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[北美] (代po)南亞塑膠美國南卡廠徵才(Lake City, SC) Job Opening 1: Project Engineer Job Description: 1. Supervise contractors and monitor project cost and quality. 2. Responsible for managing overall manufacturing activities. 3. Assist with the development of production schedules, purchasing requirements, and support manufacturing and engineering programs and projects. 4. Maintain project schedule by monitoring project progress; coordinating activities; resolving problems. 5. Control project plan by reviewing design, specifications, and plan and schedule changes; recommending actions. 6. Prepare project status reports by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing information and trends; recommending actions. 7. Provide support for higher members of management. Qualifications: 1. Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering 2. Proficient in English and Mandarin 3. Strong communication and multi-tasking skills 4. Solid Works or AutoCAD experience is preferred 5. Demonstrate initiative and problem solving skills 6. Must be authorized to work in the United States (OPT, H1B, Permanent Resident, or US Citizens) Work Location: Lake City, SC How to apply: Please email resume and transcript to [email protected] by April 30th, 2019 ____________________________________________________________________________ Job Opening 2: Quality Control Engineer Job Description: 1. Supervise Assistant Supervisors and operators to ensure that the day-to-day work of the section is completed. 2. Lead a team toward the production and improvement of manufacturing systems. 3. Develop, apply and maintain quality requirements and standards for development and manufacturing products. 4. Promote and execute quality standards, inspection processes, test methodology, quality plans, documents and reports. 5. Analyze data by completing hypothesis, normal distribution, and process capability analysis tests 6. Establish program to evaluate precision and accuracy of production equipment and testing, measurement, and analytical equipment and facilities. 7. Direct operators engaged in measuring and testing product and tabulating data concerning materials, product, or process quality and reliability. 8. May compile, write and deliver training material on quality standards and activities 9. Provide support for higher members of management. Qualifications: 1. Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Material Science, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or Textile Engineering 2. Proficient in English and Mandarin 3. Professional knowledge of chemical principles and theories in evaluating, analyzing and completing scientific investigations 4. Strong communication and leadership skills 5. Demonstrate initiative and problem solving skills 6. Must be authorized to work in the United States (OPT, H1B, Permanent Resident, or US Citizens) Work Location: Lake City, SC How to apply: Please email resume and transcript to [email protected] by April 30th, 2019 We offer competitive salary and benefits including company paid Medical/Dental, 401K match, pension, paid vacation and holidays. ____________________________________________________________________________ 以下大致介紹一下南亞美國南卡廠 員工約九百人 台灣人大概快50個 其他都是美國人 這裡的職位分為: 協理(AVP)->廠長/處長(Director)->課長(Manager)->主辦/工程師(Supervisor)->操 作員(Operator) 食: 公司有員工餐廳 請一個廣州的師傅做飯 兩菜一肉一主食 湯 /水果/甜點(紅茶, 紅豆/綠豆湯/珍珠奶茶......) 單點一次$4 meal plan $65/month (weekday) 晚餐如果需要 可以訂便當$55/ month (weekday) 住: 有員工宿舍 離工廠大概10分鐘的車程 價錢依公寓大小而定 一個人住兩房一廳Apartment $410/month (稅前) 含水, 不含電/網路/cable/家具 只是地點鄉下 比較沒有城市生活方便 鄰近的觀光景點Myrtle Beach, Charleston 約一個半小時車程 公司會幫忙辦工作簽證 也不用簽約綁住自己 不管將來是想繼續留在美國或是想學經驗, 都是一個不錯的開始 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Oversea_Job/M.1552455674.A.FFC.html