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https://reurl.cc/e5MYM Trade rumors fly, but their credibility questioned 交易謠言滿天飛,爆料可信度受質疑 With a single tweet, Mitch Lawrence set the Nets —and Thunder— fan bases aflame 因為一條造謠推文 Mitch Lawrence 惹怒了 籃網和雷霆球迷 As of Thursday morning, Lawrence, formerly the Daily News basketball columnist who now works for a variety of outlets, had not followed up and no other reporter, national or local, had confirmed it. There was no comment from the Nets. 到週四早上為止,勞倫斯(前每日新聞籃球專欄作家,現為業餘記者) 再沒有出來澄清過,也沒有其他記者出來證實。 而籃網對此也沒有出來發表任何評論。 Is the rumor credible? First of all, as reported, the proposal simply doesn’ t work under the CBA. Try working it through the ESPN Trade Machine. The Nets would have to send a LOT more to the Thunder to get it done. 首先要問的是 這則rumor可信度高嗎? 據報導,該rumor的交易提議 根本不適用於CBA規則。 嘗試透過ESPN Trade Machine來進行分析這則交易的可行性 。 得出"籃網必須向雷霆送出更多東西才能完成交易" 這個結論 。 這交易成了話籃網反而虧大了 本來要拿籤的 反而還要付出更多 明顯賠本生意 籃網又不是盤子 Jeremy Lin, who sat courtside at Wednesday’s Summer League game in Las Vegas, dismissed the speculation in talking with Brian Lewis. Lin told Lewis that Jim Tanner, his agent, had told him nothing was brewing. 而在周三夏聯比賽中坐在場邊的林書豪(Jeremy Lin) 接受Lewis採訪並駁斥了這則謠言。 林告訴劉易斯,他的經紀人吉姆坦納告訴他 什麼交易都沒有發生。nothing was brewing “I didn’t [get a call]. My agent called me just to clarify,” Lin said. “ But no, I don’t think there’s any. I don’t think that has any truth to it. ” “我沒有[接到說要交易的電話]。 而我的經紀人有打電話給我,但只是為了澄清,沒任何事發生“林這樣說。 “But no, 我不認為這則謠言有任何可信度。“ There’s no doubt that the Thunder are trying to get something back for Carmelo Anthony, who wants out. As of now, they have a huge luxury tax bill awaiting ownership, one of the NBA’s least rich, if they don’t. As of now, that tax bill would be $150 million, $60 million higher than what the Nets paid out in 2014. 毫無疑問,雷霆正試圖想要透過交易想要離開的melo來換到一些東西回來。 截至目前為止,他們將有一筆巨大的奢侈稅等著要繳, 雷霆老闆沒那麼有錢,如果他們不交易掉melo的話。 到目前為止,將有1.5億元奢侈稅要繳, 比籃網在2014年時所支付的奢侈稅金額要高出6,000萬元。 But aside from the trade not working under the CBA, there are other issues. Because of the Stepien Rule, OKC can’t trade any first round pick until 2021. They don’t have a second rounder either next year. And buying out Anthony at a rate similar to that of Dwight Howard’s payoff would leave the Nets with around $45 million in dead money. 但除了在CBA規則下這交易行不通,還有其他問題。 由於Stepien規則,OKC在2021年之前不能交易任何首輪選秀權。 而且明年他們也沒有任何二輪選秀權。 且以DH的買斷金額來推估 MELO的買斷金額, 將會給籃網留下大約4500萬元的死錢。 所以說上面某推文真的賣鬧啊 賣割見獵心喜 說什 "什麼NBA交易都有可能發生" 說什籃網為了要拿籤 更何況OKC連近年首輪籤都拿不出來了 還有MELO 約4500萬買斷金 來換首輪籤????? 真的賣鬧啊 真當比利金還在籃網嗎 Is it possible there have been talks? Sure. Sean Marks and Sam Presti are both former assistant GM’s in San Antonio and know a lot of the same people. But the Lawrence tweet, again absent any confirmation, doesn’t fly. 是否有可能進行談判? 當然。 Sean Marks和Sam Presti都是聖安東尼奧的前助理總經理,且彼此也有共同好友。 而勞倫斯的推特,之後再也沒有獲得任何證實,任何消息更新。 Of course, ironies would abound if anything remotely like this went down. The Nets would finally have Melo, Howard and Deron Williams on their payroll and Lin would be traded for a player who torpedoed his Knick career. 當然,如果像這種微乎其徵可能的事發生了,那真的就很諷刺了。 對於籃網最後為MELO,DH和Deron Williams的買斷 買單付出龐大買斷金 ,然後林跟一個當初破壞他Knick時期職業生涯的球員互換。 There are other rumors out there as well. Jordan Schultz of Yahoo Sports (but not Shams Charania) tweeted out that the Nets are among teams trying to engage the Celtics in a sign-and-trade for Marcus Smart. 另外同樣的還有其他謠言傳出。 雅虎體育(但不是Shams Charania)的 Jordan Schultz在推特中表示, 其中一些球隊包含籃網在內正試圖說服超賽先簽後換smart。 Sean Marks certainly met with Smart and his agent Happy Walters. Mike Scotto provided a photograph. But Danny Ainge reportedly reached out to Smart on Wednesday, at the very least to “touch base,” according to Mark Murphy who covers the Celtics for the Boston Herald and on Thursday, Ainge told reporters retaining Smart is the team’s highest priority. Sean Marks確定是有和Smart及他的經紀人Happy Walters見面過。 有被邁克斯科托在夏聯賭城被拍到見面照片。 這確定不是被設局嗎XDDDDD 但據報導,丹尼·安吉週三時有接觸過斯馬特 ,至少是有見到面了, 據馬克·墨菲報導,週四,安吉告訴記者,保留Smart是球隊最優先選項。 So there you have it: new rumors but are they credible? Doesn’t seem like it, but things change. So, all we can advise you to do is refresh, refresh, refresh. 所以,這樣你們就知道了 雖然有一些新的rumors傳出,但他們可信嗎? 看起來可信度不高,但事情會有所轉變的。 所以,我們現在能做的建議是 你現在所能做的 就是不斷刷新頁面,刷新,刷新...。 然後繼續等消息吧 結論 根據籃網在阿金和馬克斯來後,所有市場交易消息被提前爆料的消息多半都是謠言 而目前馬克斯有什操作都是偷偷來而大家從來都沒猜對過 也就是說現在爆的rumor 都不會成真。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Nets/M.1531452694.A.93D.html
danieltang: 謝謝翻譯 07/13 11:48
kuloda: 其實就是一個想帶風向的白癡記者,硬要帶帶不起來 07/13 11:49
danieltang: 結果書豪去老鷹?完全看不懂 07/13 12:13
jacky122819: 結果林還是被交易到老鷹了 07/13 12:14
gibbs1286: 白頭換半獸人,恭喜 07/13 12:14
stja: Q.Q 07/13 14:45