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卡拉老師展開下一段愛與光的旅程了 從未真正結束 也永遠重新開始 沉重的載具完結階段性任務 厚重的罩紗總結過渡性儀式 不曾離開過家 不曾被拋棄在路上 只是妳毅然決然走入太一的無限裡 勇敢地成為那照亮黑暗的光 http://soultw.com/TLOO/2015_0402.htm 心之戰士 2015年四月2日 作者:吉姆(Jim McCarty) ***紀念一位偉大的老師離開人間*** 照片:Carla準備進入出神狀態,與Ra通訊的實況 我的甜心走了。我最親愛的,心愛的卡拉(Carla Lisbeth Rueckert-McCarty)在美東時間 傍晚6:50進入更大的生命。我剛剛從午睡醒來,正在看著電視上的國家新聞;當時我注意 到她的眼睛睜開,似乎需要某個東西。我遞給她水,她兩次用手推開。然後她的臉上露出 一個全然驚奇的表情,喘氣三或四次,當我的雙臂抱著她之際,她離開了俗世的身體。她 的去世快速且平安。 就在幾個小時之前,她在高中最好的朋友來造訪,海倫(Helen D.)和她丈夫從佛蒙特州開 車過來最後一次看望卡拉。海倫使她微笑,他們談得很愉快,然後互道再見。 她在四月的第一天死去,我立即想到塔羅牌組的傻子(Fool),已經精通與平衡心智、身體 、靈性,在表面上沒有確切的立足點的情況下,下一步走出懸崖邊緣;但踏出接續的每一 步之後,堅實的立足點出現在每一步底下。 卡拉是一位心之戰士,無懼地鍾愛每一個來到她面前的靈魂。她看每一個人為一個靈魂, 不管外在的行為是怎樣,她愛著所有看見的人,以及從未見過的人。她擁有一種天賦:做 為母親、撫慰者、諮詢者、同伴;全是因為她有如此廣大的心胸,如此自由地取用愛,她 自然地透過心傳導愛。每一個來到她面前的機會,她都視為一個服務對方的良機。她對服 務他人途徑的奉獻是全面的;感謝她對我的教導,我們在一起超過33年了,現在我有了一 顆敞開的心,對他人和自己感到悲憫,那是在我認識卡拉之前所欠缺的東西。我不是個早 熟的學生,但她是一個堅持又有愛心的老師。在這33年來的每一天,她都與我同在,分享 她偉大的開放之心,我怎麼感謝她都不足夠。 我確定,現在卡拉已經和唐(Don)重聚,還有靈性世界中的其他靈性家人,在那兒,所有 實體和東西都被視為太一無限造物者的一部分;而行星地球則被視為一所學校,我們都在 此學習愛的無限變化。 她想要追思禮儀在她去世後幾個禮拜舉行,如此住在遠地的人們有時間規劃行程。當細節 確定之後,我們將張貼該禮儀的日期、時間、地點。 所以,現在讓我們歡慶這美妙的靈魂,以她無限的愛祝福我們每個人的生命,最終,她從 所有的痛苦解脫,成功地完成她在地球上的人生工作,返回她靈性的家鄉,繼續在那兒以 她的光與愛照耀我們這個搖晃的老世界。讓我們永遠記得:我們全都將再次、再次、再次 相會。   原文網址: http://www.bring4th.org/members.php?uid=72&catid=0 Published on April 2, 2015 7:51am. Published by Bring4th_Carla on April 2, 2015 7:51am. Category: General My Sweetie is gone. My dearest, darling Carla Lisbeth Rueckert-McCarty passed into larger life this evening at 6:50 pm EDT. I had just awakened from my afternoon nap and was watching the national news on television when I noticed that her eyes were open and she seemed to need something. I offered her water which she pushed away twice with her hands. Then she got a look of total surprise on her face, gasped three or four times, and left her earthly body as I held her in my arms. Her passing was peaceful and quick. Just a few hours earlier she had been visited by her best friend from high school, Helen D., who had driven down from Vermont with her husband to see Carla one last time. Helen made her smile and they had a good talk before they said their good-byes. She died on the first day of April, and immediately I thought of The Fool in the tarot deck who, having mastered and balanced mind, body, and spirit, walks off the cliff seemingly with no sure footing for the next step, but when successive steps are taken solid footing appears under each one. Carla was a warrior of the heart, fearlessly loving each soul that came before her. She saw everyone as a soul, no matter what the outer behavior, and she loved all she saw and those she never saw. She had a gift for being a mother, a comforter, a counselor, and a companion all because she had such a big heart and such free access to the Love that she naturally channeled through her heart. She looked at every opportunity that came her way as a chance to be of service to someone. Her dedication to the service-to-others path was total, and it was thanks to her teachings to me, over the 33 years that we were together, that I now have an open heart that feels compassion for others and for myself that I lacked before I knew Carla. I was not a precocious student. But she was a persistent and loving teacher, and I can never thank her enough for being with me and sharing her great open heart with me every single day of these 33 years. I am sure by now that Carla has reunited with Don and the rest of our spirit family in the world of the Spirit, where all things and entities are seen as portions of the One Infinite Creator and planet Earth is seen as a school where we learn the infinite variations of Love. She wanted her memorial service to be held a couple of weeks after her passing so that people who live a distance away could have the time to make plans to attend. We will post the date, time, and location of the service when those details are set. So now let us rejoice that this wonderful soul, who blessed each of our lives with her infinite love, is finally free of all pain, having successfully completed her life's work on Earth, and has returned to her spiritual home, there to continue to shine her light and love upon our wobbly old world. And let us remember always that we all shall meet again, and again, and again. -- http://pilikang.pixnet.net/blog 胡愛晏 做妳所熱愛的事情,然後讓別人為此付錢給妳。                   丹。米爾曼<生命如此富有>p.83 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NewAge/M.1428065155.A.651.html
jojolovetata: 幾歲? 04/03 21:23
helriun: !!!! 當初是看她傳Q'uo入門的 qq 04/05 00:02
Engler: 祝福卡拉老師 04/05 00:58