看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源: http://www.wsj.com/articles/alex-rodriguez-hits-3-000-with-a-bang-1434759456 Wall Street Journal的新聞 不過好像要有帳號才能看 紙本報紙下的標題跟網路上的不大一樣 報紙標題是 3,000 New Reasons to Forgive Alex Rodriguez 內容也有些微不同 不過大意是一樣的 以下重點節錄於報紙 1.球迷大致上已經原諒A-ROD了 尤其是他第3,000支安打又跟隊長一樣是home run 2.A-ROD在春訓時已經贏得球團的信任 不過第660支全壘打的獎金細則還在跟球團討論 3.A-ROD這季在媒體前的表現也贏得了媒體的好感 4.A-ROD平常練習很認真 而且熱愛比賽 所以隊友其實是尊敬A-ROD的 5.最後提到A-ROD覺得自己很幸運 也非常感激球迷現在對他的支持 總之 整篇文章都是幫A-ROD漂白 不過A-ROD現在在紐約也是白到發亮阿 不管是球迷 球員 球團 媒體 都在幫A-ROD說話 希望A-ROD生涯能有機會挑戰700轟啊! 於最後附上網路版本原文 Alex Rodriguez, baseball’s milestone-eclipsing pariah, recorded his 3,000th hit in grand style Friday night, cracking an opposite-field home run off Detroit’s Justin Verlander in the first inning to become only the third player ever to reach 3,000 career hits with a home run. Rodriguez became the 29th player in major-league history to reach the mark, and joined longtime teammate Derek Jeter and former Yankee Wade Boggs as 3,000-hit club members who punched their tickets with a homer. He rounded the bases with his arm outstretched, as his teammates spilled out of the dugout to congratulate him. Rodriguez hugged Mark Teixeira, then CC Sabathia, Brett Gardner, and manager Joe Girardi after he reached home plate. The dugout of the visiting Tigers, meanwhile, was still and silent—a stark contrast from Jeter’s 3,000th hit, when the visiting Tampa Bay Rays all came out to applaud. The Bronx fans cheered without interruption for close to two minutes, demanding a brief curtain call, which Rodriguez provided. There were no boos to be heard, no negativity to mar the remarkable story of Rodriguez’s return to the public’s good graces. It was the culmination of a moment that began in earnest on Thursday night, when the crowd unabashedly celebrated Rodriguez ’s 2,998th and 2,999th hits. “To be quite honest, a year ago today, I didn’t know if this day would ever come,” Rodriguez said. “There were some really dark days.” Because Rodriguez has said all the right things, because he has not rocked the boat for perhaps the first time in his career, the fans have been quick to forgive. On an otherwise unexciting team, Rodriguez is the one interesting story, the wild card, the comeback tale, even if what he’s coming back from was self-inflicted. And perhaps most important, as manager Joe Girardi noted, he has hit home runs. “I’ve had a chance to play with players who have had second chances, third chances, sixth and seventh chances,” Girardi said. “Fans just want to see players do well. That’s the bottom line. And he’s done well. Sometimes people pull for people to fight back, and get back up, when they’ve been knocked down. I think it’s the society that we live in.” The first people Rodriguez had to win over this spring were Yankee executives, and he at least made peace with them during a preseason sit-down. They still have an unresolved issue over a $6 million payment for a marketing agreement tied to Rodriguez’s 660th home run, which he hit on May 1, but the two sides appear to have tabled the matter for now, deciding to extend indefinitely Rodriguez’s deadline for filing a grievance. Next, Rodriguez had to win over the media, which he has largely done by being available, accountable and pleasant. Then came teammates. Players respect hard work, and they respect production, and while not all have forgiven or forgotten Rodriguez’s drug transgressions, as Girardi said, players do appreciate his commitment. “I just think it shows you how much our guys pull for Alex, how much they appreciate how he goes about his business, and works hard, and is doing whatever it takes to win a game,” Girardi said. “I think they were happy to be a part of it, too.” Rodriguez’s teammates have been rooting alongside him all along as he neared and then reached, 3,000 hits. That achievement deserves recognition, despite all the baggage that comes with it, said veteran Carlos Beltran.. “As a player, being able to get 3,000 hits, it’s a great accomplishment and I know there might be a lot of doubts on him, but it doesn’t matter,” Beltran said. “You still have to do it, and he’s a guy that has been able to put it together.” When he has chased previous milestones, Rodriguez has had a problem getting over the final hump—sitting on 599 home runs for weeks, for instance. Rodriguez said that before Friday’s game, sleep was elusive as he looked forward to what might come. “Last night, I just kept staring at the ceiling, about 3, 4 o’clock in the morning,” Rodriguez said. “I didn’t get much sleep, just thinking about the day, and anticipating what today might be like.” He wasted no time, for once, and can now bask in the rewards. Now that Rodriguez appears to have fully won over the final group of holdovers —the home fans, who have rallied behind him during his march to 3,000— his return to the fold is complete. To say it was unpredictable is not enough. It ’s a start to say that nothing quite like it has ever happened before. And Rodriguez, at least, knows how lucky he is. “I’m grateful,” Rodriguez said. “I’m extremely thankful to the Yankees for the opportunity to put that uniform back on. There were days last year that I never thought I would put that uniform back on and be in front of these fans. I’m extremely grateful.” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1434841640.A.465.html
arosshyi : 700?不是763嗎XDD 06/21 07:14
danielar : 一步一步來阿XD 06/21 07:21
iuakob : 跟查理大說的一樣~ 06/21 07:29
arosshyi : 由衷希望可以看到763啊啊啊啊 06/21 07:31
Scape : 我想看800XD 06/21 07:42
a2156700 : 都會說跟Jeter一樣300安是全壘打耶 好感度↑ 06/21 08:57
tl20 : 其實洋基最辛苦的時間是在五月份那陣子 也就是田中 06/21 09:19
tl20 : 受傷那時候 06/21 09:19
siliver : 只要成績好,漂白確實不難. 06/21 10:27
LoveJxJ : A-ROD就贏在他的態度整個大改變 06/21 10:30
brains200011: 06/21 10:55
min19892007 : A-ROD 就是態度好熱情還在 不然怎麼維持成績 06/21 11:03
mikeneko : 重點是他現在打的好,只要拿的出成績,我們就支持你 06/21 11:05
Sijan : LOVE 06/21 11:14
JessicaA1ba : 這就跟只要考100分-->所以上台大就不難一樣 06/21 12:06
JessicaA1ba : 重新打出好成績easy嗎,問老虎伍茲就知道 06/21 12:09
hefe : 看到肉哥今年復活真的是太感動了 06/21 12:59
BraveCattle : 700應該是沒問題,763比較難了吧 06/21 14:29
accjm2440 : 距離700其實還有32支 頗遠的...XD 06/21 15:56
yamatai : AROD在球場裡面的態度一直都是頂級的好 只是禁藥事 06/21 16:34
yamatai : 件公關處理太差了 我從頭到尾都很喜歡AROD 06/21 16:35
yamatai : 甚至我認為禁藥也沒什麼了不起 充分表現出AROD熱愛 06/21 16:35
yamatai : 棒球到他願意犧牲自己的健康 以他的天份 沒禁藥一樣 06/21 16:36
yamatai : 是頂級球員 06/21 16:36
MemoryLin : 40歲要有這樣的成績 除了天分 場外一定更努力訓練 06/21 19:01
arosshyi : 穩定輸出明年達標700的話,2017結束大概在740-750, 06/21 20:33
arosshyi : 真要破感覺要2018了,那時還有沒有辦法打呢 06/21 20:33
Amontillako : 有白有推 06/21 21:04
sylviehsiang: 如果2017有740 那絕對有2018 POWER還在又有紀錄賣點 06/21 21:35