看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
News: Yankees acquiring right-handed outfielder Tim Locastro from the Diamondb acks for AA pitcher Keegan Curtis. Adds speed and a center field defensive opt ion to the Yankees' roster. https://twitter.com/lindseyadler/status/1410631718663557126 用2A投手Keegan Curtis換來Tim Locastro補強速度和外野 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1625156074.A.F0B.html
appshjkli : 腿哥+CF防守 打擊很爛 07/02 00:24
jeter0612 : speed99 07/02 00:31
beek : Curtis在二A經常出賽說 07/02 00:40
QOO9142 : 過水一次又回來了= = 07/02 00:42
beek : 今晚延賽了 07/02 00:54
dieshort : 這隻比起wade不知如何? 07/02 01:07
AHEAD099 : 福袋抽上癮了是不是 07/02 02:59
ckb91 : The Yankees have acquired OF Aldenis Sanchez f 07/02 06:25
ckb91 : rom the Tampa Bay Rays as the player to be nam 07/02 06:25
ckb91 : ed later in the 6/17/21 trade in which the Yan 07/02 06:25
ckb91 : kees also acquired cash considerations in exch 07/02 06:25
ckb91 : ange for INF Mike Ford. 07/02 06:25
jetergood : 之前不是才簽個腿哥Allen.現在又找腿哥?是缺棒子啊! 07/02 07:39
vakaTNT : 看這名字一開始以為是看到林盲腸 07/02 12:04
j07242054 : 還記得看過foolish BB 介紹他 07/02 12:39
nangaluchen : 也只能找這種啊 要找炮管 洋基一堆啊 07/02 12:56
ypw : 老闆看到GIDP太多要開始玩速度野球跟小球了嗎? 07/02 13:02
grizz233 : 還不錯 戰術可以多一個速度型的 07/02 18:06
winds20151 : 開福袋啦~ 07/03 00:49