看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Andrew Marchand寫得其實蠻爛的 我印象中他沒什麼在關注農場 ※ 引述《baseonballs (四壞球保送)》之銘言: : 1. Luis Severino, RHP: Severino may be the best prospect in the Yankees' : system. Last winter, we told you he could be the next big name to emerge from : the farm. : Severino lived up to the hype this season. He went 6-5 with a 2.45 ERA in 24 : starts in Double-A and Class A. He struck out 127 and walked just 27 in 113S : innings. : Severino won't start 2015 in the majors, but by late summer he might be an : option. If all goes well, he could be a big part of the 2016 plans. Of course, : he also could become the biggest piece in any blockbuster trade orchestrated : by general manager Brian Cashman. : Severino可能是我們目前最好的prospect。有說法是他可能是下一個從農場崛起的大物, : 今年有2.45ERA 127K 27BB (三振與控球都還不錯)。他或許不會明年就在大聯盟先發,但 : 夏季末時可能會看到他。如果養的好,他有可能會是洋基2016年重要的一片拼圖。當然 : 也不排除被現金人當好的菜交易掉就是了。 有些球探叫他Young Pedro,我個人是不會幻想得那麼美好 command還不夠好,待時間證明 希望他能維持健康 : 2. Aaron Judge, OF: There are some in the Yankees organization who believe : Judge may end up a 30-homer, 100-RBI guy. Just 22, he was impressive in his : first pro season, hitting .308 with 17 homers and 78 RBIs in 131 Class A : games. His OPS was .905. : Judge, the 32nd pick in the 2013 draft, is 6-foot-7, 230 pounds. A right-handed : hitter and thrower, he plays the outfield and can be a DH. : It would be very surprising if he made it all the way to the majors in 2015, : but he is a player teams will want in a big deal. I tend to doubt the Yankees : will give him up, as he could be the right fielder -- if he develops properly : -- by 2016 or 2017. : 洋基集團裡有人是相信Judge能成為一個30轟100打點的選手。他第一個職業球季就有 : BA0.308 17HR 78RBI OPS0.905 的成績,而他才22歲。當然很難想像他明年就能直升大聯 : 盟,不過他的潛力讓人覺得洋基不會放棄他。如果養得好,他可以是2016或2017的洋基 : 右外野手。 因為他的巨人身材,常被拿來跟Power 99做對比 但他不可能是Power 99 當初球探報告預期的高被三振率在低階還沒有很明顯 升到高階可以再觀察看看 Arm夠讓他站角落OF : 3. Rob Refsnyder, 2B: Refsnyder, 23, has already been mentioned as possibly the : starting second baseman if he can beat out Martin Prado or if Prado is needed : at another spot. Refsnyder hit .318 with 14 homers and 68 RBIs in 137 games in : Double-A and Triple-A in 2014. : The question on Refsnyder -- who was an outfielder on Arizona's 2012 NCAA : championship team -- is if he can make the transition to the infield. If he : doesn't win the second-base job, he has a chance to make the club as a utility : player. : Refsnyder已經被提起很多次了,他可能會是明年洋基的2壘手,如果他搶得過Prado的話 : (或者Prado被要求去守別的位置)。今年在2A跟3A出賽了137場有著BA0.318 14HR 68RBI : 的成績。由於Refsnyder之前是Arizona 2012 NCAA 冠軍隊伍中的外野手,他能否轉職成 : 稱職的內野手也是個疑問。如果最後他沒有獲得2壘手的工作,他也有可能以工具人的身 : 份進入名單。 這個農場最高階最好的純打者,棒子>防守 雙殺轉傳動作沒有很順暢,看看明年春天會不會變好一點 : 4. Manny Banuelos, LHP: Banuelos may not be as hyped as he once was, but when : spring training opens he will be just 23. Just as Dellin Betances did, : Banuelos still has a chance to turn his potential into major league success. : The lefty, coming off Tommy John surgery, had a 4.15 ERA in three levels of : the minors, but in his final 15 innings for Triple-A Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, he : had a 3.60 ERA, striking out 13 and walking 10. While nothing spectacular, he : may be going in the right direction. He will compete for a job (most likely in : the pen) in spring training, but could be at Triple-A waiting for a call-up as : a starter. : 講到Banuelos可能不會像之前那樣的令人感到興奮,但明年他也才23歲,他還是有機會像 : Betances那樣,把淺力轉化為動力成為一個成功的選手。動完Tommy John手術而剛回到球 : 場上的他,成績雖然不是很亮眼,但他還是有可能競爭明年的牛棚(或者繼續留在3A以先發 : 的身份等待機會)。 剛開完TJ回來會稍微炸一陣子,很正常 不希望看到他變成Loogy : 5. Gary Sanchez, C: Just 21, Sanchez was young for Double-A and did OK. If he : is going to be an elite player one day, he will need to hit better than .270 : with a .743 OPS because there are questions about his defense behind the : plate. If Cashman were to unload one of his top prospects, Sanchez might be : the one to go. He has a lot of catchers in front of him and some developing : to do, so it would seem he is still a long away from being a Yankee. : 21歲的Sanchez還年輕,在2A也打得還可以。但如果他要成為更好的選手,他需要打得比 : BA0.270 OPS0.0743的成績還要好,因為他的捕手守備能力還是有問題的。如果現金人需要 : 交易選手,他很有可能是那個主/配菜。在他前面還有許多的捕手而他本身也還需要成長, : 現階段來看,他在洋基還有一段路要走。 老人球專家,打球懶散像公務員,沒活力 評價很高,但從沒打出Monster Year 今年有段時間因為賽前沒練球被罰溫板凳 我覺得他已經沒有在球隊的未來藍圖裡了 : 6: Bryan Mitchell, RHP: Mitchell, 23, pitched 11 innings for the big club at : the end of the season and gave up only three earned runs. He has a pretty good : chance to make an impact in 2015 as either an extra starter or in the pen. : Mitchell之前就有上來露臉過,11IP只丟掉了3自責分。23歲的他非常有機會在2015年 : 有著大的影響力,以第六位先發或牛棚的身份。 他不應該出現在Top 10裡,Top 20差不多 或許只是因為他進度比較快才放進來 現實一點的天花板是No.4,Phelps、Shawn Green這類型的 : 7: Jacob Lindgren, LHP: The Yankees used their first pick in the 2014 draft o : n Lindgren, a lefty reliever. There was some thought he might be called up this : year, but now he has an excellent chance to break camp with the big club as the : main lefty in the pen. He is just 21. : 2014年的draft洋基第一選進來的。原本今年可能會被叫上來試試,但他可能成為洋基 : 之後牛棚裡主要的左手牛。他也才21歲。 升上2A command開始變爛 春訓再看看 : 8: Jose Pirela, 2B: Pirela, 24, can hit, which allows him to compete for a : roster spot and maybe even the starting second-base position this spring. The : question is whether he can defend well enough. Like Refsnyder, he owns an : infield and an outfield glove, which could earn him a trip north to begin the : season. : Pirela的打擊能力讓他可以競爭名單中的一席,甚至是先發2壘手。他的問題在於他的守備 : 能力是否也一樣好。跟Refsnyder很像,他有機會得到一張往北的車票開始他明年的球季。 : (最後一句有點不確定,個人想說應該是指從春訓的tempa往北到Bronx出賽的意思吧?) 他也不應該在Top 10裡 大概就是防守好一點點 (真的一點點) 的Nunez,工具人 如果他是明年的先發2B,我會很驚訝 : 9: Ian Clarkin, LHP: The 19-year-old lefty, another first-rounder in 2013, had : a strong season in Class A, striking out a batter an inning. He won't be a : factor on the major league level in 2014, but his development will be one to : watch. : Clarkin,19歲的左投手,2013第一輪選進來的,今年在Class A有個不錯的球季,每局都 : 可以投出一個三振。2014年或許不會看到他,但他的成長是需要被注意的。 Yankee Hater丟得很不錯,比某個說要在21歲上MLB的進度快多了 那個人還在短A : 10: Eric Jagielo, 3B: Jagielo, the 26th pick in 2013, had a very respectable : .811 OPS in Class A and Rookie ball in 2014. He is a 22-year-old third baseman. : He also is highly unlikely to make an impact on the big league club in 2015. : 2013的第26順位,今年在Class A及Rookie ball有著0.811OPS的成績。22歲的3壘手,明年 : 應該也不會看到他。 幾乎是傷了半季,然後在AFL BP的時候被球打到臉骨折 防守勉勉強強,棒子沒問題,被三振有一點多 但他能保持健康嗎? : 11: Jose Ramirez, RHP: Ramirez, 24, was a guy the Yankees were very high on : going into spring training in 2014. Injuries derailed him, but he is a righty : who might be able to make some leaps and help in the Bronx pen in 2015. : Ramirez是今年洋基在春訓大看好的選手。雖然受傷影響了他,他也是一位有進步空間並 : 能分擔洋基2015牛棚的人選。 超級痛痛人 2015沒上來的話大概就沒他戲份了 -- Top 10裡應該要有的是 Greg Bird 高中時期是Kevin Gausman的御用捕手,進職業後轉1B 今年評價是窮人版Swisher (但他不是左右開弓) 之前評價是Lyle Overbay,他如果能長到像Lyle Overbay就很不錯了 Jorge Mateo 80分的腿加上有點Power,是這農場裡天花板最高的SS 簽約金只有250K,目前防守看起來夠站SS 今年有點小傷,但應該不礙事 我很喜歡他的揮擊 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E87r8QWTQ8c
BTW,農場SS排名大概會是這樣 Jorge Mateo > Abiatal Avelino > Angel Aguilar > Tyler Wade > Cito Culver Yonauris Rodriguez還沒來米國我就先沒排進去了 Cito Culver的手套可以站SS,但棒子真的爛死了 從一開始的左右開弓改成現在的純右打也沒什麼起色 Top 10邊緣 Luis Torrens 17歲就來到米國打球 Contact不錯,Power應該會長出來,但Arm沒有Gary Sanchez好 預期會是可以蹲的捕手,才18歲,還在發育,還很嫩 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1413547205.A.8C0.html
BusterPosey : 推~ 10/17 20:19
vencil : 推 10/17 20:40
appshjkli : Cito Culver根本不用排了 10/17 21:01
appshjkli : Angel Aguilar打的還可以 10/17 21:03
k33536 : 好棒的球場 真希望在類似球場打球QQ 10/17 21:03
kmmkmm : 推一個 10/17 21:07
NYYforever : 推推 這隊的農場實在是...... 10/17 22:37
redsnipertd : 前一個GY捕手prospect可是幫我們騙到了Pineda 10/17 22:52
redsnipertd : 真希望這個gy捕手也能幫我們騙到什麼 10/17 22:52
appshjkli : 這個至少有機會蹲 10/17 22:57
GDBS : 不過看來gy中外野手prospect可能騙不到東西了... 10/18 00:08
onime0704 : 每次看到LOOGY都會想到nickyang XD 10/18 03:06
joey1149 : Gary Sanchez才21歲就農場排名第五,這麼早就放棄 10/18 16:40
joey1149 : 感覺稍稍可惜了一點 10/18 16:41
maxspeed150 : 因為21歲才有第5 23,4歲的話根本連討論都不會 10/18 17:17
Tukiyomi : Andrew Marchand亂排的,根本連參考的價值都沒有 10/18 18:13
Tukiyomi : 他平常沒在寫Prospect 10/18 18:13
funy98 : Henry也是很經典案例,Montero當初可是聯盟前10等級 10/19 13:21
pkbrown : 為什麼叫老人球打者XD? 10/19 17:33
DelinBtances: 0.0 10/19 20:42
upscom : Long去梅子了 -.- 10/24 21:37