看板 P2PSoftWare 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我是在國外網站上看到的, 只剩十幾個小時! M-Team TP (MTTP) is a CHINESE Private Torrent Tracker for HD MOVIES / TV / XXX M-Team Invitation Lottery is open now: Started on: 2017-02-25 00:00:00 Beijing time (GMT+8) Ending on: 2017-03-01 00:10:00 Beijing time (GMT+8) Invitation Lottery: 800 spots How to apply: Use email to apply (make sure it is a gmail address): https://tp.m-team.cc/preregistered.php You will receive an email confirmation with a query code. Then you wait! c.f. /r/OpenSignups/comments/5wdhku/mteam_tp_mttp_application/ https://opentrackers.org/m-team-tp/ /r/trackers/comments/5gl8u6/open_signups_thread/de97rwv/ -- -- ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/P2PSoftWare/M.1488278682.A.84D.html ※ 編輯: lnyan (, 02/28/2017 19:09:18
orangecrush : TTG好像也開邀了,可惜沒辦法用魔力值買邀請了 02/28 19:49
orangecrush : 原來TTG買邀請的地方移到積分商城裡面了 02/28 19:58
Jmoe : 求TTG邀請,有在MT等其他站,可以提供資料QQ 02/28 21:48
lnyan : 感恩各位以魔力買邀提拔後進的前輩們! 02/28 21:48