看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Fangraphs 的專欄作家 Jeff Sullivan 在1/18的Chat 本來要寫開季陣容文章結果寫一寫不小心把暫存檔案蓋掉了就懶得寫 英文太爛不會翻 只擷取NYY相關 https://goo.gl/n8B1N5 -- Mookie Butts: Why are the Yankees trying to win so much? It feels like a personal attack. Jeff Sullivan: It should feel like a personal attack Jeff Sullivan: Do you remember what happened in 2018 Jeff Sullivan: I don’t think the Yankees liked that very much -- Guest: For some reason folding Ottavino into the Yankees Depth Chart has the effect of lowering their RP WAR from 6.4 to 6.2. Pretty funny in the context of your article (文章:https://is.gd/KgIvoT ) Jeff Sullivan: I saw that too, and it’s amusing Jeff Sullivan: But of course, one thing the depth charts struggle to account for is…depth. Realistically Ottavino doesn’t move the Yankees’ ceiling very much, but he raises the floor of bullpen performance. One more great reliever who’d have to have something go wrong for the group to not be a strength -- cheapskate drifter: i forwarded your ottavino piece to my yankee coworker. he replied back “great article”. so there’s that. (文章:https://is.gd/KgIvoT 其實跟上面同一篇,分析Ottavino的文章 ) Jeff Sullivan: People like when articles flatter their teams Jeff Sullivan: All affection is fleeting and conditional -- stever20: which team do you give the edge to right now in the AL East? Boston or the Yankees…. Jeff Sullivan: Yankees -- LAA fan: Would someone like Patrick Sandoval be enough to get Gray from NYY? Jeff Sullivan: Only a few months ago, Sandoval was part of the return for a half-season of Martin Maldonado. Sonny Gray is more desirable than Martin Maldonado Jeff Sullivan: It would take more, in other words. Lots of teams sniffing around -- Big Joe Mufferaw: Yankees are going to strike out every batter in 2018 Jeff Sullivan: …right up until Sabathia’s turn in the rotation -- Luke: Are the Yankees better off adding 3 bullpen pieces for $30M/year or adding 1 Manny Machado/Bryce Harper for $30M/year? Jeff Sullivan: The Yankees signed Ottavino and Britton for three years. Are Machado or Harper available for three years? Jeff Sullivan: Here’s the reality, too — the Yankees, of course, could definitely afford Machado/Harper, but they don’t *need* Machado/Harper, because they’re already great. And come playoff time, the best pitchers become more valuable, while the best position players remain roughly as valuable as before Jeff Sullivan: In the playoffs, the Yankees can lean on their bullpen as much as they want, but a great hitter is still only coming up four or five times a game -- Big Joe Mufferaw: I have a feeling that the Yankees will go all Damon/Texiera and come out of nowhere and sign Harper. Gardner is NOT going to be their everyday LFer. It’s easy to slide Harper in LF, Hicks in CF, Judge in RF and Stanton as DH mostly and RF LF a few times a week. Jeff Sullivan: It is a difficult feeling to shake. I feel similarly about the Dodgers -- Guest: Thoughts on Sonny Gray landing spots? I feel Giants make sense for a potential salary dump play if the Yankees can package Ellsbury and prospects with Gray. Jeff Sullivan: I think I lean toward the Brewers, because they could use the rotation help, plus they’re an actual contender -- Bruce: Looking back no with hidsight….what were the yankees thinking when they traded for Stanton? Do you think they thought at the time it wouldnt hurt their chances of getting Harper/Machado? Jeff Sullivan: They probably thought his 2017 was more real than it was Jeff Sullivan: Stanton at 24% strikeouts is different from Stanton at 30% strikeouts Jeff Sullivan: And because of who he is and how he plays, Stanton had — and still has — the potential to be a genuine superstar in NYC -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1548164868.A.D1C.html ※ 編輯: appshjkli (, 01/22/2019 21:49:10
jojo2147 : 真的是閒聊XD 01/22 22:22
luaniu : 看到洋基版有新文章 還以為馬洽多盤來了 01/22 22:33
luaniu : 稍稍興奮了一下 01/22 22:35
appshjkli : 恭喜Mo成為第一位100%選票的名人堂選手 01/23 07:26
appshjkli : 恭喜Moose終於進了 01/23 07:26
cbahsasn7250: 恭喜Mo & Moose ! 01/23 08:03
Rodriguez : 恭喜Mo神~~~~~ 01/23 08:04
yankees733 : 史上第一人100%HOF,神 01/23 08:10
Hitimothy : 恭喜 Mo 01/23 08:51
appshjkli : 希望Moose戴NY帽進HOF 01/23 09:02
charlie01 : 我覺得他會選金鳥 希望再打我一次臉 XD 01/23 09:07
siliver : 恭喜Mo & Moose ! 01/23 09:11
ZMTL : 放話半天還是100%,真一堆傲嬌XD 恭喜Mo & Moose 01/23 10:35
ganhua : 恭喜MO和Moose~~~E格馬也終於進了,還有大夫,感動Q 01/23 10:42
chen5512 : 紅襪那位記者若不投MO大概會被炮到死 01/23 11:54
lovemj88 : 紅襪記者需要為不投Mo擔心被砲到死嗎? 01/23 13:10
fan0226 : 兩個帽子一起戴! 01/23 13:47
duo131 : 紅襪那個好像完全沒投票~~100%只計有寄選票的 01/23 14:16
chen5512 : 根據新聞紅襪那位記者有投給MO 01/23 14:29
wen8278 : 聽訪談感覺Moose會選擇白帽子進去 01/23 15:47
nomo1616 : 雙喜臨門,開心 01/23 16:55
nomo1616 : 一喜是MO100%進,一喜是Moose也進了 01/23 16:56
mikeneko : 穆帥能進比MO進更開心! 01/23 18:17
ganhua : 總版的greenpeace21已經是水桶常客了 01/23 21:28
ganhua : 一直瘋狂跳針XDD 01/23 21:29
ganhua : (不小心打了注音文...幫刪ek7 01/23 21:30
※ 編輯: appshjkli (, 01/23/2019 21:32:29
ganhua : 謝謝 01/23 21:57