看板 Oversea_Job 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我收過以為敷衍 結果回信說沒問題我可以等新缺開 結果兩個月後新缺開 我人在臺灣對方依舊寫email聯絡我 然後馬上國際電話確認 回澳洲後完成手續 所以如果真的想要這公司 這種信回信要積極爭取 我過程甚至跟對方再強調動機 表達我很想要這offer 儘管當時身邊ㄧ堆人說這是敷衍信 看你囉 ※ 引述《AgoodGuyOrz (我是好人 編號9527)》之銘言: : 各位大大 : 小弟目前人在美國 最近在找新的機會準備跳槽 : 一個月前面了一家蠻心儀的公司 關於RF設計的 : 結果今天收到拒信QQ 以下是內容: : Good Afternoon XXXXXXX, : I just wanted to check in with you regarding the Senior Hardware RF Design : Engineer position you interviewed for. Unfortunately, the hiring manager : decided to go with a different candidate at this time. However, Robert was : very pleased with your experience and your outstanding potential. He is : interested in considering you for a future role as one of our System Design : Engineers with the team. The position is not officially available as of now, : but we are anticipating a need after the start of the new year. Is this : something you would be interested in? We would like to remain in contact : to be sure you are at the top of our list when that position becomes approve d! : Let us know your thoughts on that. : Again, we want to thank you for your time and your interest in our company. : We hope to stay connected for any future opportunities that may arise! : Have a great weekend. : Sincerely, : XXXXXXXXX : Recruiting Coordinator : Human Resources : XXXXXXXXXX Inc. : 看了內容 感覺就是一般官腔的回信 : 而且HR提到的新職缺 小弟其實不是那麼感興趣 畢竟拒了都拒了 有點像安慰獎一樣 : 不知道各位有經驗的大大 有沒有什麼建議關於處理拒信這方面的 : 畢竟直接無視不回 有點怕被對方列入黑名單Orz : 先謝謝大家了! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Oversea_Job/M.1512554970.A.CA9.html
xiaofen: 我贊成你的想法 很可能這家公司你當初是排名第二的候選人 12/08 14:51
xiaofen: HR或主管未來有其他單位缺 或新缺時 就會想到你能力很好 12/08 14:51
xiaofen: 又積極 那為什麼不現成聯絡這個已經面試過且優秀的競爭 12/08 14:51
xiaofen: 者? 12/08 14:51
xiaofen: 這種事當你要跨級打怪 但等級是小升一級並非程度能力差 12/08 14:52
xiaofen: 太多公司時 非常好用 12/08 14:52