看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
作者: vigilante666 (vigilante666) 看板: NY-Yankees 標題: [外電] 為什麼洋基該聘請Ibanez當總教練 時間: Mon Nov 6 22:59:33 2017 原文恕刪(包含奇怪符號) 這篇文是10/30的 已經有點時間 看完之後覺得分析的有一定道理 We’ve arrived at a strange juncture in baseball’s evolution, where, if the Y ankees actually did hire someone with any managing experience — even minor le ague, let alone major league — they’d be the exception to the new rule. 如果洋基真的聘請一位沒有執教經驗的教頭 那麼這真的會開創一個先例 打破聯盟成規 So if we disqualify (or at least minimize) managing experience from the list o f necessities, who checks the most remaining boxes? 如果不考慮執教經驗(或是不那麼看重) 誰會是候選人當中的最有力競爭者? Raul Ibanez checks quite a few. At the least, the Yankees should consider him as a serious candidate as long as he’s interested. Actually, given the amount of times Brian Cashman has reached out to Ibanez for a reunion since Ibanez’ s enjoyable 2012 in pinstripes, and given the qualities that Cashman appears t o be prioritizing in his search for Joe Girardi’s successor, it would be surp rising if the Yankees’ general manager didn’t contemplate Ibanez. Ibanez想必會是其中之一。 只要他有興趣,洋基有必要將他納入考量。 事實上12年賽季結束後,現金人就多次接觸Iba鎑z表達再次合作的意願況且現金人將Gira di接班人視為第一要務要是不考慮Ibanez將會非常令人驚訝。 Look at the manager hires made so far this winter: The Tigers went old-school, bringing in their former AL Central rival Ron Gardenhire, who led the Twins f rom 2002 through 2014. Then the Mets hired Mickey Callaway and the Red Sox Ale x Cora, neither of whom has managed a professional game. On Sunday, the Nation als reportedly hired Dave Martinez, who shares Callaway’s and Cora’s complet e lack of a track record, while the Phillies reportedly hired Gabe Kapler, who managed one season in the low minor leagues. 看看目前各隊有的新教頭: 除了老虎聘請Ron Gardenhire,像是梅子聘請Mickey Callaway、隔壁襪襪聘請Alex Cora 。 實際上他們都沒有正式執教過任何一場職業比賽。而國民聘請Dave Martinez也是一樣。 至少費城人請的Gabe Kapler執教過低階比賽。 Now, Callaway and Martinez both spent multiple years as major league coaches, and Cora is finishing up his one season as the Astros’ bench coach before mov ing to Boston. Ibanez hasn’t spent a day in uniform since his 2014 retirement as a player, choosing instead to prioritize time with his family. He can over come that deficiency, assuming he’s willing to go back to baseball full-time, for many reasons. Here are a few: Callaway&Martinez兩人都在大檸檬當過教練,Cora也剛完成他在色人板凳教練的工作。 但是Ibanez自從14年宣布退休之後就再也沒有身著制服過,他選擇花更多時間與家人相處 如果他選擇再次投身全職與棒球有關的工作,他毫無疑問可以勝任,有以下原因: 1) He hasn’t been a coach, but he has been a “coach.” In his final years as a player, Ibanez naturally took it upon himself to help younger players. Memb ers of the pennant-winning 2014 Royals pointed to a players-only meeting Ibane z called as the season’s turning point. That postseason, from the AL Division Series onward, Ibanez wasn’t active but sat on the bench, working as a “che erleader,” in his words — and viewing those most important games from a diff erent perspective. 1. 雖然他沒當過教練,可是他當過隊上的心靈導師以及傳授年輕球員經驗。14年奪冠的 皇家當中有球員指出,認為那年Ibanez在隊上是很重要的一個轉折點。雖然整個季後賽都 沒上場,但是他在板凳上當啦啦隊長,提供球員經驗,提供年輕球員看待這種大比賽的不 同的觀點。 2) He’s bilingual. Born in New York (not a bad touch for the narrative) and g rowing up in Miami as the son of Cuban emigres, Ibanez speaks both Spanish and English comfortably. How nice it would be for Baby Bombers like Gary Sanchez, Luis Severino and Gleyber Torres to converse comfortably with their manager i n their native tongue? 2. 他精通英文&西班牙文。由於出身背景的關係,Ibanez說得一口流利的英文&西班牙文 。倘若他能夠直接與374、Severino、Torres等人直接溝通,這將是多麼美好的一件事? 3) He possesses front-office experience. Ibanez, 45, has been a special assist ant to Dodgers general manager Farhan Zaidi since last year. He has been invol ved in scouting for the amateur draft, trade discussions and much more. With a ll this talk of collaborative work environments, you could argue that Ibanez’ s front-office work — particularly with the Dodgers, in many ways the Yankees ’ West Coast equivalent — carries more value than, say, a year as a bench co ach. 3. 他有過在高層的工作經驗。自從去年以來, Ibanez就在道奇GM Zaidi手下當特助。他有過觀察年輕球員、參與交易決策的經驗。在這 種環境下工作,尤其道奇就好比西岸的洋基一般,這種工作經驗絕對勝過當一年的板凳教 練。 4) His Yankees identity. Perhaps I’m just being a stick in the mud, but I sti ll believe that a “name,” someone with some Yankees credibility, will be an easier sell to both the players and the fan base. Ibanez’s Yankees tenure was brief yet memorable. His performance in Game 3 of the 2012 AL Division Series , when he hit both a game-tying homer in the ninth inning and a walk-off blast in the 12th, offered evidence moving forward that he won’t crumble in big mo ments. 4. 他身上有著洋基基因。或許這樣講有點一廂情願,但是一個有著洋基基因的人選或許 會更容易被球員甚至球迷接受。Ibanez在洋基的經驗雖然短暫但是卻令人難以忘懷。12年 ALDS G3,他先是在9下敲出追平陽春砲,然後又在延長賽送出再見陽春砲。這些都表明他 能夠在重大時刻頂住巨大壓力做好工作。 5) His media experience. Ibanez spent time the last few years broadcasting for FOX and ESPN. If he can’t match Joe Torre’s mastery of the news conference, he’d radiate more warmth than Girardi did. 5. 過去幾年Ibanez花了些時間在FOX與ESPN播報比賽。或許他沒辦法像Joe Torre那樣在 記者會上應對自如,但是至少他會做的比Giradi好上不少。 After 2012, the Yankees passed on re-signing Ibanez as a free agent because th ey went on austerity kick. The Yankees reached out again after 2013, however, when Ibanez had played for Seattle (Ibanez signed with the Angels), and after his retirement in 2014 to discuss the Yankees’ hitting coach vacancy. 12賽季結束後洋基沒有與Ibanez續約,因為他們決定壓低薪資走簡樸路線。13賽季後洋基 有與之聯繫(那時Ibanez結束與水兵的合約,最後14賽季在猴子打球)14賽季結束後洋基 也有與他討論打的空缺。 Ibanez intrigues baseball people like Cashman. It’s his history. Could Ibanez and Cashman make history together? It’s worth another conversation to find o ut. 究竟Ibanez與現金人能否再續前緣,這真是一個值得關注與討論的話題。 文章出處: https://www.google.com.tw/amp/nypost.com/2017/10/30/why-yankees-should-conside r-raul-ibanez-as-next-manager/amp/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1509980377.A.FD2.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1509980703.A.1A4.html ※ 編輯: vigilante666 (, 11/06/2017 23:06:42
pink80109 : 同樣跟古巴有關係,Ibanez也可以直接跟Chapman溝通 11/06 23:09
pink80109 : ,相信Chapman至少聽到西文,會更信服一點11/06 23:09
ohmyya : 試試看11/06 23:11
starain : 會做的比喬拉迪好?這評價對一場未教的人有點太捧了 11/06 23:33
jeffhill : 單指應對媒體吧.. 11/06 23:40
richard1003 : 新教練那邊翻錯了,沒經驗是指後面那兩個11/06 23:42
richard1003 : Gardenhire是老資深教練了11/06 23:42
感謝,已改 ※ 編輯: vigilante666 (, 11/07/2017 00:06:54
giancarloye : 推推 11/07 00:06
juchenliu : 沒執教經驗,風險太高了 11/07 00:09
ELF007 : 幾億美金的生意 沒經驗風險高到破表 11/07 00:18
lovewhite : Iba鎑z 有亂碼 11/07 00:20
kevininla : 還是很好奇會找誰 11/07 00:26
V66 : 老吳 一把鑷子!這名字實在太讓人意外 11/07 00:42
jim12441 : 金鶯:叫你總仔出來....沒事 11/07 00:44
sbmylife : Jerry Hairston Jr現在蠻多人傳的 11/07 01:06
JessicaA1ba : 修瓦特最怕的男人 11/07 04:06
chaolin : 題外話 MLB the Show 2018'的封面是法官! 11/07 06:13
yuenwwjd : 一把奶子~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!! 11/07 16:05
nick2428 : 忘不了對金鷹季後賽的追平於再見轟 一棒你死! 11/08 00:17
mark2326 : 要捧lbanez可以 可是貶吉總沒必要 11/08 12:10
mark2326 : 吉總好歹證明過將拼裝車年年帶到五成勝率 11/08 12:11
mark2326 : 也證明過將一群新秀帶進美聯冠軍賽殊死戰 11/08 12:11
mark2326 : 吉總還有一座世界大賽冠軍 很多優秀總教練終其執教 11/08 12:13
mark2326 : 生涯一座也沒有 11/08 12:13
tdkandrh : 希望不要過捧 11/08 15:31
frank94 : 也沒有人在貶吉總吧 11/08 17:16
frank94 : Cashman記者會說吉總無法跟球員處的融洽 11/08 17:19
frank94 : 然後球隊要往新的方向走 所以沒有續約 11/08 17:21
frank94 : 不是說他過去帶的不好 而是球隊認為未來可以更好 11/08 17:24
frank94 : 而這篇原文甚至也沒提到吉總啊………… 11/08 17:28
sylviehsiang: 09年的冠軍是靠三本柱熱血特攻 AROD隻手遮天 11/08 17:50
sylviehsiang: 松井我是你老爸打來的 根本看不到老吉的功力 11/08 17:51
sylviehsiang: 老吉被火有兩種原因 1.給你十年了 11/08 17:51
sylviehsiang: 2. 誰叫你第一年就拿冠軍 印象分數頂多打平不會增加 11/08 17:52
charlie01 : 呃 首先拿冠軍是第二年 第一年還沒進季後賽 11/08 18:34
charlie01 : 然後你這樣的說法太有趣了 照這邏輯應該沒有冠軍是 11/08 18:36
charlie01 : 靠教練功力不是靠球員的 11/08 18:36
charlie01 : 原因球團和媒體都有或曲或直的說了 不必延伸太多 11/08 18:37
loveeve : 所以老王 有沒有機會 回洋基當投手教練 XD 11/09 00:19
sunnei : 沒有。 11/09 00:46
appshjkli : 機會0 11/09 01:11
AHEAD099 : 自己都調整不好了還要去調整別人的投球嗎 11/09 08:14
ypw : 結論:拿冠軍都是球員爆發 沒拿冠軍都是教練調度 11/09 12:24
atriple : 老吉的RP使用方式和野手輪休制度真的不錯。 11/09 18:45