看板 Oversea_Job 關於我們 聯絡資訊
各位PTT版友大家好, 以下是幫一個朋友問的問題,對方有一個英國工作的Offer,是臺灣公民,但在申請工作 簽前的pre-employment checks,對方單位給的回應如下,想請問這個機會是否能有迴轉 的機會呢? 謝謝。 ------ Good Morning Thank you for your email. As this candidate is not a UK, EEA, nor commonwealth national, unfortunately she is not eligible to work for Civil Service for not meeting the requirements of the Civil Service Nationality Rules (Section 1.1). Section 1.1 In general, only nationals from the following countries (and associations of countries) are eligible for employment in the Civil Service: the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, the Commonwealth, the EEA, Switzerland and Turkey. Certain family members of EEA, Swiss and Turkish nationals are also eligible regardless of their nationality. The Guidance contains detailed provisions on determining eligibility on the grounds of nationality. However, there is an exceptional case if the candidate has triggered freedom of movement rights under the European Community law (Note 2 under section 1.5) Note 2: Exceptionally, the family members of a UK national who do not themselves meet the Nationality Rules may be eligible to join the Civil Service if the UK national has triggered his or her freedom of movement rights under European Community law (normally by working elsewhere in the EEA for a period). Where a department or agency thinks that an individual may be eligible on these grounds, the Cabinet Office must be consulted in the first instance. -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Oversea_Job/M.1569885329.A.8B6.html
wensday: 所以是英文讀不懂? 10/01 09:15
Assassin0306: 法律硬性的規定怎麼會有通融空間,何況公務員職位 10/01 10:49
poisonB: 這不是寫得很清楚了嗎 10/01 11:33
clubsir: 沒有迴轉的機會,那可是英國法律 10/01 16:24
mm5566t: 第一段就跟你說 不符合了 gg 10/01 18:52
cha122977: 好奇面試前沒有確認身份嗎? 10/01 21:24
f82545672: 不是公民無法任職Civil Service相關工作~ 10/01 21:37
brian6212: 不是寫的很清楚了嗎...去抽個打工度假簽再來申請工作吧 10/01 22:50
featheryuu: 跟中央政府機構相關的工作 如果不是規定的國籍(英國 10/02 06:00
featheryuu: 本地、歐盟及英聯邦等)是無法進去的,你貼的內文也 10/02 06:00
featheryuu: 很清楚說明 10/02 06:00
featheryuu: 樓上 這是國籍問題 跟你拿到打工度假簽證還是無法在 10/02 06:01
featheryuu: 中央政府機構工作 10/02 06:01
lane34: 面試時對方沒確認規定跟國籍也是蠻瞎的 這一開始就不可能 10/02 16:16
sunshine1314: 在很多地方看到這篇文,樓主,你就醒醒吧,跟你朋 10/05 07:38
sunshine1314: 友說找下一份工作比較快,進跟一堆公民工作的壓力 10/05 07:39
sunshine1314: 你有替他想過嗎? 能真的不需要為這個勞心費神... 10/05 07:40