看板 Nationals 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Physical/Health Superb athleticism, muscular frame for his size, he's fantastic condition, some projection remaining. Makeup Plays very hard when he’s on the diamond, makes some mistakes due to aggressiveness. MLB ETA Risk Factor OFP Realistic Role 2019 Moderate 70 60; First Division Player Tool Future Grade Hit 60 Plus bat speed; flashes plus bat control; quick to ball; ball jumps off bat; attacks pitches; can turn on high heat; see-ball, hit-ball type of player; doesn't get cheated; showed ability to keep weight back on breaking ball; flashed patience, but was often aggressive; approach should improve as he matures; projects to plus utility at maturity. Power 50 Above-average raw; considerable load and quick hands make for a powerful stroke; leverage and frame limits power tool; can still drive with above-average loft; premium doubles hitter; mid-teens game power a possibility. Speed 70 Clocked 4:07; outstanding burst; keeps plus-plus speed around bases; potential elite base stealer. Glove 70 Outstanding burst; elite athleticism allows for frequent flash plays; aggressive fielder, overshoots routes at times; should improve to elite levels as his feel matures. Arm 60 Plus arm strength; has considerable carry; maintains arm strength on the move. Overall Robles is a five-tool center fielder that can impact the game in a variety of ways. His electric stroke will play against plus major-league stuff and he has speed that will make pitchers stay awake at night. He has the potential to be a top-five defensive center fielder in the bigs if he can settle down his approach. This doesn’t even mention his sneaky-average game pop given his frame. Robles is a future multi-time all star and a player you can build your team around. -- やっ..........!!!!!!止めろペイモンこの野郎~~~~~~っ 地獄でいきなり聖書なんえ 読み上げやがってえ~~~~~~~~~っ!!殺すえおっ!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Nationals/M.1501329747.A.316.html
vg175: 2020年的前三棒可能是Turner Eaton Robles 跑到哭 07/29 20:20
s9527206: 推, 感謝分享! 07/29 21:07
batmask: 希望2020的第四棒是Harper XD 國民隊的第四棒 07/30 00:55
microSD: 腿弟戰隊 07/30 01:19
LastDinosaur: Ian Desmond 回來了 07/30 10:16
LastDinosaur: 痾…只是今天去落磯而已 拍謝拍謝 07/30 10:17
cc9i: 不知道今晚會不會有大交易 08/01 00:21
Scherzer31: 換到雙城今年進ASG的Kintzler 08/01 04:08
vg175: 一個喔,這樣喔的反應 然後農場又一隻左投消失了 08/01 04:20
cc9i: Tyler Watson 換到今年季後賽牛棚的保險 這很合理吧 08/01 04:35
cc1793: 看到隔壁棚這樣捕 心寒 08/01 04:55
vg175: 只是對光頭每年都在找左手牛然後一直把有希望養成左手牛的 08/01 06:25
vg175: 農作物送走感到不解 08/01 06:25