看板 Nationals 關於我們 聯絡資訊
3. Lucas Giolito, RHP, Washington Nationals Last year was a good one for the Giolito clan. Showtime announced a Twin Peaks revival (Lucas’ uncle co-created it with David Lynch, and his grandfather played Dr. Will Heyward, the remarkably normal town coroner), and the youngest Giolito made it all the way to Double-A, striking out better than a batter per inning and flashing true top-of-the-scouting-scale stuff along the way. He is now more than three years removed from the UCL tear that kept him from going first overall in the 2012 draft, and with an invitation to Nationals spring training already secured, Giolito may soon be on the hunt for some cherry pie and a damn fine cup of coffee in the nation’s capital. 13. Trea Turner, SS, Washington Nationals In a scene that Tom Stoppard probably left on the cutting-room floor, Turner spet the first half of 2015 playing for an organization that had already traded him. Everyone knew this; most just nodded along politely and hoped he didn't twist an ankle. He didn't, and even got a new rule named after him.(Draftees can now be traded after the World Series rather than their teams having to wait a year to move them. See Dansby Swanson's inclusion in the Shelby Miller trade this offseason for an example.)Despite his high overall ranking,Turner could get overlooked on a list this deep in shortstop talent. He is a very good runner, but doesn't have Ozhaino Albies' or Jorge Mateo’s gaudy stolen-base totals. He is a solid defender, but isn't a potential Gold Glover like Orlando Arcia or Raul Mondesi. And he can hit, but the offensive profile isn't as tantalizing as J.P. Crawford's. Unlike those five names, Turner is already a major leaguer. The Nationals brought in Stephen Drew to provide a little competition, but Turner should reach his rightful place before too long. 29. Victor Robles, OF, Washington Nationals All prospect rankings involve a certain amount of dreaming, but if you are going to dream, find a player on whom you can dream big. Robles offers some of the most vivid, 35mm Eastmancolor dreams in the minors right now.The 18-year-old raked in the New York–Penn League last summer, forcing scouts to re-evaluate their expectations. The performance alone would be noteworthy in a league filled with experienced college arms, but Robles pencils in three future 70-grade tools (hit, run, arm) on the scouting sheet as well. He is a long way from the majors, but he has an impact profile both in center field and at the plate. 75. Reynaldo Lopez, RHP, Washington Nationals A pop-up prospect in the New York–Penn League in 2014, Lopez proved more hittable over a full season at High-A last year. At its best his fastball sits in the high 90s and hops to the arm side in the nick of time. Physical gains also had his curveball snapping harder and avoiding more bats for Potomac. He struggles at times to repeat a delivery that can get overwhelmed by his top-shelf arm speed, but the cadence and raw material for a solid command profile are present. The Nationals have built his workload cautiously, and figure to polish him at Double-A this spring. -- やっ..........!!!!!!止めろペイモンこの野郎~~~~~~っ 地獄でいきなり聖書なんえ 読み上げやがってえ~~~~~~~~~っ!!殺すえおっ!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Nationals/M.1453811772.A.1ED.html
vg175: 好快!還以為各隊Top10都出玩了才會給Top101 感恩推 01/27 08:29
JustinIdiot: 還沒正式公布 這是偷跑版吧XD… 01/27 09:03
JustinIdiot: 不過雖然很多家都已經給你們Robles頗高的評價 但BP這 01/27 09:07
JustinIdiot: 個真的有點高了…不要寵壞一個還沒上過A的新秀阿XD 01/27 09:07
Zamned: 往年BP比較保守,今年就不清楚了 01/27 11:39
Zamned: 剛剛發現BP 101與BP光芒TOP 10的排法有些微出入,這些人可 01/27 11:40
Zamned: 不可以不要鬧內訌啊 01/27 11:40
Zamned: 條子入選5支 01/27 11:43
Zamned: 5 Mazara,8 Gallo,15 Brinson 01/27 11:44
Zamned: 59 Tate, 68 Ortiz 01/27 11:44
batmask: ARROYO入團....這是樂透簽嗎 01/27 11:45
JustinIdiot: 我已經看過全文了我知道^^ 01/27 11:49
JustinIdiot: 其實我覺得BA的排名通常比較保守 BP比較敢給 評分也 01/27 12:30
JustinIdiot: 比較實際 不過BP真的流失太多人才 補上來的如何還不 01/27 12:30
JustinIdiot: 確定如何 僅以條子來看 這排名是蠻中規中矩的啦 就是 01/27 12:30
JustinIdiot: 前三個怎麼排意見會不太一樣而已 我也不認為Mazara 01/27 12:30
JustinIdiot: 能排前五 但今年新秀強度確實比較弱 01/27 12:30
Zamned: BA我覺得是最歡樂的 BP是對自己愛得很敢給 其他反而保守 01/27 14:33
Zamned: 但這份BP101有點BA化 失去特色了 01/27 14:33
JustinIdiot: BA是分數很歡樂 但tool不夠好或風險大的通常會花更多 01/27 15:17
JustinIdiot: 時間觀察 升降幅度不至於太大 01/27 15:17
Zamned: BA就是喜歡TOOLS啊 給分很高然後暴跌 01/27 15:34
Zamned: BP被挖腳這麼多也是有點水準才會被挖 01/27 15:35
Zamned: BA最近有誰被挖得? 01/27 15:35
JustinIdiot: 對阿 BA就是太偏tools… 說真的 Sickels的雖然沒什 01/27 15:36
JustinIdiot: 麼特色 但他的排名個人認為反而是最公正的 01/27 15:36
JustinIdiot: 不知道 只知道FG那個被挖走之後今年超級慘… 01/27 15:37
Zamned: FG除了那個跑去斧頭幫的以外,它們的排名從來沒好過 01/27 15:38
Zamned: Sickels就截長補短集思廣益 他很願意聽觀眾的建議 01/27 15:39
Zamned: 但他就是只有一個人 它算是願意給有成績的選手好一點的評 01/27 15:40
Zamned: 價。但是我看今年排小熊的又不是這麼一回事 01/27 15:40
JustinIdiot: 說實在 也就只有那個那一年而已XD 01/27 15:40
JustinIdiot: 今年的條子都很晚 我還要等 01/27 15:41
Zamned: 條子的排名應該都很好 BA喜歡TOOLS BP目前看來也是如此 01/27 15:42
Zamned: 但是BP給球員的成長目標比較合理 01/27 15:42
Zamned: 簡單來說我還是偏愛BP一點 我想今年應該會買Keith Law吧 01/27 15:43
Zamned: 假設沒有美國鄉民提供海盜版的話 XD 01/27 15:43
JustinIdiot: 一直都沒有很喜歡Law說… 01/27 15:44
Zamned: 他就講話不好聽 買他的東西會有點不爽 01/27 15:45
Zamned: 但是真實情況比較貼近他的看法 01/27 15:46
Zamned: 但只要是他看上眼的 絕對是捧上天 01/27 15:47
Zamned: 這種球探網站都是重TOOLS 但是Keith Law覺得有某些致命缺 01/27 15:48
JustinIdiot: 可是他的偏好太明顯…真的長出來的又有多少… 01/27 15:48
Zamned: 陷的新秀 會被他貶得一文不值 01/27 15:48
Zamned: 問題是真正長出來的本來就不多啊.... 01/27 15:49
JustinIdiot: 我認為很多網站都低估了球隊的養成能力… 01/27 15:49
JustinIdiot: 不 應該說養成能力的影響…不過 這個也不好說就是 01/27 15:50
Zamned: 小聯盟來來去去 就算是教練也是如此 01/27 15:50
Zamned: 太難評估了 01/27 15:50
JustinIdiot: 但對FO至少會有某些信心吧… Law的問題就是一旦認定 01/27 15:59
JustinIdiot: 了某些事情就很難去改變 多多少少蒙蔽了他的雙眼 看 01/27 15:59
JustinIdiot: 重tools沒有錯 畢竟小聯盟成績很難採重 過去BP比較好 01/27 15:59
JustinIdiot: 的地方就是他們會注意一些特殊的數據 並非全然看tool 01/27 15:59
JustinIdiot: s 01/27 15:59
vg175: 看來看去我會覺得官網的就很棒了XD 描述都很樸實沒有一堆術 01/27 19:55
vg175: 語或過度誇張的描述 除了字小以外沒什麼問題 01/27 19:56
Zamned: Jim Callis就BA流啊 01/28 12:16
Zamned: BA系統的問題...我看過被BA評兩種plus球種的投手到大聯盟 01/28 12:20
Zamned: 連垃圾局數都不能消化的.... 01/28 12:20
Zamned: 如果BA一直覺得控球是早晚能練習的出來,太重視TOOLS那也 01/28 12:21
Zamned: 是看看就好 01/28 12:21
JustinIdiot: 而且官網的排名有時讓人感到無所適從… 01/28 15:36
vg175: 官網會不定期更新內容但不更新排名 所以有時候明明後面的各 01/29 08:01
vg175: 種看好但名次就是沒上去 看起來實在很詭異 01/29 08:01
vg175: 有人看361嗎? 雖然是個小站不過主筆很認真到處看比賽 這週 01/29 08:02
vg175: 也跑去南美看冬聯 我也很喜歡這個站寫的東西 01/29 08:02
JustinIdiot: 看過 但是不喜歡 說到底就是願意分享的業餘球探…某 01/29 08:32
JustinIdiot: 些觀點實在不能認同…那些專屬特地球隊的球探網站或 01/29 08:32
JustinIdiot: 許還好一些 像條子有Rangers411就還不錯 01/29 08:32
vg175: 可是361把Robles排第100名 可能是2016年百大榜單裡最冷靜的 01/29 19:31
vg175: 好笑的是Robles沒在他的隊中十大 卻出現在年度百大XD 01/29 19:31
JustinIdiot: 對阿 但Gallo在他眼裡連百大都沾不上= =所以我看完他 01/29 20:35
JustinIdiot: 的排名就…嗯… 01/29 20:35
Zamned: 我覺得真正準的是那種立志要當職業球探,很常看賽的人 01/29 20:37
Zamned: 他們看得比賽會比BA還多,他們可能會看到太多的新秀 01/29 20:38
Zamned: 但是只要能看到的 通常都會看很透 01/29 20:39
Zamned: ^不 01/29 20:39
Zamned: 在現場也能跟其他球探做交流(不過要嚴防其他球探練肖話) 01/29 20:40
Zamned: 某些網站是臥虎藏龍 上個月才發生趣事 01/29 20:40
Zamned: 某個人PO說他錄取小熊財務類FO的職務 想請大家給上工建議 01/29 20:41
Zamned: 結果跑出一群應徵沒上的怒噓 XD 01/29 20:42
vg175: 我如果看到只會覺得那根本是來炫燿的吧www 01/30 10:46
vg175: 361百大沒Gallo也沒Espinoza是真的蠻...不過我可以理解為什 01/30 10:46
vg175: 麼361會這樣排 361主筆自己是重度FB玩家 他自己認為他的讀 01/30 10:47
vg175: 者會因為他的排名影響dynasty league運作 所以像Gallo這樣 01/30 10:48
vg175: 只有很噁心的power但沒打擊率也沒盜壘能力的新秀在他的排名 01/30 10:49
vg175: 就不會太好看 Espinoza跟Robles這種則是太raw風險太高 01/30 10:49
vg175: 當然他的這種排法會有爭議 因為跟real baseball差距太大 01/30 10:50
JustinIdiot: Gallo其實是聰明的跑者 然後他退出的理由是因為認為G 01/30 11:52
JustinIdiot: allo的模板就是Russell Branyan... 01/30 11:52
JustinIdiot: 然後諷刺的是 他把Matt Olson排在第62名 01/30 13:43
vg175: 如果說Branyan是地板還多少講得過去 天花板就有點過分了XD 01/30 19:49
Zamned: 看看Mike Olt 01/30 20:34
Zamned: 這種全有全無型的打者風險太大了 01/30 20:40
JustinIdiot: 說真的 Gallo只要有個.200左右的打率 整季打個20-30H 01/31 00:28
JustinIdiot: R根本不是問題 他跟那些有大量swing-miss的球員最大 01/31 00:28
JustinIdiot: 的不同就是他的power grade不是65不是70 而是紮紮實 01/31 00:28
JustinIdiot: 實的80 01/31 00:28