : 打擊好不好跟打教沒什麼關係 10/11 04:47
nickyang : 跟打教有關的話,你每年冬天看到的頭條是哪個教練 10/11 04:48
nickyang : 簽了幾億鎂的合約,而不是球員 10/11 04:48
WP1 : Kevin Long被開除好可惜.... 10/11 05:14
onime0704 : 打教我覺得幫助選手找回自己比較是他們工作, 10/11 06:37
onime0704 : 而不是把本來打擊就不好的變成全盛時期的Ichiro or 10/11 06:38
onime0704 : Barry Bonds. 10/11 06:38
appshjkli : 總是要有人出來担的 10/11 07:54
chihow : 打教不管打擊那要管啥? 10/11 08:38
y1027330 : 打教:我可以負責排棒次 XD 10/11 08:58
Alexander13 : 各位觀眾,6 3 3 10/11 09:42
Alexander13 : 美聯倒數第二... 10/11 09:42
bgp915117 : 代罪羔羊而已 10/11 10:07
lyk191947 : 至少要讓人覺得球團有所改變啊 10/11 10:10
grtfor : 簽完Cashman是好消息,A-Rod應該沒辦法天天守備.. 10/11 11:13
nickyang : 教練只是讓球員舒服,盡量從旁協助,換教練不會把 10/11 11:21
nickyang : 600分的球隊變700分,台日文化過份over coaching 10/11 11:22
nickyang : 像台灣職棒的教練少管一點可能還反而好一點 10/11 11:23
kevinduh4 : Kevin long QQ 10/11 13:01
richard1003 : 開除是應該的吧,這兩年有哪個走出打擊低潮了 10/11 13:51
atriple : 看到over coaching 不得不提到呂文生 少數的反例 10/11 14:52
appshjkli : Martin Prado/Chase Headley/Chris Young 表示: 10/11 14:53
atriple : 僅從局外的角度來看 Kevin Long這年確實沒有幫助 10/11 14:53
atriple : 幾個大砲維持好打擊成績 10/11 14:54
richard1003 : 你舉的那幾個也只是短時間小火花 10/11 15:39
richard1003 : 鐵爺/McCann/川哥都陷入大衰退整季爬不起來 10/11 15:40
tingyang : 松井當打教感覺不錯啊 (你打得好就送你一片DVD) 10/11 15:52
appshjkli : 我覺得你把打教當成神了 10/11 15:54
appshjkli : 打教如果這麼神 MLB就沒有爛掉的打者約了 10/11 15:54
appshjkli : nickyang是說打教不能把600>700 但是從600>610還是 10/11 15:55
appshjkli : 有機會的 不過要是打者自己爛,0>10也無濟於事 10/11 15:56
unico002 : McCann好可憐 季末那麼猛還要被說爬不起來 10/11 15:57
unico002 : Beltran就更衰了 受傷打打停停還要被砲 10/11 15:58
JBLs : Long QQ 10/11 16:00
deep236 : 不~Kevin long QOQ 10/11 16:46
funy98 : 總要有人對連續2年戰績不佳負責 10/11 20:14
pathfinder : Long 應該是嘴巴太大被火 10/11 22:13
lewis803 : 沒想到一壘教練無法隊長上壘摸頭之後也走了QQ 10/12 08:30
kusami : 少管一點可能還反而好一點+1 XDDDD 10/12 10:29
kusami : Long爺的經典作算是11年的Grandy嗎 10/12 10:29
microSD : Long... 11/07 16:28