看板 P2PSoftWare 關於我們 聯絡資訊
AvistaZ is a tracker for Asian contents. Only media produced in South, Southeast, East Asian countries like Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Thai, India are allowed here. https://avistaz.to/ Torrents: 95,000+ Users: 101,000+ Cinemaz is a tracker for non-mainstream, less popular contents. It's a fairly large community for art house, foreign, obscure, and older/rarer content with both movies and TV episodes/seasons. https://cinemaz.to/ Torrents: 39,000+ Users: 24,000+ ExoticaZ is an Asian Porn private tracker for XXX releases. [NSFW] https://exoticaz.to/ Torrents: 69,000+ :) Users: 47,000+ AnimeZ, Anime Movies and TV Shows https://animez.to/ Torrents: 22,000+ Users: 12,000+ Sites will be open till end of 26-03-2023 (GMT) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/P2PSoftWare/M.1679692350.A.A3D.html
jangwei : 謝謝大佬提供寶貴資訊 03/26 03:16