看板 PACERS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Pritchard Eager to Start Dramatic Offseason Mark Montieth on May 01, 2019. Source: https://www.nba.com/pacers/news/pritchard-eager-start-dramatic-offseason Among other topics Pritchard and McMillan addressed: Pritchard和McMillan提到的其他話題: The Previous Season 本季回顧 Pritchard said he was proud of the team that earned a four-seed in the playoffs despite the loss of Oladipo for 46 games. 在賽季的後46場比賽溜馬失去了Oladipo,季末卻還是能維持在第四種子,Pritchard對於 球隊的表現引以為傲。 譯註:溜馬季末結算為第五種子,應為Pritchard口誤 "When you lose Victor, you not only lose a talent on the floor, Victor brings a presence," Pritchard said. "He hits the reset button every day and … that refreshing personality probably was what we missed most." 「當你失去了Victor,你不只是失去了球隊的重要天賦,還失去了他在場上所能帶來的存 在感。」Pritchard表示:「每天他總是能讓球隊重新啟動... 那種能讓球隊重整步伐的 個人特質是我們最懷念的。」 Oladipo's Return Oladipo的回歸 Pritchard said it's too soon to know when Oladipo — who suffered a ruptured quad tendon on Jan. 23 — will be able to play again, but is confident he will be 100 percent when he does. Pritchard表示現在要討論Oladipo什麼時候能回到場上還太早,但他有信心Ola能夠滿血 回歸。 "You have the surgery, and for about 12 or 13 weeks it's just about healing," Pritchard said. "Now it flips into the physical therapy part. He's just starting that therapy part. 「做完手術後光是復原就需要12到13週。」Pritchard:「現在剛進展到物理治療的部分 ,他才剛開始而已。」 "I had dinner with him on Sunday, and he made it perfectly clear to me he's going to be back and a be better player. When that is, I'm not sure. But it's coming along really nicely and he feels good about it. In Victor style, he has promised he'll come back at 200 to 300 percent of what he was. When you talk to him like that, how do you not believe him? It's so contagious, his personality. I remember leaving that dinner on Sunday thinking, 'Man, we're going to be really good next year.'" 「禮拜天的時候我和Ola一起吃了晚餐,他清楚明白地告訴我他會回來而且會變得更強。 儘管我不是很確定,不過復健目前進行的很好而Ola的感覺也很不錯。用Ola的方式來講的 話,他保證他回來的時候會變成之前的2、3倍強。當他跟你這麼說的時候,你要怎麼不相 信他?這是有感染力的,這就是他的人格特質。我記得那天的晚餐後我是這麼想的:『老 兄,我們明年會變得非常非常棒的。』」 Areas in Need of Improvement 需要改進的區塊 Pritchard referenced the Pacers' orientation toward defense in recent seasons and cited a need for more offense. Pritchard提了近幾季溜馬所著重的防守端之外,也點出了球隊目前需要更多的進攻性。 "You're seeing an offensive league and the rules are changing to give the offensive guy even more advantage," he said. "So, I think we've got to look at the offensive side of the ball. We've got to bring players that do one of two things, or both. We need some creation. We need a guy who can break down a defense. And shot-making is always going to be paramount, but it's more paramount than it's ever been before. When you have four or five guys out there with one or two who can create and other guys who can really shoot, it's almost impossible to stop a team. 「聯盟變得越來越偏向進攻端了,規則也給了對那些進攻型的球員更多的優勢。」 Pritchard:「所以,我想現在是我們需要關注進攻端的時候了。我們需要能夠創造進攻 (creation)、撕裂防線的球員。投射(shot-making)一直以來都非常重要,但現在它的重 要性甚至遠超以往。場上的四、五個人中只要有一兩位能夠創造進攻,而其他人都能進行 投射時,這樣就會是一支無人能擋的球隊。」 "When Victor played, he was that creator. When we signed Tyreke (Evans), we wanted him to be that creator. But you don't have to be a point guard or a two-guard to be a creator. Domas (Sabonis) creates a lot of offense for us. It doesn't have to be a certain position. 「當Ola在場上時,他就是這樣的進攻創造者(creator)。當我們簽下TE時,我們想要他成 為這樣的進攻創造者。但是並不一定要是控球後衛或是得分後衛才能扮演這樣的角色。 Doma也為我們創造了許多的進攻,所以這不一定要是某個特定的位置才能做到這件事。」 "We want to get faster. I really want to do a deep dive on the guys who create and...I love a great passing team. Passing is contagious and there were times this past year where the ball really moved — we had an unselfish team — but if we can get another passer or creator out there with Victor, I think that gives us a lot of opportunities." 「我們想要打得更快,我會多關注那些有辦法創造進攻的傢伙... 我喜歡一支注重傳導的 球隊。傳球是有感染力的,今年我們有許多次很棒的傳導 - 我們是一支無私的球隊,但 如果我們能夠有另一個傳導者或進攻創造者和Ola一起在場上,我想這會讓我們有更多機 會。」 The Pacers were one of the slower-paced teams last season, ranking 27th in average number of possessions. It's not an absolute asset — Atlanta, which did not make the playoffs, ranked first and Denver, which ranked 28th, is still playing — but McMillan would like to play faster. Oladipo's return obviously would help in that area. McMillan also wants to be able to shoot more 3-pointers. The Pacers ranked 29th in both makes and attempts last season. 溜馬在上一季是聯盟中pace較慢的球隊之一,平均球權下排行第27。儘管這並不是什麼絕 對的數據,亞特蘭大老鷹此項數據排行第一,但沒有季後賽打;丹佛金塊排行第28,現在 仍在季後賽的舞台上奮戰 - 但McMillan還是想讓球隊速度加快一些,預計在Ola回歸後會 對提速這件事有所幫助。另外教練也想讓球隊多投點三分球,上一季溜馬在三分線的出手 與進球都是聯盟倒數第二。 "I would like to see us get faster," McMillan said. "3-point shooting is a major part of NBA basketball. I would like to see us get more attempts." 「我想要看我們打得更快一些。」McMillan說:「三分投射現在是聯盟趨勢,我們該對此 多做嘗試。」 McMillan added that doing so will require both revised structure to the offense and different personnel. McMillan認為要做到這件事必須調整球隊架構以及需要不同的人手。 "The personnel allows you to play a style of basketball to create that," he said. "We're not going to run and gun. We're not going to jack up contested threes just for the sake of getting more attempts. Ball movement and pace can create those opportunities for you. That tempo, that pace that we're trying to be consistent at, we weren't consistent this year. Victor was the guy who established that tempo and pace." 「那種能夠讓你打出某種風格的籃球的人手。」McMillan說:「我們不是要打跑轟,沒有 必要趕時間硬幹一些三分就為了能增加出手數。球的轉移與跑動可以為你創造出這些機會 。我們想要在這一季貫徹的節奏與風格並沒有維持到最後,因為Ola是那個把握球隊節奏 的人。」 Domantas Sabonis' Future Domantas Sabonis的未來 Sabonis showed continued improvement last season, averaging 14.1 points on 59 percent shooting and a team-best 9.3 rebounds. He's eligible for an extension to his rookie contract in October, just as Myles Turner was last year. If an extension is not signed he becomes a restricted free agent and the Pacers can match any offer he receives. Sabonis在這一季展現了持續的進步,場均14.1分、59%的投籃命中率和全隊最佳的9.3顆 籃板。球隊有權利在今年十月和他談新秀合約的延長,就跟Myles Turner在去年簽的那份 一樣。如果沒有簽下延長合約的話,他將在季末成為RFA,而溜馬有權匹配他所收到的任 何報價。 "With Domas, in the exit meetings...he's just a nice guy, a really good human being," Pritchard said. "All indications are that he loves what we're building and he wants to be part of it. I think he wants a bigger role. I think we need to figure out how to get him a bigger role. He is a major force offensively. He can be a player who has a huge impact; not just as a sixth man but maybe as a starter. Pritchard:「Domas是個不錯的傢伙,目前所有的跡象都顯示他喜歡在這裡、熱愛我們所 打造的事物以及成為其中的一份子。我想他會想要扮演更重要的角色,我們會一起研究該 如何搞定這件事。他在進攻端上是個強大的助力;他可以成為那種擁有巨大影響力的球員 ,也許是先發球員而非僅僅是個第六人。」 "The one thing I know with Domas, he's going to make himself better this summer. He texted me last week, when can he start getting back in the gym and can we get one of the coaches to start working with him? His role will be bigger." 「Domas會在這個夏天讓自己變得更強。」在本週三舉行的季末會議上,Pritchard:「他 上週傳了訊息給我,問說他什麼時候可以回球館訓練還有能不能幫他找個教練幫他進行特 訓;他將會扮演更重要的角色。」 The Turner-Sabonis Conundrum Turner和Sabonis的難題 https://imgur.com/DPtGQy9 Sabonis' growth adds fuel to the argument that he and Turner should start together. Their pairing had a decidedly negative statistical impact on games in the 2017-18 season, but a positive influence this past season when they played together for longer stretches of time. Sabonis的成長激化了他和Turner是否該一起先發的討論。在2017~2018的賽季中,他們的 場上搭配在數據面有明顯的負面影響;但是從上季開始加長了共同上場時間後,得到了正 面的數據回饋。 For Sabonis to get more than the 24.8 minutes he averaged last season, he likely would have to start with Turner. 要讓Sabonis得到超過本季場均24.8分鐘的上場時間的話,很有可能他必須與Turner一起 先發。 "They can play together," McMillan said. "You look at some of these teams in the playoffs, these teams are big. I think the game is going to turn and you're going to see more big forwards and centers playing together again, as opposed to the spread four that you've seen the last five or 10 years. 「他們可以一起上場。」McMillan表示:「你可以看一下季後賽的一些隊伍,他們場上也 擺了不少大個子。我想比賽正在轉變,你將會看到更多大個子的中前鋒在場上搭配,而非 最近5年、10年常看到的延展四號(spread four)。」 "They played a lot together this season and they were able to adapt to how teams were defending them when they were out there together." 「他們在這一季一起打了不少時間,而且他們有辦法一起應對那些針對他們的防守。」 Pritchard issued no command that they be used together more often, but believes it will work itself out if they continue to expand their skills. Pritchard並沒有強迫他們該要更常一起上場,不過他相信如果他們繼續擴展技能包,這 件事會自然地發生。 "I believe good players figure it out," he said. "Myles is getting to the point he's an elite defender and we have to use him more offensively. He said in his exit meeting he wants to be more of a two-way player. Sabonis' ceiling is really high offensively, but if he can become a better defender then I don't think there's any doubt they can play together, and play major minutes together. 「我相信優秀的球員會找到解答的。」Pritchard:「Turner已經成為了一位優秀的防守 者,而我們需要讓他在進攻上有更多表現;而Sabonis在進攻上有很高的天花板,如果他 可以成為更好的防守者,我想不到他們為什麼不能一起在場上合作的理由。」 "I don't want to pigeonhole myself into anything because of our flexibility. I want us to build a roster that's really good. In my mind I see those guys playing a lot of minutes together. But my job is to get the best talent and help Nate look at a team in a way he feels he can maximize its potential. And then I hand the team off, and I have ultimate trust in him and how he uses those players." 「我想對此保留一些彈性而不先把這件事情說死,我想讓我們打造優秀的輪值名單。在我 的想法上我認為他們會一起上場不少時間,但我的工作是找到最好的天賦並幫助Nate把球 隊調整成他認為能讓潛力最大化的方式。到時候我就會把球隊交出去,對於他如何使用球 員這件事情上給予最高的信任。」 Aaron Holiday's Role Aaron Holiday的角色定位 The rookie point guard averaged 5.9 points in 50 games last season and showed flashes of being a starter-quality player. McMillan said it's impossible to predict his role next season without knowing what point guards will be acquired or re-signed in the offseason, but he spoke optimistically of Holiday's future. 這位在上一季出賽了50場比賽的新秀控球後衛,場均能拿下5.9分,也展現了一些能夠成 為先發等級球員的潛力。McMillan表示現在不可能去預測小假日的角色定位,因為他不知 道這個休賽季會找誰進來或重簽誰,不過他對於Holiday的未來感到樂觀。 "I'm very comfortable with him," McMillan said. "He has a maturity about him...whenever he got the opportunity to play he played with confidence and did some good things for us. 「我很滿意他的表現。」McMillan:「他展現了不錯的成熟度... 當他有機會上場表現時 ,他總是帶著自信並且為球隊帶來幫助‧」 In the playoffs, I actually put him out there because I wanted to see us play faster. I think he has that capability to do that. I think he should be a rotational player next season and a guy who can play the one and the two. There are certainly areas he'll need to grow, but I like what he brings to the floor. He's a young kid who has a great deal of confidence. I think he can help us. Improving tempo, pace, 3-point shooting — he brings all that to the floor. He certainly should be in rotation next year." 「在季後賽時把他擺上場因為想讓球隊打得更快一些,我想他有能力做到這件事。他可以 打1號或2號位,我想下一季他會在球隊的輪替陣容內。他有需要成長的區塊,不過我喜歡 他在場上時能為球隊帶來的東西,加速節奏、三分投射等等。他是個有自信的小夥子,很 明顯他下一季該出現在我們的輪替陣容中。」 Also... 另外... Asked about his interest in re-signing Bojan Bogdanovic, who averaged 18 points last season and hit 42.5 percent of his 3-point shots, Pritchard said: "We would like to have extensive talks with Bojan. He's not restricted, so he's going to have interest (from other teams). We can feel that already. You can feel that at the trade deadline when people are talking about players. On July 1, I'm pretty sure I'll have a good conversation with Bojan." Pritchard被問到了是否有興趣續簽上一季拿下場均18分、42.5%三分命中率的Bojan Bogdanovic,他表示:「我們想要再跟他多談談。因為他並不是受限球員,所以他會有興 趣去看看其他球隊,我們已經感受到這點了。在交易大限前的討論時,我們也有同樣的感 覺。在7/1開市以後,我很確定會和Bojan有個良好的對話。」 McMillan praised second-year forward TJ Leaf's improvement. Leaf only averaged 3.9 points, but played well late in the season and scored 28 points in the final regular season game at Atlanta, when he got to start while most of the starters were rested. McMillan稱讚了二年級生前鋒TJ Leaf的進步。儘管Leaf整季的場均僅3.9分,但是在賽季 後半段有著不錯的表現。與亞特蘭大的例行賽中當大多數的先發球員輪休時,他先發拿下 了28分。 "I love TJ's feel for the game," McMillan said. "I think he's one of the best post players we have. He's patient down in the post, he rebounds the ball, he's long. The thing he needs to add his strength. 「我喜歡TJ對比賽的感受度。」McMillan說:「我想他是我們最好的禁區球員(post player)之一,他有高度、在禁區裡面打得有耐心並掌握籃板球。他該做的就是繼續加強 他的力量。」 "I think he can be a spread four." 「我想他可以發展成一個延伸四號。」 McMillan also said he withdrew from the USA Basketball coaching staff headed by Gregg Popovich because of conflicts with the Pacers schedule. The gold medal game in FIBA World Cup play will be played on Sept. 15. The Pacers open training camp the following week and will go to India for preseason games shortly after that. McMillan也提到因為行程與溜馬的時間表有所衝突,所以他辭退了由Gregg Popovich所領 軍的美國國家隊教練團。FIBA World Cup的金牌戰將會在9/15舉行,而溜馬的訓練營則會 在隔週開始舉行,並在之後前往印度打熱身賽。 "My first obligation is to the Pacers," McMillan said. McMillan:「溜馬是我的第一優先。」 譯註: 下篇的篇幅比想像中長,所以花了比較多時間。 查不到spread four的意思,所以把他當成stretch four(延伸四號)來翻了, 若有誤請版友協助指正。 另外,昨天是小沙生日,今天是Ola生日,祝他們生日快樂! https://imgur.com/UbkPlcz https://imgur.com/I54Sd66 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PACERS/M.1556975172.A.165.html
boginn: 推。期待下季 05/04 21:22
k960674: 和神米&荷佬生日差一天有異曲同工之妙 05/04 21:40
humbler: 推。目前消息是說DC Cojo TE都不會留 05/04 21:52
humbler: 小假日下季目標是爭取先發 或許真的有機會喔 05/04 21:53
bluesgzr: 推 感謝翻譯 05/04 22:19
bluesgzr: 如果DC cojo都不留的話那希望能簽到Kemba 小假日替補 05/04 22:20
andrew4383: 後場會不會太矮?目前趨勢,像公鹿七六,五長無敵 05/04 23:34
lens82801: 也只有公鹿76人長那樣啦,Ben Simmons這樣的奇行種不是 05/04 23:46
lens82801: 到處都有的 05/04 23:46
naeva: TJ的部分是說需要加強力量訓練 05/04 23:48
lens82801: 喔喔,The thing he needs (is) to add his strength 05/04 23:51
lens82801: 這樣的感覺嗎? 05/04 23:52
seventhree83: 不知到球隊會開什麼樣的合約給Bogdon 05/05 01:04
※ 編輯: lens82801 (, 05/05/2019 02:02:35
howard753: Bogdanovic這季的表現,應該會有一堆球隊搶著要 05/05 11:51
ThisIsNotKFC: Bog一定要簽,三分超準又能切入 05/05 16:47
Cameroon: 撥個蛋給長約很危險、給短約應該留不住 05/05 17:12
k960674: Bogey和Thad看起來都想留 但Bogey比較難 05/05 17:31
larson: Bog和Thad都是年過30,基本上今年的表現都已經到頂了,貿然 05/05 17:39
larson: 開大約或長約其實都不划算,有可能會先開個類似的價格,然後 05/05 17:39
larson: 觀望一下市場,畢竟如果要把Sabo放到先發,勢必得有個比BOG 05/05 17:40
larson: 防守範圍更廣的小前鋒來才比較保險 05/05 17:41
b89701221: 這也是個想法 找個體能好的3D 一千萬左右 四五號位給 05/07 09:49
b89701221: sabo leaf Turner吃 剩下錢去砸一號位球星 05/07 09:50
humbler: 比較想把錢拿來砸3號位球星 覺得控球前鋒是趨勢 05/07 12:39
lens82801: 3號位球星不太可能過來,次一級的選項就Tobi, Bogey 05/07 12:51
lens82801: 如果打算留雙塔,就以最大化雙塔的方向去補強比較好 05/07 12:53
b89701221: 應該這麼說吧 花大錢當然希望可以簽到KL KD JB 但現實 05/07 14:48
b89701221: 很難 我看比較有機會也就walker這個層級 05/07 14:49
kilmmy149: 我覺得尼克黑松很適合我們耶 野不貴 05/07 21:37
k960674: 命中率不敢恭維 打替補已經有Dougie了 05/07 22:10
k960674: McDermott拉上先發唯一的狀況就是我們簽到了Kemba Walker 05/07 22:12
larson: 黑松天賦是不差啦,有自主進攻能力,也有射程,但我看他打球 05/08 00:51
larson: 有種跩跩的自我感,當然他是會傳球的,但還是有種跟隊友們沒 05/08 00:52
larson: 太多聯繫的感覺,又跟Lance那種耍寶或過於黏球不一樣,黑松 05/08 00:53
larson: 感覺上就是有種流川楓的fu~ 05/08 00:54
humbler: 不知道各位對吉巴怎麼看?看到國外有人認為我們該追逐吉 05/08 08:31
humbler: 巴 05/08 08:31
b89701221: 如果開頂薪他願意來球隊一定開吧 05/08 10:29
lens82801: 他在76人待得不錯,會續約的可能性比較大 05/08 12:50
howard753: 他的求勝心很適合溜馬 05/08 14:39
larson: Jimmy Butler最適合的位置是SG 開頂薪合理,但他也29了 05/08 16:10
larson: 何況在76人他可以留得更久,拿得更多,除非76人不留他,但這 05/08 16:11
larson: 機會很小 05/08 16:11
seventhree83: S級球星應該是沒啥機會…… 05/08 17:37
howard753: 只能期待ola自己進化為S級了 05/09 00:55
howard753: 去搶DLO如何? 05/09 01:02
lens82801: Dlo是RFA,完全搶不動,而且籃網薪資空間比我們還空 05/09 01:08
howard753: 籃網吃了螃蟹最後一年的毒藥合約,不知道有我們沒有機 05/09 01:12
howard753: 會操作一波XD 05/09 01:12
k960674: 我都可以賭兩根雞雞DLo一定留了XD 05/09 01:14
humbler: 可是你最多只有一根雞雞(誤) 05/09 08:00
larson: DLo不是沒機會啦,前提是他們想去搶KI或Kemba+KD組巨頭 05/09 08:50
larson: 有了KI或Kemba,就沒必要留DLo了 05/09 08:50
larson: 但對溜馬目前講究紀律的球風(場內外都是)前陣子才有大麻 05/09 08:51
larson: 風波的DLo才是影響球隊是否要去追他的主因吧 05/09 08:51
larson: 要不是之前小牛把北卡獵鷹交易到國王,而且國王很可能會找 05/09 08:52
larson: 找Walton當總教練,不然個人覺得是可以嘗試換到Barnes補SF 05/09 08:54
larson: 的活動力缺口,不過目前看起來沒啥機會換到了 05/09 08:54
seventhree83: 好久沒看到Vogel的名字了 XD 05/09 10:34
larson: C's的休息室氣氛ing~ 同樣是出局,天分比較平庸的我們反而 05/09 20:14
larson: 很和諧耶~ 05/09 20:14
k960674: 好像Simon和KP還進休息室跟球員致意 當然和諧XD 05/09 21:17
andy78714: 我們最缺一號位可以創造進攻 找到射手 得分手的好球員! 05/09 22:11
andy78714: 受夠今年DC Cojo把射手晾在底角當隱形人了orz 05/09 22:11
b89701221: 期待不同 他們一直以為可以拿東冠 我們是看到ola受傷就 05/09 22:26
b89701221: 知道這季就這樣了 05/09 22:26
humbler: 青賽是奪冠陣容...第二輪被淘汰讓人很驚訝 05/09 23:23
humbler: 原本以為跟公鹿55波的 05/09 23:25
humbler: 只是覺得這季各隊讓鋒線球員控球的趨勢更明顯 05/09 23:26
humbler: 湖人 小牛 金塊 活塞 熱火 公鹿 暴龍 七六人 等 05/09 23:27
lens82801: 青賽休息室問題傳了整季了,輸球就大爆炸不意外 05/10 00:26
ilovekr: 隊版討論這個似乎怪怪,不知道青賽休息室的問題是不是真的 05/11 07:45
ilovekr: 但打到最後全線崩潰,KI真的要好好思考這個問題,為什麼 05/11 07:47
ilovekr: 會搞成這樣 05/11 07:47
seventhree83: TE:I feel like my time here for 05/11 09:14
seventhree83: this one year was a really good 05/11 09:14
seventhree83: experience for me. 05/11 09:14
seventhree83: 雖然是客套話,總之大家好聚好散 05/11 09:15
sliverstream: TE反而是季後賽打最好的一個,真不知道該怎評論XD 05/11 09:46
humbler: TE的價值在季後賽已經證明了 感謝TE 05/11 09:53
larson: @ilovekr,我會提到C's的問題主要是現在的我們跟去年的他們 05/11 09:56
larson: 有點像啦~都是主力傷退,然後綠葉團結起來打出意外的成績 05/11 09:57
larson: 不過比起C's或Lakers,我們至少沒有想交易AD的傳聞影響那麼 05/11 09:58
larson: 嚴重的風波 05/11 09:59
larson: TE真的很可惜啊~他是可以打的,但無法串聯或融入其他隊友 05/11 10:00
larson: 也還好當初我們只簽一年,這個暑假對雙方都有自由權去決定 05/11 10:00
howard753: 他們去年也才傷一個星海哥,哪來的綠葉團...... 05/11 12:14
howard753: 論陣容還是海放我們XD 05/11 12:14
k960674: KI表示: 05/11 13:06
k960674: 不過Horford真大腿 他在老鷹和賽爾提克只要穩定出賽 球 05/11 13:07
k960674: 隊戰績都很棒 05/11 13:07
humbler: 不知道18簽會不會向上交易換羅密歐 05/11 21:55
seventhree83: 攻喜Vogel重返NBA. 雖然是火坑…… 05/12 07:24
humbler: 恭喜我哥 05/12 09:13
ilovekr: 大城市的鎂光燈焦點配上管理層令人摸不著頭緒的打造方向 05/12 09:14
ilovekr: 真的是大火坑,直通18層地獄那種XD 05/12 09:15
ilovekr: @larson 我覺得我們跟青賽不完全相同,去年青賽不管什麼理 05/12 09:20
ilovekr: 由都還是拼到東冠才落馬,而我們是毫無意外的第一輪出局 05/12 09:22
ilovekr: 季賽在Ola受傷後我們只能算有hold住老本,並沒有像青賽 05/12 09:23
ilovekr: 那樣會有如果我們怎麼樣一定會更好的希望感,去年比較 05/12 09:25
ilovekr: 強烈,今年就.....老話一句不期不待 wiat and see 05/12 09:26
humbler: 只要Kidd不搞事,覺得我哥和kidd這組合還不錯 05/12 10:42
larson: 湖人那邊是要看球隊方向啦,如果是走穩紮穩打的養球員方針 05/12 12:01
larson: 就算了,但如果為了要趁LBJ的黃金期而像今年AD交易傳聞一樣 05/12 12:02
larson: 弄得人心惶惶,禪師自己下來帶結果我想也差不多 05/12 12:03
ggvvcc: 祝福Vogel了 希望他在湖人順利 05/12 17:43