看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://www.mlb.com/news/yankees-hire-eric-cressey-training-staff-changes NEW YORK -- The Yankees have hired performance coach Eric Cressey to oversee their training and strength/conditioning departments, according to a report by The Athletic (subscription required). The move comes amid an apparent overhaul of the Yankees’ training room after a season in which they set a Major League record with 30 players (39 stints) appearing on the injured list. The club has not announced any changes or confirmed the report. Per the report, the club plans to transition longtime head athletic trainer Steve Donohue to an emeritus role. Donohue joined the club in 1979 and served as the assistant athletic trainer under Gene Monahan, taking over the head athletic trainer position following Monahan’s 2011 retirement. Cressey is something of a celebrity in the world of performance coaching. He has worked with high-profile stars like Corey Kluber, Noah Syndergaard and Max Scherzer, helping to popularize the emphasis of kinesiology and biomechanics. Cressey also hosts an “Elite Baseball Development” podcast on which he interviews big league players and personalities. According to The Athletic, the Yankees plan to allow Cressey to continue working with players on other Major League clubs. He will also retain his role as the president and co-founder of the Cressey Sports Performance training centers, which are located in Hudson, Mass., and Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. Matt Blake, who was hired as the Yankees’ new pitching coach in November, had previously served as a pitching coordinator for Cressey Sports Performance. In October, general manager Brian Cashman said that the club was continuing to investigate underlying reasons for their 2019 injury issues, including rehab setbacks that extended IL stays for prominent players like Luis Severino, Giancarlo Stanton and Dellin Betances. “Are they preventable? Is there something that we're missing?” Cashman said. “Is there something in our process that is faulty? I can assure you that has been a laser focus. I’ve described it as ‘CSI: The Bronx.’ That has been occurring.” In December, the Yankees dismissed strength and conditioning coach Matt Krause, who had served in that role for the organization since 2014. The Athletic said that Michael Schuk will be promoted to head athletic trainer. Schuk has served as the assistant head athletic trainer under Donohue since 2012. Assistant trainer Tim Lentych will also remain with the club. NYY雇用 Eric Cressey 作為performance coach監督球員的肌力與體能訓練 試圖釐清並預防今年爆量傷兵的情況 Cressey曾和Kluber,雷神,薛蛇等人合作,重視人體運動學和生物力學 NYY打算繼續讓他和其他球隊的球員合作 以及Cressey Sports Performance training centers的經營 新投手教練Blake也曾經在他下面工作 NYY預計將之前長期的防護員長Steve Donohue轉為榮譽職 他在1979作為助理加入 並在2011開始擔任防護員長 Michael Schuk預計將晉升為這個職務 他在2012開始擔任副防護員長 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1578174040.A.8FF.html
Tyrone : 拜託傷兵別再像去年一樣誇張 01/05 07:28
wsan : Steve Donohue 已經可以稱之為 NYY 吉祥物等級 01/05 19:04
Sechslee : 看不到Steve慢跑上投手丘的畫面了 QQ 01/05 21:25
appshjkli : 這群人下盤超容易傷的 還會傷好了再傷 01/05 21:32
es9114ian : 說句題外話 距離跟Gardner簽約已經快一個月 他到現 01/05 21:40
es9114ian : 在都還沒加進40人名單= = 01/05 21:40
lovemj88 : 每次看Steve在有意義的球上面寫字都覺得很可愛 01/06 02:24
es9114ian : Ken Rosenthal又爆料啦~前年的紅襪也中標囉~ 01/07 23:15
es9114ian : 洋基和道奇連兩年都被這種作弊隊婊= = 01/07 23:17
vencil : 只在看聯盟什麼時候要給出懲罰 01/08 00:05
bestteam : 那篇文洋基有被掃到 只是沒有證據 01/08 00:53
mark74531 : 洋基連續三年了吧 比道奇還慘 01/08 01:06
chaolin : 太鼓人處份好像再2週會出來 但只有到管理階層..... 01/08 11:15
dinos : 現在再爆個襪襪,大概只會重罰高層每人二十美金罰款 01/08 11:31
wsx1678904 : https://i.imgur.com/Ji8pDye.png 01/08 16:35
wsx1678904 : 目前看來跟我們沒啥關系就是 01/08 16:35
wsx1678904 : 2018的事根本是烏龍 2015的就沒啥好講的 誰知道是 01/08 16:37
wsx1678904 : 賽後用來破暗號 還是比賽中 沒啥後續證據 01/08 16:37
ckb91 : 總版那邊www 01/08 16:45
wsx1678904 : 嘛 沒什麼差吧 難保我們之後也被燒到之類的 不過至 01/08 16:51
wsx1678904 : 少現在跟我們是沒關係就是 01/08 16:51
wsx1678904 : 就像twitter有個記者講的 你看看374和Stanton揮滑 01/08 16:52
wsx1678904 : 球那鳥樣 要是知道來什麼球我還不信 01/08 16:52
hydreigon : 總版都有一篇在澄清了結果還是一堆不看內文 01/08 17:57
wsx1678904 : 我是覺得沒什麼好澄清的吧 因為以後被提到可以拿來 01/08 17:58
wsx1678904 : 當洗臉的素材 而且想黑的都馬會裝傻 01/08 17:58
vencil : 見獵心喜的那些哪會管有沒有澄清 01/08 18:01
appshjkli : 因為紅襪丟臉只好想辦法拉人下水 01/08 18:03
c871111116 : 總版還好 棒球版完全沒有人澄清 就一堆人在秀 01/08 18:10
hydreigon : 也是 算了 反正基黑多也不是第一天知道 01/08 18:11
hydreigon : 還...還好我沒在逛棒球版 01/08 18:11
es9114ian : 襪迷整個超可笑的 被抓到還想說我們下水 01/08 18:25
bestteam : 紅襪工作人員說自己隊上的是有可信度 01/08 21:03
bestteam : 但無憑無據連帶扯別隊的是 就不懂有甚麼好相信了 01/08 21:04
bestteam : 太空人說所有球隊都幹時 怎麼其他隊的球迷就不信 01/08 21:05
ckb91 : https://i.imgur.com/EugGyQT.jpg 題外話 臉書看到 01/08 21:15
ckb91 : 這個直接笑出來 01/08 21:15
hydreigon : 連版主都那種水準的話很難期待整個版風氣會好啦 01/08 21:57
ganhua : 笑死XDD 01/08 22:39
nomo1616 : 總版就版主和襪迷一起黑我們啊,有夠噁心的 01/08 23:25
Movice : 簽下Nick Tropeano 01/09 05:59
chen5512 : 總板檢舉基黑違反板規沒事,板主表示我覺得還好,問 01/09 08:18
chen5512 : 題是違反的是板規舉例的用詞 01/09 08:19
timmmm78 : 小聯盟約簽了Iannetta 預備用替補C 01/10 02:53
Matthew10244: 有趣 Iannetta是繼去年DJ後再簽下來的科羅拉多人 01/10 03:28
benrun : 是說之前是不是剛好也想用來Jon Gray XD 01/10 16:09
youngluke : Urshela今年2.475M 01/11 04:01
youngluke : 374 5M 01/11 05:54
es9114ian : Paxton 12.5M 01/11 06:26
youngluke : Arb全簽了 01/11 07:02
pyrogen : 法官? 01/11 07:09
appshjkli : 8.5 01/11 07:10
pyrogen : 法官 8.5M, 第一年就這麼高 01/11 07:11
Sechslee : 讚喔 不囉嗦 01/11 10:37
youngluke : Montgomery 0.75M Cessa 0.895 綠1.275 Holder 0.75 01/11 10:51
youngluke : kanhle 2.65 01/11 10:51